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Enrollment Management Vision, Ideas on Issues, Approach and Outlook

Enrollment Management Vision, Ideas on Issues, Approach and Outlook. Laura Stoll Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Enrollment Management Missouri University of Science and Technology August 28, 2011. Historical Review of Enrollment Management.

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Enrollment Management Vision, Ideas on Issues, Approach and Outlook

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  1. Enrollment Management Vision, Ideas on Issues, Approach and Outlook Laura Stoll Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Enrollment Management Missouri University of Science and Technology August 28, 2011

  2. Historical Review of Enrollment Management • Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890 established land-grant institutions making college education a more attainable goal. • The “Registrar” was introduced to coordinate all non-academic tasks. • Other administrative areas developed as the post WWII boom hit and subsided. • Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act in 1972 distributed aid to the student rather than the institution. • Competition for students and the need to coordinate the efforts of various offices brought about “Enrollment Management”. Schulz and Lucido – USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy, and Practice

  3. Historical Review of Enrollment Management • The websites of the Missouri S&T peer institutions show a diversity of organizational structure of Enrollment Management. • In general the offices include Admissions, Registrar, and Financial Assistance. Less frequently seen are Pre-College Programs, International Affairs, Marketing, New Student Programs, WLI, Communications, Technology Services, and Testing.

  4. Vision of Enrollment Management The strategic management of recruitment, enrollment, and retention activities that lead to a successful outcome for students seeking a higher education experience, while meeting the established goals and objectives of the University.

  5. Vision of Enrollment Management • Coordinate the functions of the various units within Enrollment Management. • Silo effect resulting in inefficiencies without Enrollment Management structure • Unit actions interrelated through an enterprise data system

  6. Major Issues to be Addressed in Enrollment Management - Recruitment • National decline among high school seniors interested in Engineering (ACT, Inc.) • Pre-college programs to increase interest in STEM • Diversify student body – increase minority enrollments, females students, and non-engineering • Decrease in the number of Missouri high school graduates (WICHE) • Identify emerging markets and move quickly to capture them – international and out-of-state

  7. Major Issues to be Addressed in Enrollment Management - Recruitment • Competition for students - Limited financial resources, scholarship cut-backs, and the continuing rise in the cost to attend college • Program awareness • Financial Aid leveraging • Private giving as source of scholarships • Return on investment / Outcomes • Continue to set the bar for process efficiency

  8. Major Issues to be Addressed in Enrollment Management - Retention • Preparedness of entering students • 74% of Missouri ACT-tested high school graduates in 2011 did not meet one or more readiness benchmark levels. (ACT College Readiness Report). • Identify students early and provide academic support programs • Coordination with other offices on campus – teamwork

  9. Major Issues to be Addressed in Enrollment Management - Retention • Impact of the economy – Retention rates at 2-year increasing while they are decreasing at 4-years schools. (ACT National Retention and Persistence to degree rates report). • Give the students value for their dollars – academic and student life • Emphasize return on investment • Keep the caring approach of our midsize campus

  10. Major Issues to be Addressed in Enrollment Management • Reliance on student fees to balance the campus budget • Stabilize enrollment, avoid large increases and decreases • Capacity issues – faculty, classrooms • Quality control – curriculum management, degree requirements, accreditation

  11. Major Issues to be Addressed in Enrollment Management • Resource drain of Federal, State, and University of Missouri System mandates • Access to Success, Complete College America, Financial Aid Regulations, Net Price Calculator, e-learning, and the Portal • Involvement in national professional organizations to help understand, implement, and comply

  12. Approach to Enrollment Management • The chief enrollment officer leading the division and assisting the campus in achieving the strategic enrollment goals • Networking with other universities and professional organizations to capture best practices • Interacting with our students, listening to them, assuring they are not impacted by barriers that will prevent the successful completion of their degree

  13. Approach to Enrollment Management • Investigate revenue sharing for the on-campus programs • Impacts on net revenue, beyond the discount rate • Making data driven decisions • Looking outward with recruitment, but also inward on campus for student retention and graduation

  14. Approach to Enrollment Management • Leadership • Assisting the units in the division with their operational goals. • Represent the interests of the division to the administration and the campus. • Emphasize teamwork and celebration of success. • Mentor and grow leaders.

  15. Outlook While the issues in Enrollment Management seem daunting, our campus has top ranked programs, exceptional students, and quality faculty and staff. Working together as a team, we have limitless capabilities.

  16. "It isn't the changes that do you in, it's the transitions. Change is not the same as transition. Change is situational: the new site, the new boss, the new team roles, the new policy. Transition is the psychological process people go through to come to terms with the new situation. Change is external, transition is internal" William Bridges from Managing Transitions

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