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Created by: Evan Josephson, Paul Silvestro, Tommy Grant, Chris Molnar, David Flanders. Vietnamese Supplies and weaponry . Simonov. The Simonov was a semi automatic rifle used by the VC and NVA . It was supplied by the soviet union.
Created by: Evan Josephson, Paul Silvestro, Tommy Grant, Chris Molnar, David Flanders Vietnamese Supplies and weaponry
Simonov • The Simonov was a semi automatic rifle used by the VC and NVA . • It was supplied by the soviet union. • It was good for the north due to it is very easily accessible and cheap. • Paul
NVA uniform • The NVA uniform was cheap and not as modern as ours. • The uniform had been made up of a shirt, pants, boots, belt, hat/helmet, AK-47,ammo belts, rucksack and canteens. • Chris
VC Uniform • The VC uniforms were very standard . • Sometimes they didn’t have uniforms they just wore their everyday clothes. • Sometimes they even wore all black. • They had the same weapons as the NVA. • Chris
ZSU-23-4(Shilka) • This was a Soviet union made tank use by the North Vietnamese. • This model was made for anti-aircraft . • This tank was very good at taking down our helicopters. • This boost their morale's when they shot down one of our helicopters. • Paul
MiG-21 (Mikoyan-Gurevich) • The MiG-21 is a Russian made Fighter Jet . • Importance- It was a great weapon against the U.S. Jets and used to take down many American Planes. • They were used by North Vietnamese pilots. • It forced the United States to open the “Top Gun” program to get experienced pilots to fight the MiG’s in Vietnam. • It had a positive standing for NVA morale because it allowed them to have a bit of air superiority which is a very big deal in war. • By:Tommy
Mauser Karabiner 98k • The Mauser Kar98k is a German made rifle made during WWII. • Russians captured many of these rifles during WWII and refurbished them, and later gave to the NVA and Vietcong during the Vietnam War • It effected the troops because it gave them a very reliable and accurate bolt action rifle to use against the enemy. • By: Tommy
Rpg- rocket propelled Grenade • This was the main defense for the North Vietnamese against our tanks and helicopters. • This weapon when used correctly would take out one of our helicopters easily thus in turn raising their moral. • Evan
Aodai • -Ao Dai is a long Vietnamese dress that is worn by women all over Vietnam. The color used to show age. Young would wear pure white, and the elder would wear more soft pastel shades. Now a days everyone wears more vibrant colors, and it even got made a little shorter. Ao Dai’s are very common at events such as Weddings and Funnerals. • David
AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova) • The AK was the main weapon of the North Vietnamese. • Importance-it was supplied to them from the Soviet Union so it was very inexpensive and they had mass amounts of them. • The North Vietnamese were the main users of the AK but some South Vietnamese forces had them. • The AK did not have a huge effect but it did help them, it did not jam often and there was an abundance of them. If you needed ammo you could find it almost anywhere. Very simple to operate, and clean. • By Evan
Bicycles • -The bicycle’s importance in the Vietnam War was that it could carry a lot of items to the troops in bigger portions. • -The VC and the NVA would carry up to 400 lbs on bike threw the Ho Chi Minh Trail. • -It allowed the NVA to get the weapons and supplies faster then if people were carrying it on foot. Plus it was the only thing they had. • -They didn’t have much other technology to carry these supplies threw the woods so they resorted to bikes. • David