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Welcome to Podcasting!

Welcome to Podcasting!. Colin McAuley and Katina Papulkas ICT, e-Learning and Computer Studies. http://www.masternewmedia.org/images/podcasting_globe_with_headset_id108564_size420.jpg. Objectives. Gain knowledge and understanding about Podcasts through definitions and examples

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Welcome to Podcasting!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Podcasting! Colin McAuley and Katina Papulkas ICT, e-Learning and Computer Studies http://www.masternewmedia.org/images/podcasting_globe_with_headset_id108564_size420.jpg

  2. Objectives • Gain knowledge and understanding about Podcasts through definitions and examples • Create an MP3 file that can be turned into a podcast • Integrate podcasts and audio files into the research process and performance tasks

  3. Agenda • Introduction to Podcasting • The Software – Audacity • Lunch • Resources • Podcasting within the Research Process • Evaluation • Prizes!

  4. What is Podcasting? iPod + Broadcasting

  5. What is Podcasting? • The process of capturing an audio or video event, song, speech, video or mix of these media and then posting that digital object to a Web site Wikipedia

  6. CBC Podcasts

  7. Radio Willoweb http://www.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio/listen.html http://www.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio/

  8. Podcasts from the Portables http://www.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio/listen.html

  9. Willow Park P.S. Grade 3 http://www.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio/listen.html http://schools.tdsb.on.ca/willowparkjps/mackintosh.htm

  10. Oakridge P.S. Grade 6 http://www.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio/listen.html http://www.power4bones.com/gallery/

  11. Woburn Jr. P.S. www.accessola.com

  12. The Blog

  13. Connections to Curriculum • - Reader’s Theatre -News Bulletins • - Documentaries - Book Talks • - P. S. A.’s -Talk Shows • - Commercials - Science Logs • - Speech Arts - Art Critiques • - Radio Shows - Audio Walking Tours • Poetry - Historical Audio Diaries • Oral Histories - Interviews

  14. Extra Help for At-Risk Students • Record lessons for absent students, or those who might need to hear it again • Narrate a book for students with learning difficulties • Record lessons for ESL or FSL students

  15. Connections to Literacy Expectations • 1. demonstrate an understanding of a variety of media texts; • 2. identify some media forms and explain how the conventions and techniques associated with them are used to create meaning; • 3. create a variety of media texts for different purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques; • 4. reflect on and identify their strengths as media interpreters and creators, areas for improvement, and the strategies they found most helpful in understanding and creating media texts.

  16. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ • Audio Recorder/editor/mixer • Cross Platform • Free • Installation through Help Desk

  17. Lame MP3 Encoder

  18. Let’s Check out the Software!

  19. Time To Try it Out! • Record a poem, (Jack and Jill), into Audacity and try some of the different effects!

  20. Add Audio

  21. Sharing Podcasts • Classroom Gallery Walk • CD-ROM (700 MB) • Advantage: cheap, portable and is not reliant on bandwidth. • Disadvantage: cannot be updated . Any changes require the creation and distribution of a new CD. • Blog http://www. wordpress.com - $20.00 per year • TEL 8.3 • School website • Podomatic or other Podcasts host sites on the Internet

  22. First Word - Last Word • Read the article and in groups, use the strategy First Word - Last Word to discuss and share your thoughts

  23. Curriculum Connections with other Software

  24. Curriculum Connections with other Software

  25. Curriculum Connections with other Software

  26. Curriculum Connections with other Software

  27. Integrating Podcasting into the Research Process

  28. Steps to the ICT site • TDSBWeb • Services drop menu>>Program, Teaching, & Learning • Library Information Communication Technology Resources • Information Communication Technologies – ICT • ICT Workshops for Teachers

  29. Enjoy the Rest of the Summer! Colin McAuley@tel.tdsb.on.ca Katina.Papulkas@tel.tdsb.on.ca

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