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SCAG 2003 Employment Estimates and Historical Trend

SCAG 2003 Employment Estimates and Distribution. SCAG Region Employment. Total employment = Wage

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SCAG 2003 Employment Estimates and Historical Trend

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Presentation Transcript

    1. SCAG 2003 Employment Estimates and Historical Trend Frank Wen Senior Economist Community Development Division Southern California Association of Governments

    2. SCAG 2003 Employment Estimates and Distribution

    3. SCAG Region Employment Total employment = Wage & Salary + Self-Employment Wage & salary employment EDD 2004 benchmark data Self-employment rate The share of self-employment to total employment Based on 2000 PUMS data 2003 SCAG region self-employment rate is 8.3% 2003 SCAG region total employment is 7.53 million

    4. County Employment Wage & salary employment EDD 2004 benchmark data Self-employment Rate SCAG calculated self-employment rate by county by industry, based on 2000 PUMS data

    5. Self-Employment Rate - by county/industry

    6. 2003 Total Employment

    7. City Employment County employment will be distributed to cities, based on small area data Small Area Database 2004 RTP: Dun & Bradstreet and InfoUSA Private database Two new small area database ES202, or the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) CTPP 2000 (Census Transportation Planning Package)

    8. ES202 (QCEW) Data ES202 data include wage and salaried employees based on quarterly tax reports submitted to EDD by California employers. The data will not be used as small area employment for this RTP due to 1 million jobs difference from EDD benchmark.

    9. CTPP 2000 CTPP is a Census survey intended to provide data to support transportation planning activities. CTPP part 2 provides employment data at both city and block group levels Based on large sample (1in 6 households) Issue: undercount Between 1990 and 2000, SCAG region employment was increased by 7% , but CTPP data show 1% reduction

    10. Next Step Employment distribution has implication on trip attractiveness, truck model, and housing CTPP will be used as basis to distribute employment to cities For long term purpose, staff will continue to evaluate ES202 data

    11. SCAG Employment Trend

    12. EDD March 2004 Benchmark California Employment Development Department (EDD) revises wage & salary employment estimates according to detailed tax records. Tax record data are used through March of previous year; therefore, the revision is referred to as the March Benchmark. On March 4, 2005, EDD released March 2004 Benchmark data

    15. BLS 2012 Employment Projection On February 2004, US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released job projections for 2002-2012. The share of SCAG employment to the U.S. is 5.24% for 2004 Based on 2004 RTP projection, 2010 SCAG employment is 5.34% of U.S. total

    17. Employment Growth by County

    24. Employment Growth by Industry

    32. Thank you

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