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Malignant Tumours of the Anal Canal: Incidence, Predisposing Conditions, Pathological Types, Clinical Presentation, and

Anal canal malignant tumors, rare but with poor prognosis, have varied types like squamous cell, basaloid, and melanoma. Symptoms include bleeding, discharge, and mass; diagnosis through biopsy and treatment with chemo-radiation or surgical excision.

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Malignant Tumours of the Anal Canal: Incidence, Predisposing Conditions, Pathological Types, Clinical Presentation, and

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Malignant tumours of the anal canal

  2. Incidence • 2% of colorectal cancer (rare). • Uncommon tumour • Usually squamous cell carcinoma • It can occur at any age but common in old age

  3. Predisposing conditions 1-Anal condylomata caused by human papilloma virus 2- HIV infection 3- Anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN). 4-Crohn's disease

  4. Pathological types 1-Squamous cell carcinoma (30%): • In relation to perianal warts ,HIV or long standing fistula in ano. 2- Basaloid carcinoma • Cloacogenic carcinoma • Non keratinized squamous cell carcinoma 3- Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

  5. 4-Basal cell carcinoma 5- Melanoma • Very poor prognosis 6- Lymphoma 7- Kaposi tumour 8-Paget's disease

  6. Clinical picture • Symptoms: 1-Rectal bleeding 2-Mucous discharge 3-Tenesmus 4-Sensation of a lump in the anus 5-Mass in the inguinal region

  7. Signs • Rectal examination • Ulcer: hard ,tender and easily bleeds • The lesion may fungate to the perianal skin or may induce anal fistula

  8. Investigations 1-For diagnosis • Biopsy is essential 2- To search for metastasis 3-For the general fitness

  9. Treatment 1- At the anal verge • Local excision with 2.5 cm safety margin • -Inguinal lymph node block dissection if there is lymph node metastasis

  10. 2- At the anal canal • Chemo-radiation • combination of chemotherapy (5.FU+mitomycin) and radiotherapy (interstitial or intracavitary) • If inguinal lymph node is involved block inguinal lymph node dissection. • Curative or help in downstaging • Abdomino perineal excision in: 1- Tumour more than 5cm 2- Failed chemo-radiation

  11. 3- Advanced cancer may in need for defunctioning colostomy

  12. Thank you

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