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Mastering Latin Verb Derivatives for Expanded Vocabulary

Enhance your vocabulary by visualizing Latin verb derivatives. Learn meanings and origins, such as post (behind), medium (average), and more. Practice verbs like maneō and mitto for fluency. Explore how words like mansion and postpone are connected to Latin roots.

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Mastering Latin Verb Derivatives for Expanded Vocabulary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visualize Vocabulary Latin, English, Derivatives Using: Verbs

  2. maneo, -ere, mansi, mansus (2) manserunt (they) stayed (remainder, mansion)

  3. after behind post + Acc. preposition (postpone, post script)

  4. medius, -a, -um adjective media nox noun & adj. (medium, nocturnal)

  5. in animo habere verb phrase to intend (unanimous, magnanimous)

  6. licet nobis verb phrase we are allowed (license, nostrum)

  7. for a short time paulisper adverb (pause)

  8. Esto! All right!interjection (essence, presence)

  9. mitto, -ere, misi, missus (3) misisti you have sent (mission, transmission)

  10. volo, velle, volui, ---- (irreg.) voluimus you wanted (volunteer)

  11. Dum…devorant clause while ….were devouring (devour)

  12. miles, militis, m. noun soldier (military, militia)

  13. vir optime! noun/adj. sir (virile, optimum)

  14. optimus, -a, -um adj. (super.) best, very good (optimal, optimize)

  15. in hanc cauponamprep. phrase into this inn (cauponate, “to trade”)

  16. enim conj. for (------) numquam adv. never (------)

  17. antea adverb before (anterior, antiquity)

  18. dico, -ere, dixi, dictus to say, tell verb (3rd) (dictation, dictionary)

  19. narro, - are, -avi, -atus to tell (a story) verb (1st) (narrate, narration)

  20. narratus, -a, -um adj. told (narrate, narration)

  21. illam pro. that (famous) (-------)

  22. fabula, -ae, f. noun story (fable, affable)

  23. de + Abl. prep. about, concerning, down from (detention, delete)

  24. neco, -are, -avi, -atus to kill verb (1st) (necrology, necropolis)

  25. Ex. 20b ille = he pronoun (-----------) heri = yesterday adv. (heritage) postquam = after adv. (postpone) haec = these things, this pronoun fui = I was, have been irreg. verb (essence)

  26. Nota Bene Perfect Tense Formation Translation

  27. Aperite libros! pagina CLXV 4 PP Verbs FORMS

  28. doceo docere docui doctus

  29. rego regere rexi rectus Augustus

  30. munio munire munivi munitus

  31. V e r b s Principal Parts Principal Parts PresentInd., Pres. Infinitive, Perfect Ind.,Perf. Pass. Participle

  32. Present & Perfect necamus necavimus Pres. Inf. Perf. Part. neco necare necavi necatus

  33. Present & Perfect tenes tenuisti Pres. Inf. Perf. Part. teneo tenere tenui tentus

  34. Present & Perfect iubet iussit Pres. Inf. Perf. Part. iubeo iubere iussi iussus

  35. Present & Perfect custodimus custodivimus Pres. Inf. Perf. Part. custodio -ire -ivi -itus

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