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For these notes, you will be regularly told to stop and write three key points. Then compare your notes with your classmates to see if there is anything you should add. When you are done, hand in your notes for your teacher to review.
For these notes, you will be regularly told to stop and write three key points Then compare your notes with your classmates to see if there is anything you should add. When you are done, hand in your notes for your teacher to review
Those who are willing to give up their liberty for security deserve neither Illiberalism How do we protect ourselves, and our liberal principals without becoming illiberal?
How do you balance individual rights and protecting society • Reasonable Accommodation: bike helmet laws, kirpan, hijab, minarets, banning burkas • Racial profiling • Hate crimes (punishing people for thoughts, not actions) • Dealing with terrorism – watch lists, restrictions at airports, wiretapping • Curfews
Canada’s war measures Act • Legislation created to deal with crisis situations in which the legislative process must be suspended • Martial law; habeas corpus • Historical use: • World Wars One and Two • Used to control the economy and media, conscript soldiers and put enemy aliens in internment camps (Banff, Raymond) • Japanese Canadians – racism, slave labor, conditions in the camps • apology (1988)
The FLQ Crisis • FLQ – separatist groups during the Quiet Revolution • Used terrorism to gain attention • Trudeau “Just watch me” • House of Commons agreed to the application of the War Measures Act to allow the government to: • Control the media • Implement martial law in some Quebec cities • Search homes and arrest people without a warrant Were these actions necessary? Are they illberal?
Emergency Legislation Today • WMA has been replaced with the Emergencies Act and the Anti-terrorism Act • The goal is to have limited suspension of rights specific to the situation • Some applications: • No-fly list (Maher Arar) • Level of security / arrests at G20 Issue: Guilty until proven innocent
Usa Patriot Act (9/11) • Post-9/11: emotionally charged atmosphere • Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001 Includes actions such as spying on domestic communication without a warrant and tracking purchases
Other issues • Guantanamo Bay – detainees, not prisoners • Omar Khadr • Obama’s attempts to close – military tribunals • Renditions, secret prisons • Effectiveness of torture (create terrorists) • Abu Grhaib, Canadian treatment of prisoners • Issues: international law (Geneva Conventions); reputation of “liberal” nations around the world (helps to support the rejection of liberalism by dictators)
Other Crisis Situations • Control of individuals during a pandemic – SARS • Censorship • South Park/Mohammed (other cartoons) • Banning Christian displays at public buildings • Books: Huck Finn, Mockingbird, Anarchist Cookbook, Mein Kampf • TV/Video Games – where do we draw the line? (FCC) • Immigration • Arizona law targeting Hispanics • Quebec law targeting Muslims • Dutch immigration test
Canada’s illiberal past (immigration) • Chinese Head Tax – needed cheap workers for the railways • “they’re stealing our jobs”; creation of Chinatowns = changing society • $200 tax to keep families separated (= husbands will go home) • Komogata Maru • Blocked the landing of a ship from India – undesirables • Only wanted immigrants from “favorable” nations • NINA
How do we create a liberal society that extols individual freedoms without imposing our values on others? Illiberalism: to be narrow-minded, to act in a way that goes against democratic values
Stop and write three key points Then compare your notes with your classmates to see if there is anything you should add. When you are done, hand in your notes for your teacher to review “The only thing I will not tolerate is intolerance”