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Good Morning. Choose a table with books you haven’t yet perused. Make tables of a maximum of five people. Discuss what remaining questions you have about your Literacy CAT (“Ask three, then me.”) Post any unanswered questions on The Parking Lot. Today’s Class.
Good Morning Choose a table with books you haven’t yet perused. Make tables of a maximum of five people. Discuss what remaining questions you have about your Literacy CAT (“Ask three, then me.”) Post any unanswered questions on The Parking Lot.
Today’s Class • Finish our examination reading of comprehension strategies. • Experience activities to focus on the reading comprehension strategies of summarizing and synthesizing. • Get ready for your Literacy CAT.
Central to instruction that gives students access to nonfiction text includes experiences that focus on…
…external text features • Pictures, visuals, and graphics • Table of contents, index, glossary • Chapter titles, headings, subheadings • Italics, boldface, marginal notes
…and internal text features • compare and contrast • description • sequence of events/time/order • problem and solution • cause and effect • directions
What do you know about pumpkins? • What do you know about each of these: • Compare and contrast • Description • Sequence/time/order • Problem and solution • Cause and effect • Problem and solution
After 7 to 14 days after planting, the seed sprout cracks the soil, and within a day, two succulent oval baby leaves break through. • compare and contrast • description • sequence of events • problem and solution • cause and effect • directions
To plant pumpkin seeds, make an indentation in the soil approximately 11/2 inches deep…. • compare and contrast • description • sequence of events • problem and solution • cause and effect • directions
Never carry a pumpkin by its stem; it may break. If it does break-off you can use toothpicks as a basic patch. • compare and contrast • description • sequence of events • problem and solution • cause and effect • directions
While pumpkin size is generally controlled by genetics, any factor that limits plant growth will adversely affect it's size. This includes water, temperature, insects , diseases, pollination, fertility, soil type, plant population, weeds, etc. • compare and contrast • description • sequence of events • problem and solution • cause and effect • directions
For standard carving without a stencil, decide if it should be tall and narrow, or more rounded, based on your ideas. Select pumpkins that are uniformly orange meaning that are ripe, have no bruises, cuts or nicks. • compare and contrast • description • sequence of events • problem and solution • cause and effect • question/answer • directions
…two succulent oval baby leaves break through and unfold like a pair of opening hands which soon look like low flying butterflies. • compare and contrast • description • sequence of events • problem and solution • cause and effect • directions
Scavenger Hunt:Internal Text Features Look at the text resources. What examples of internal text features can you find? Mark each with a post it to share out one of each type with the whole group. Pay attention to the words that “signal” that structure. We will guess which type it is. What role do illustrations, graphs, subheadings and other external text features used to convey information and highlight important points?
Why is an examination of internal text features an important focus? • What did you like about this activity? • How would you use it in the classroom? • How does it relate to fiction text?
Say Something Introduction • What do you know about • Responding to text? • “I learned….”, “I wonder….”, “This makes me think about…”, • Summarizing? • What do you know about Day of the Dead?
Say Something Creating Strategic Readers, p 174 • Pairs decide how far to read. Choose “A” and “B.” • At designated stops, stop reading and say something (e.g., “Try to say what you think is happening”) • Take turns. On your turn, you can reflect, make a question, state a fact, make a connection, draw an inference, etc. • Continue reading.
PACT Content Area Task in Literacy with ReflectionFall 2010EDS 361ASusan Scharton This project is composed of two parts: Part 1: Planning for Nonfiction Lessons and Doing Written Reflection and Part 2: The Content Area Task. Part 1 will be your final project for EDS 361A grade. It consists only of the written reflection (Part 1, numbers 5-7). Part 2 will be used as part of your credentialing requirements and will not be a part of your final grade but will be scored according to the included rubric (EL 2). Both parts will involve lessons you will plan and partially implement that teach reading comprehension through a read aloud that uses nonfiction text.
PART 1Planning for Nonfiction Lessons and Doing Written Reflection 1. Select a nonfiction text related to interests of students or to the content areas you are studying (“Umbrella Topics” in Math, Science, or Social Studies). Annotate the publication information and describe the rationale for your selection. 2 Select a reading comprehension strategy to teach. You should consult grade-level standards and your cooperating teacher for this selection. Choices include: • Activating/building background knowledge • Prediction • Questioning • Visualizing • Determining importance • Inferencing • Summarizing • Synthesizing
3. Select an instructional activity to teach the reading strategy. Some of the activities described in the Goudvis and Harvey text include: ` Connecting text to self, text to text, text to world Marking text Overviewing/Previewing Identifying nonfiction features Distilling Important ideas from Interesting Details Reading and Inferring Answer to a Specific Question Many additional instructional activities are described in Strategies that Work.
4. Design two connected lesson plans using the lesson format. Teach one of these lessons. These two lesson plans will be submitted as part of Part 2. 5. Reflect on your lesson. Write up this lesson reflection (approximately two double-spaced pages). Detail what went well through specific observations of student behavior and your recollection of your teaching decisions. Detail what did not go as well, providing specific observations of student behavior and your teaching decisions. Try to avoid blaming students and making generalizations. Be as specific and detailed as possible. 6. Reflect on your lesson sequence. Explain how these lessons are interconnected, as well as adjustments you would make, based upon the implementation of one lesson. Write up this sequence reflection (approximately two double-spaced pages). 7. Hand in a printed copy of your reflection on the lesson and the sequence by Monday, December 13, 9:00 a.m.. You may teach more than one lesson, and select from these for your reflection You may teach more than one lesson, and select from these for your reflection.
PART 2Lesson Plans and Planning Commentary Purpose • The Planning Instruction & Assessment task describes and explains your plans for the learning segment. It demonstrates your ability to organize curriculum, instruction, and assessment to help your students meet the standards for the curriculum content and to develop academic language related to that content. It provides evidence of your ability to select, adapt, or design learning tasks and materials that offer your students equitable access to English/language arts curriculum content. Overview of Task • Identify the central focus, student academic content standards, English Language Development (ELD) standards (if applicable), and learning objectives for the learning segment. The 2 lessons/hours in the learning segment should develop students’ abilities to comprehend text through the use of literacy skills and strategies. • Identify objectives for developing academic language, taking into account students’ prior language development and the language demands of the learning tasks and assessments. • Select/adapt/design and organize instructional strategies, learning tasks, and assessments to promote and monitor your students’ learning during the learning segment.
What Do I Need to Do? Complete a plan for each of two lessons (Part 1, #4). √ Be sure to address the current curriculum content and related academic language. √ Identify standards by standard number, followed by the text of the standard. If only a portion of the standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part. √ Use the lesson plan format. Submit copies of all instructional materials, including handouts, overheads and informal and formal assessment tools used during ht lesson segment. If any of these are included form a textbook, please provide a copy of the appropriate pages. If any of these is longer than four pages, provide a summary of relevant features in lieu of a copy (TPEs 1, 2, 4, 7, 9) Label each document with a corresponding lesson number. Provide appropriate citations for all materials whose sources are from published text, the Internet or other educators (this includes the nonfiction text). Be sure to address each of the prompts in the Planning Commentary.It is suggested that you insert the prompt in the commentary.
Planning Commentary Write a commentary of approximately 5 double-spaced pages (including prompts) that addresses the following prompts. You can address each prompt separately, through a holistic essay, or a combination of both, as long as all prompts are addressed. • What is the central focus of the learning segment? Apart from being present in the school curriculum, student academic content standards, or ELD standards, why is the content of the learning segment important for your particular students to learn? (TPE 1) • Briefly describe the theoretical framework and/or research that inform your instructional design for developing your students’ knowledge and abilities in both literacy and academic language during the learning segment. • How do key learning tasks in your plans build on each other to develop students’ abilities to comprehend text, and to develop related academic language? Describe specific strategies that you will use to build student learning across the learning segment. Reference the instructional materials you have included, as needed. (TPEs 1, 4, 9)
4. Consider the language demands[1] of the oral and written tasks in which you plan to have students engage as well as the various levels of English language proficiency related to classroom tasks as described in the Context Commentary. (TPE 7) • Identify words and phrases (if appropriate) that you will emphasize in this learning segment. Why are these important for students to understand and use in completing classroom tasks in the learning segment? Which students? • What oral and/or written academic language (organizational, stylistic, and/or grammatical features) will you teach and/or reinforce? • Explain how specific features of the learning and assessment tasks in your plan, including your own use of language, support students in learning to understand and use these words, phrases (if appropriate), and academic language. How does this build on what your students are currently able to do and increase their abilities to follow and/or use different types of text and oral formats? 5. Describe any teaching strategies you have planned for your students who have educational needs (e.g., English learners, GATE students with IEPs. Explain how these features of your learning tasks will provide students access to the curriculum and all them to demonstrate their learning. (TPEs 9, 12) [1] Language demands can be related to vocabulary, features of text types such as narrative or expository text, or other language demands such as understanding oral presentations. For early readers/writers, this will include sound-symbol correspondence and a word as a text but might also involve the development of oral skills which are antecedents to reading and writing, oral narratives and explanations.
For next time… Buy the following text that will be needed for winter quarter: Honig, B., Diamond, L., & Gutlohn, L. (2008, 2nd edition). Teaching reading: Sourcebook for kindergarten through eighth grade (CORE). Novato, CA: Arena Press. Consider purchasing Zarillo, J. (2010) Ready for R.I.C.A. Prentice Hall. Bring the Pearson and Gallagher article to the first class meeting of winter quarter.
Bibliography • Snapshots by Linda Hoyt • Creating Strategic Readers by Valerie Ellery • Revisit, Reflect, Retell by Linda Hoyt • Teaching for Comprehension in Reading Grades K-2 by Pinnell & Scharer • Starting with Comprehension by Andie Cunningham and Ruth Shagoury • Reading with Meaning by Debbie Miller • The Relatives Came by Cynthia Ryland • Mosaic of Thought by Keene & Zimmerman