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CISN: C alifornia I ntegrated S eismic N etwork

CISN: C alifornia I ntegrated S eismic N etwork. The Program Management Group (PMG): Tony Shakal – CGS David Oppenheimer – USGS Menlo Park Peggy Hellweg & Doug Neuhauser – UC Berkeley Egill Hauksson - Caltech Doug Given – USGS Pasadena. CISN Advisory Meeting Jan. 28, 2009.

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CISN: C alifornia I ntegrated S eismic N etwork

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CISN:California Integrated Seismic Network • The Program Management Group (PMG): • Tony Shakal –CGS • David Oppenheimer –USGS Menlo Park • Peggy Hellweg & Doug Neuhauser – UC Berkeley • Egill Hauksson - Caltech • Doug Given –USGS Pasadena CISN Advisory Meeting Jan. 28, 2009

  2. CISN Goals • Operate a reliable and robust statewide systemto record earthquake ground motions over the relevant range of frequencies and shaking levels • Rapidly distribute informationabout earthquakes after their occurrence for emergency response and public information • Create an easily accessible archiveof California earthquake data for engineering and seismological research, including waveform data and derived products • Develop new algorithmsfor analyzing earthquake data and creating new user products by applying the latest research and technological discoveries. (from Strategic Plan)

  3. Who is the CISN? • Core members • USGS (Pasadena & Menlo Park) • Caltech • UC Berkeley • Calif. Geological Survey (CSMIP) • Calif. Office of Emergency Services • Participating entities(real-time data contributors) • UC San Diego • UC Santa Barbara • University of Nevada Reno • Calif. Dept. of Water Resources • Lawrence Livermore National Labs • Lawrence Berkeley National Labs • PG&E • EarthScope - US Array/PBO • Calpine • CalElectric

  4. CISN is One of the 7 ANSS Regions Alaska PacificNorthwest Northeast Inter-MountainWest Mid-America California Hawaii

  5. CISN Statewide Monitoring

  6. New Broadband stations 2 USArray stations retained 5 Upgraded stations 6 Newly telemetered stations 6 Newly imported stations CalEnergy (EN) 8 PG&E (PG) 4 Stations: New & Upgraded(since our last meeting)

  7. Three Rotational Seismometers • Millikan Library (2) and Garner Valley • Eentec R-1 triaxial rotational velocity sensors • 0.05 – 20/50 Hz bandwidth • 50V per radian/sec • ~0.1 radian/sec clip Hector Mine aftershock Mw 5.1

  8. MHDP: Southern San Andreas Build-out • 20km spacing • BB, SM, GPS • 11 new sites • 6 upgraded sites • low data latency • on-site computer CI.SNO

  9. CISN Software SystemFY 2008 Accomplishments • Leap second compliance finished • All code in SVN repository • TRAC documentation begun • Reference system completed • Many improvements & bug fixes

  10. CISN Software Status FY 2008 Accomplishments • Northern California center • post processing done, real-time soon • Southern California center • In process of upgrade to leap-second version • Other ANSS regional networks • running at HVO • will be installed at UW and UU this year • CERI & LDEO this year or next

  11. Other Accomplishments • Continuing support of Earthquake Early Warning • Statewide ML calibration • Handled Alum Rock & Chino Hills (Mw 5.4s) • Helped NESMP converted 90 channel Factor Building Array to USGS operation • CIT hosted ANSS NetOps workshop • Participated in ShakeOut

  12. Other Developments • ANSS Network performance standards • NSMP free-field site adoption • ANSS Waveform Archive – RFP is open • Metadata Repository in Golden • Seismic equipment depot at ASL

  13. Last Year’s Action Items • Modify MOU to alloy chair 3rd term. – Done • PMG to document Japanese EEW spending. • $500M initial, $23M/yr + $120M upgrade/10yr • Document steps toward EEW • Draft EEW plan done • Address ShakeMap issues • Provide talking points for Dick McCarthy’s trip to Japan. - Done

  14. Hasta la vista, baby!

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