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Good Morning

A Rigorous Strategic Planning Process - Defining the Strategic Planning Framework for Vietnamese Vocational Colleges - December 2012 Workshop, Vietnam Dr. Dan L. Shunk , Professor Industrial Engineering, Arizona State University. Good Morning. I am Dan dan.shunk@asu.edu. This Is Who I Am….

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Good Morning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A RigorousStrategic Planning Process- Defining the Strategic Planning Framework for VietnameseVocational Colleges -December 2012 Workshop, VietnamDr. Dan L. Shunk, ProfessorIndustrial Engineering, Arizona State University

  2. Good Morning I am Dan dan.shunk@asu.edu

  3. This Is Who I Am…

  4. Ethan James Arrived

  5. Desired Meeting Outcomes • Honor to be with you again • My Hopes for this meeting: • To listen and to prioritize topics • To provide examples of strategic plans • To provide a complete Strategic Planning Framework • To use “active learning” techniques • To leave with a plan that you can accept in supporting the creation of your personalized strategic plans.

  6. It Is Clear… • The Prime Minister has published an aggressive plan for Vietnam 2011-2020. • We enter a new strategic phase in the context of rapid changes and unexpected fluctuations. • New driving forces: • Expanding democracy in the economy • The Enterprise Law • Promoting privately-run economy • Stepping-up the SOE’s • Implementing administrative reforms Source: Vietnam Magazine, “PM highlights development strategy for 2011-2020”

  7. It Is Clear… • Tendencies • Leaping development of science and technology • Formation of the Knowledge-based economy • Environmentally-friendly technologies • Deeper globalization and connectivity Source: Vietnam Magazine, “PM highlights development strategy for 2011-2020”

  8. “Maximizing the human factor, considering the people the key resource and the target of development” “Strongly developing production forces with increasingly high scientific and technological levels” Source: Vietnam Magazine, “PM highlights development strategy for 2011-2020”

  9. General Goals • “Striving to turn our country basically into a modern industrialized country by 2020; with stable, democratic, rule-governed, and consensual politics – society… • Three breakthroughs: • Perfect the socialist-oriented market economy • Rapidly develop human resources • Build a comprehensive infrastructure Source: Vietnam Magazine, “PM highlights development strategy for 2011-2020”

  10. Our Charter • Growth relies on applying new scientific and technological achievements and using skillful human resources and modern management skills. • The draft strategy sets the requirement of basic and comprehensive reform of the national education to increase the human resource’s quality. Source: Vietnam Magazine, “PM highlights development strategy for 2011-2020”

  11. It Is Clear…. • MOLISA Strategic Imperatives (29 May 12): • Vocational Training Development Goals for 2011-2020 • Carry out fundamental and DRASTIC reform • Improve quality and expand scale • Strengthen and expand international cooperation • Objectives: • Vocational labor raises to 40% by 2015 • 10% reach ASEAN standards by 2020 • By 2015 there will be 26 high quality institutes • By 2015 there will be 13,000 vocational college level teachers What does this mean to you?

  12. It Is Clear… • MOLISA Strategic Imperatives (29 May 12): • Measures: • Reform State Management • Develop Training Teachers • Develop national occupational qualification framework • Develop training curricula • Strengthen infrastructure and equipment • Quality control and assurance • Connect with labor market • Raise awareness • Strengthen international cooperation

  13. Let’s Begin with Michael Crow • How ASU, as a public institution, compressed 50 years of development into 10. • Fundamental, drastic change at ASU

  14. This Requires: Excellence with Relevance!!! Let’s Discuss - What Do YOU Wish to Accomplish with VULII? -

  15. Let’s Prioritize the Strategic Planning Topics What Do You Need?

  16. Prioritizing the Topics • What is included in a Strategic Plan - The VSAT Results - Examples of Strat Plans to be conducted - A Draft Strat Plan Outline for your review • The ASU Dashboard as a Strategic Tool - Presentation by ASU guests to highlight importance • How an institution creates a Strategic Plan • How to achieve a “Sustainable Differentiation” 5. How to prioritize strategic resources - An analytical approach 6. How to LEAD this effort / An Innovative Culture 7. How to create a strategic execution plan

  17. Prioritizing the Topics 8. How to measure strategic progress • Presentation on ASU Quality Assessment • How to conduct a competitive analysis and SWOT 10. How to identify barriers and develop risk mitigation plans 11. How to formulate a “Center of Excellence” plan 12. How to create a solid PR position – creating Brand Image 13. How to sell a Strategic Plan 14. Establishing a “Go Forward” Plan

  18. 1. What Is Included in a Strategic Plan? A look at examples An outline of your plan

  19. In The Spirit of Listening Have created the VULII Strategic Assessment Tool - “VSAT” Calculate (Desired – Current) * Value Results in Pareto of Strategic Gaps Supports a Strategic Focus with: Prioritized Gaps Defined

  20. Vocational College VSAT Results

  21. How Use the Results • Four quadrants of results: High Low Typically Address thru Cont. Improve Of Great Strategic Interest Strategic Value Minimal Strategic Interest Typically Address as a Tactical Project Low High Strategic Gap = ( D – C)

  22. The Results • Four quadrants of results: 3.4 – Key Drivers for Performance 1.4 – Accreditation 3.2 – Effective Data Collection in place 3.5 – Data captured is effectively used 11.2 – Plans to offer Distance Ed 12.1 – English infusion into Curriculum High Low Typically Address thru Cont. Improve Strategic Value Minimal Strategic Interest Typically Address as a Tactical Project Low High Strategic Gap = ( D – C)

  23. My Interpretation • 3.4 Institutional Priorities Addressed • We need to accomplish the unique strategic plans • 1.4 Plans to achieve accreditation • I assume this means ASEAN-equivalent • 3.2 Effective data collection in place • We will discuss this tomorrow with Shelly • 3.5 Data captured is effectively used • We will discuss this today with John and Leah • 11.2 – Plans to offer Distance Ed • Octavio is here and I hope he can address this morning • I would hope to hit this topic very hard when next you visit ASU • 12.1 – English infusion into Curriculum • We will discuss this tomorrow with Mark and Julia What do these mean to you?

  24. You Have Seen This Framework • To gain consensus: What How Goal Strategy Projects Tasks Long Term Near Term

  25. We Will Address How toExercise This Goal Strategies Tasks Programs

  26. We Will Address How to Prioritize This Weight Goal Programs Leadership Development Labs Distance Ed Diversity English 40% 20% 20% 15% 15% 5% All hypothetical 5-1-1 Write Proposal for … 5-1-2… 5-1-3… 5-1-4… Ultimately drawing the line of what you can afford.

  27. We Will Address Your Biggest Challenge • An Alert: • Your toughest job will be to tell me: • Dan ~ you have an ugly granddaughter!!

  28. 7. StrategicExecution Dr. Dan L. Shunk Fulton School of Engineering Arizona State University dan.shunk@asu.edu USA (480) 965-6330 phone USA (480) 965-8692 fax

  29. We Will Address How to Create a Center of Excellence Leadership, Faculty & Staff Regional Growth With Financing Focused, Cutting-edge Technology and IP Development Collaborative Environment Scholarly Results Students/ Future Employees Partnerships & Support

  30. We Will Address How To Create a Brand Image 45% 40% 35% Reputation 30% Low cost 25% Marketing 20% Culture 15% R&D 10% 5% 0% Source: Aaker (1989)

  31. Exercise #1 Expected Accomplishments for 2012-2013? • Each Vocational College will have a customized strategic plan. • Each College will have a target set of metrics to judge progress. • Each College leader will understand the strategic planning process and a strategic framework model. • Each College will have created the means to provide the resources needed for strategic plan success. • An overall approach to creating a strategic Center of Excellence plan is developed and beginning to be implemented. • Each Vocational College will have launched the Faculty Advancement program to rigorously and fundamentally change the education process from a faculty perspective. • We will institute a closed-loop measurement system of effectiveness over 5 years. • We will add detail to each of these as the Strategic Plan progresses. • Each Vocational College will have launched the creation of the organization needed for strategic success (if different from their current organization.) • Each College will have an appropriate workload model • Each Vocational College will have a student attraction / retention plan • Each Vocational College will have a plan to pursue accreditation • Each Vocational College will have made commitments to implement the plans.

  32. Exercise #1 • ACID TEST #1: • Please be able to say the following: • “If we accomplish each of the line items listed, we will MEET the expectations of Vietnam and MOET / MOLISA!!!”

  33. A Review of Strategic Plan Contents Starting with the End in Mind - What Does Your Final Product Look Like?

  34. KAIST • President Nam Suh outlines his plans with metrics: • Increase number of full time faculty from 429 to 700 • Increase the number of undergrads enrolling to 4000 by 2013. • Establish a Department Centric System / Boundary-less Research System • Establish KAIST Institutes • Change the tenure system • Appoint Distinguished Professors • Lecturing all courses in English • Strengthening Design and Synthesis Education • Introduce Dual Degree Programs with other institutions • Fundraising up to $1 billion in seven years.

  35. University of Sydney – 2011-2015 • Developed 3 Goals and 17 key strategies: • G1: Refine our Governance Structures • Includes 9 strategic initiatives here • G2: Manage more effectively the size and shape of the university • Includes 1 strategic initiative here • G3: Initiate a University-wide Program of Curriculum Renewal • Includes 7 strategic initiatives here

  36. UNC – Charlotte College of Education2010 – 2015 Strategic Plan • Executive Summary – 1 to 2 pages • Environmental Scan – 1 to 2 pages • New Strategic Goals with Action Plans – • 3 Goals highlighted • Each with action plans and metrics

  37. Kellogg Institute for International Studies – University of Notre Dame • An Institute view of a strategic plan • Focusing on 3 Goals: • Promoting research excellence • Providing exceptional educational opportunities • Build linkages to support University strategic goals

  38. University of Malawi Plan2012-2017 • University in Africa ~ very progressive • Foreword written by the Vice Chancellor • Outlined the Strategic Planning Process • Captured the Vision and Mission of the University • Did a formal SWOT for the environmental scan • Created 5 Goals, Objectives, Activities and Targets • Outlined how they would monitor • Attempted to predict the impact

  39. University of Malawi Plan2012-2017 • Strategic Goals (5) • Teaching and Learning • Research, Consultancy and Community • Capacity Building • Governance and Management • Finance and Resource Mobilization

  40. Nanyang Technological InstituteNTU 2015 • Created their “Five Peaks of Excellence” • Building upon current strengths and heritage • Focus is on five areas: • Sustainability • Healthcare • New Media • Best of East and West • Innovation These are really Centers of Excellence

  41. A Draft Outline of YOUR Strategic Plan i. Foreword by Rector • Executive Summary • Appropriate Charge from Government Agency • Current Status and Demographics • Institutional Focus • Curricular Focus • Growth Projections • Matching Industry Segments with Institutional Strengths • Overarching SWOT • Major Goals and Strategies • Overarching Goals & Strategies • Institutional Goals & Strategies • Methods to Evaluate • Overarching Metrics • Institutional Metrics • Programs / Tasks and Timing • The Strategic Plan Roadmap • Resource Requirements • Staffing, Funding, Access, • Strategic Linkages • Expected Outcomes

  42. 2. The ASU Data Analytics Strategy How Data Analytics can provide the Strategic Visibility needed

  43. 3. How Institutions Create a Strategic Plan

  44. Let’s Start with a Short Video Michael Porter on “What is Strategy”

  45. Terminology I Use • To gain consensus: What How Goal Strategy Program Action Required Long Term Near Term

  46. The 5 C’s Context SocialValues Rivals Technology Competitors Entrants Buyers Global FirmCompetencies Customers Substitutes Politics CoreProductAttributes Suppliers Economy Regulation Lifestyles

  47. - The Five Competitive Forces That Determine Industry Competition - Bargaining Power of Buyers Threat of New Entrants Rivalry Among Existing Competitors Threats of Substitute Products or Services Bargaining Power of Suppliers Source : Michael E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, The Free Press, 1990.

  48. Again, a short Video This time: Michael Porter on Five Forces

  49. Fourteen Questions • What will allow us to achieve a Sustainable Differentiation? • Which of the 5C’s should we worry about and what can we do to mitigate? • Which of the Five Factors should we worry about and what can we do to mitigate?

  50. 4. How to Achieve a Sustainable Differentiation Key element of “winning the game”

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