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Strategic Marketing Approach for Maximum Customer Satisfaction

Learn about market segmentation, product positioning, branding, and pricing strategies to maximize customer satisfaction and overall brand success. Develop effective marketing strategies aligned with your target audience for increased market coverage and brand differentiation.

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Strategic Marketing Approach for Maximum Customer Satisfaction

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  1. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Marketing systems and their targets Maximum customer satisfaction Maximum consume Maximum offer Maximum living standard What is your target ? Does it fit?

  2. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management How to develop a marketing strategy • Product - Targeting • Divide the market into segments • Identify the people you want to direct your marketing efforts towards • First issue to consider in marketing strategy • This ‘target group’ must coincide with the overall concept

  3. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Market segmentation • Geographic and regional segmentation • Demographic segmentation • Age • Sex • Income • Generation • Nationality • Social • Psychographic segmentation • Life style • Personality • Behavior-oriented segmentation • Reasons for buying • Expectations • Status • Regularity of use • Feelings

  4. Marketing-Mix of VISPAK Overall Market Marketing-Mix 1 Segment 1 Marketing-Mix 2 Segment 2 Marketing-Mix 3 Segment 3 VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Market coverage

  5. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Market segmentation General market segments of VISPAK according to____________________

  6. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Positioning products • Product - Attributes • Forms the basis of the positioning strategy • Represents attributes and benefits of the product • Product - Positioning • Message to target group • Captures message to imprint in minds of customers and • prospects • Describes product and how different from competition • Positioning statement tells customers why they should buy your product. • Sums up the product Brand

  7. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Differentiating from others General differences between VISPAK products and others; according to____________________

  8. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Positioning General positioning of VISPAK products according to_________________

  9. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The 4Ps of marketing Marketing Mix Channels Sites Stock Logistics Quality Extras Styling Branding Packaging Sizes Service Warranties Distribution (place) Product Market List price Terms of payment Price reductions Financing Personal sales Public Relations Advertising Price Promotion

  10. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Product Life Cycle

  11. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Product Life Cycle VSIPAK overall products according to_______________

  12. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management How to develop a marketing strategy: Pricing Marketing strategy Cost of product Price of competitors other external influences Customers’ felt value Economy, demand, competitors Low price High price

  13. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Pricing VSIPAK overall prices according to_______________ VSIPAK overall prices strategy

  14. Producer 1 Producer 1 Client 1 Client 1 Wholesaler Producer 2 Producer 2 Client 2 Client 2 Producer 3 Producer 3 Client 3 Client 3 VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Distribution systems

  15. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Distribution systems Producer User Producer Retailer User Producer Wholesaler Retailer User

  16. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Distribution systems VSIPAK distribution channels according to_______________

  17. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Distribution Systems VSIPAK main market partners according to_______________

  18. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management How to develop a marketing strategy: Branding • What is a brand? • Like a person: what the person’s image says about them is captured in the brand • A product's "position" is that one simple thing that first comes to mind • The "brand" is everything else. From appearance to reputation, to personality and values. Can add value / customers will pay for. • Understand the ‘As Is’ picture: how do customers view your brand? • Develop the ‘To Be’ picture: how would you like customers to view your brand?

  19. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Branding • What is a brand? • "A brand is a collection of perceptions in the mind of the consumer." • Why is it best? Well, first of all it is easy to remember, which is always useful! But it is also best because it works to remind us of some key points: • This definition makes it absolutely clear that a brand is very different from a • product or service. A brand is intangible and exists in the mind of the • consumer. • This definition helps us understand the idea of brand loyalty and the 'loyalty • ladder'. Different people have different perceptions of a product or service, • which places them at different points on the loyalty ladder. • This definition makes it clear how to build a brand. A brand is built not only • through effective communications or appealing logos. A brand is built • through the total experience that it offers.

  20. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management How to build your total brand Five steps to securing long-term revenue and business value: Learn how to maximize the value of your brand, and your business. This will give you a structured step-by-step approach to unlock the potential of your brand. You'll build a stronger brand, creating secure long-term income and increasing the value of your business... • How to better understand your brand, and the five ways it can create value for your customers (and other stakeholders). Discover the 'value exchange' that will build your brand and your business. • The six principles of brand management: use them as the basis for the 'principled decision making' that will help to ensure your success. • How to organize yourself for brand management success: your brand management, business and marketing objectives are all inter-related. Learn how to identify the scope of your brand management work, establish your team, and set your initial objectives.

  21. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management How to build your total brand 4. How to discover your current brand (and why that's important):learn how to structure your 'brand statement', how to identify and prioritize your stakeholders, gather and interpret the required information, and understand your current brand. 5.How to define your desired brand:discover the five characteristics of all strong brands. Use this understanding to evaluate your own thoughts, as you work through the tasks required to define your desired brand. 6. How to deliver your total brand experience: use the Building Brands tools to focus your brand management activity so that everything you say and do builds your brand. You'll be strengthening your position in the marketplace, securing revenue and increasing the value of your business. 7. How to keep your brand on track for success: learn how to prepare for the future, and how to ensure your ongoing success.

  22. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Boston matrix Dogs: These are products with a low share of a low growth market. These are the canine version of 'real turkeys!'. They do not generate cash for the company, they tend to absorb it. Get rid of these products. Cash Cows: These are products with a high share of a slow growth market. Cash Cows generate more than is invested in them. So keep them in your portfolio of products for the time being. Problem Children: These are products with a low share of a high growth market. They consume resources and generate little in return. They absorb most money as you attempt to increase market share. Stars: These are products that are in high growth markets with a relatively high share of that market. Stars tend to generate high amounts of income. Keep and build your stars.

  23. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management Boston matrix, according to_______________________________ Stars Problem children Market Growth Cash-cows Cash-cows Market Share

  24. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The extended product model At the heart of every strong brand is a product that supports the brand experience. Without this, nothing else will work. But too often we focus our attention on the physical product, when in reality there are many other aspects of the product to consider, all of which help shape the brand experience. The model below, adapted from work done by Professor Theodore Levitt, can help to highlight the many other aspects of the extended product:

  25. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The extended product model

  26. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The extended product model Use this framework (physical product, product identity and product features), and complete the extended product model for your own brand. It will highlight new opportunities and help you focus your brand building work. Ask yourself: Which elements of the extended product are most important to my brand? Which elements of the extended product can I most influence, in the work I do?

  27. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The 7S McKinsey model Most of us grew up learning about 'the 4Ps' of the marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion. And this model still works when the focus is on product marketing. However, to better represent the challenges of service marketing, McKinsey developed a new framework for analyzing and improving organizational effectiveness, the 7S model.

  28. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The 7S McKinsey model

  29. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The 7S McKinsey model Most of us grew up learning about 'the 4Ps' of the marketing mix: product, price, place, promotion. And this model still works when the focus is on product marketing. However most developed economies have moved on, with an ever-increasing focus on service businesses, and therefore service marketing. To better represent the challenges of service marketing, McKinsey developed a new framework for analyzing and improving organizational effectiveness, the 7S model:

  30. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The 7S McKinsey model The 3Ss across the top of the model are described as 'Hard Ss': Strategy: The direction and scope of the company over the long term. Structure: The basic organization of the company, its departments, reporting lines, areas of expertise, and responsibility (and how they inter-relate). Systems: Formal and informal procedures that govern everyday activity, covering everything from management information systems, through to the systems at the point of contact with the customer (retail systems, call centre systems, online systems, etc).

  31. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management The 7S McKinsey model The 4Ss across the bottom of the model are less tangible, more cultural in nature, and were termed 'Soft Ss' by McKinsey: Skills: The capabilities and competencies that exist within the company. What it does best. Shared values: The values and beliefs of the company. Ultimately they guide employees towards 'valued' behavior. Staff: The company's people resources and how they are developed, trained, and motivated. Style: The leadership approach of top management and the company's overall operating approach. In a marketing-led company they can be used to explore the extent to which the company is working coherently towards a distinctive and motivating place in the mind of consumer. Ask yourself: Are we effectively harnessing each part of our organization to build our brand and our business?

  32. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  33. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  34. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPKA product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  35. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  36. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  37. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  38. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  39. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  40. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  41. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPKA product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  42. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  43. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  44. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  45. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  46. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  47. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  48. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  49. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

  50. VISPAK Distribution and Brand Management VISPAK product specifications Target Group: ____________________________________________ Positioning: ____________________________________________ BCG: ____________________________________________ % of target sales reached:____________________________________________ Main market partners: ____________________________________________ PLC: ____________________________________________ Price Strategy: ____________________________________________

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