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PSE Development (Personal social & emotional development Relationships: Special people in our lives Coping with losing special people Remembering special people In RE we will be investigating sacred texts: The importance of sacred texts How sacred texts inspire others
PSE Development • (Personal social & emotional development • Relationships: • Special people in our lives • Coping with losing special people • Remembering special people • In RE we will be investigating sacred texts: • The importance of sacred texts • How sacred texts inspire others • The language they use • What sacred texts have in common Physical Development We will be focusing our learning in these areas: Games – developing our striking and fielding games skills by learning how to work as part of a team when fielding, how to hold different bats and rackets and the appropriate stance when hitting a ball. Athletics – we will be developing our skills of running both for speed and endurance, throwing for accuracy and jumping for height. We will also continue to develop our swimming skills. • Knowledge & Understanding of the World • We will be studying the geography of Bradford on Avon: • Using mapping skills to locate Bradford on Avon and other major cities, seas and rivers in the UK • Investigating where rivers begin and end including the River Avon • Finding out about the physical and human features of Bradford On Avon • Developing our OS map reading and compass skills • Using our mapping skills during a field trip around Bradford on Avon • Investigating why tourists visit Bradford on Avon • Our science this term is a study of Sound, including: • Thinking about different ways to record our results • Designing fair tests • Investigating sounds in our environment • Thinking about how sound travels and how we hear • Investigating how to create low and high sounds • In ICT, we will be consolidating skills learnt in numeracy last term by following routes and giving directions using a floor and screen turtle • We will also link our ICT to our art work by creating Mondrian-style pictures and paintings of Bradford on Avon using an art package. • Communication, Literacy and Language • We will be focusing our literacy skills on: • Performance poetry • Word play, anagrams, spoonerisms etc. • Information texts and writing our own leaflets • Spelling investigations • Reading comprehensions • Learning • Developing lifelong learning skills is central to all that we do. This term we will be focusing on: • Encouraging the children to ask questions to further their learning • Continuing to develop skills of independent learning • Encouraging the children to attempt tasks using a step by step approach StarlingsTerm 5Summer 2012 • Mathematical development • We will be focusing on the following learning: • Multiplication tables • Place value including partitioning, ordering and rounding numbers • Negative numbers and an introduction to decimals • Developing our written methods for solving addition and subtraction problems including money • Handling data including interpreting and creating bar graphs and pictograms • Problem solving Creative Development We will be learning songs and rehearsing for our production of Noah . In art we will be investigating the use of colour and pattern in art by looking at the work of Clarice Cliffe, Renoir and Mondrian. We will be developing our skills of colour mixing and creating tones and tints. We will continue to develop our observational drawing skills by using view finders to draw buildings in Bradford on Avon and create collages using photographs.