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The Power of Deception Part 3

The Power of Deception Part 3.

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The Power of Deception Part 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The PowerofDeceptionPart 3

  2. I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.

  3. Definition of Someone Deceived A person who is absolutely convinced they are right, but in scripture and principle, they are wrong.

  4. Three Forms of Deception: Self-deception. -something you do to yourself 2. Being deceived. -something others do to you 3. Deceiving others. -something you do to others

  5. The Function of Deception: 1. It purges the body of Christ from deceivers and takes them out of the main stream. 1 Cor. 11:19 2. It brings us to the place where the deepest choices of our hearts are made manifest. 2 Thess. 2:8-12

  6. Instruments of Deception: Spiritual (Deut. 13:1-4) -dreams, prophet, or prophecy 2. LovedOnes (Deut. 13:6-8) -spouse, family, parents, friends 3. PublicOpinion (Deut. 13:12-15) -what everybody else is doing

  7. Ten Types of Deception: Religious 6. Fanatical Doctrinal 7. Mystical Ethical 8. Sexual Moral 9. Spiritual Intellectual 10. Political

  8. Eight Practical Ways to Pull Out of Deception: The need to admit you’ve been deceived. 2. There needs to be a determination to come clean. You’ve got to be prepared for the pruning process.

  9. Eight Practical Ways to Pull Out of Deception: 4. Get your mouth under control. 5. Recognize that the anointing, dreams, prophecies, signs and wonders, fleeces, and certain coincidences...may not be the final criteria.

  10. Eight Practical Ways to Pull Out of Deception: A determination to bring your family back into scriptural order. 7. Be prepared for a sensation that appears to be walking against the light. 8. Realize that true spirituality is: alert, real, balanced,& perceptive

  11. Twelve Foundational Steps to Prevent Deception: The need of a good foundation. 2. We need to learn to abide in our calling. 3. Holding to the headship of Christ and proper line of authority. 4. Learn to be supernaturally natural.

  12. Twelve Foundational Steps to Prevent Deception: 5. Let God continually refine your motives. 6. Learn to judge yourself. 7. Learn to embrace confrontation. 8. Learn to recognize that still, small steady voice.

  13. Twelve Foundational Steps to Prevent Deception: 9. Learn to know those who minister among you. 10. Know and understand that the scripture is the final authority. 11. Learn how to break prophetic bondage. 12. Retain your simplicity in Christ.

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