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Explore a balanced menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks, providing total calorie breakdown and detailed recipes. This project emphasizes the importance of a varied and balanced diet for maintaining a healthy weight.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HEALTHY MENU PROJECT Work by: Madalina Craciun Mariana Passadouro

  2. Menu Breakfast -Chickenomelet (97g)= 187 kcal -Soyacheese (150g)= 114 kcal -One crude redpepper (116g)= 26 kcal -Three rice toasts (18g)= 69 kcal -Capuccino (240 ml)= 74 kcal TOTAL: 470 kcal

  3. Menu TOTAL: 300 KCAL Lunch MainMeal: Seafood Rice- Portuguese traditionaldishthathasitsorigin in thebeachof Vieira, thebeachnearmyhouse. Itisoneofthe 7 Portugal'sgastronomywonders.

  4. SEAFOOD RICE (4 portions) Ingredients: -seafood (2 packs) -rice (enough for 4) -2 onions -4 piecesofgarlic -1 can oftomato -oliveoil -a bit oftomatosauce -blackpepper (oneteaspoon) -salt -whitewine (one cup) -one laurel leaf

  5. METHOD OF PREPARATION 1- First, cover thebottomofthepanwitholiveoil. Thenaddthechoppedgarlicandthechoppedonionsandalsothe laurel leaf. Letitbraise. Afterthat, addthetomato, thesauce, theblackpepper, thesaltandfinallytheseafood. Letitcook a bit. Then, addthewineandthewater. Letthatcook for about 40 min. Duringthis time, you can add more water, ifnecessary. 2- Whentheseafoodisready, addthe rice andletitcookuntilthesaucealmoastdisapears. Poftăbună!!

  6. Menu Dessert Total: 90 kcalFruitsaladcontaining (for1 portion): -2 strawberries -1/2 of kiwi -1/4 of apple -1/4 of banana -1/4 of orange -forest fruits

  7. Menu Snack American Pancakes containing: 200g self-raising flour sunflower oil or a little butter for cooking 1 tsp baking powder 1 egg 300ml milk knob butter 150g pack blueberries golden or maple syrup Total: 502 kcal

  8. Menu Dinner: Chicken Soup Romanian traditional soup containing: 250 ml soup 100 g boiledchicken 2 eggballs (gema) 1/2 carrotSaltandpepper Total: 229 kcal

  9. CaesarSalad Ingredients: 100g FetaCheese- 264 kcal 45g carrots-9 kcal 84 g lettuce- 10 kcal 30 g ham- 65 kcal 1 bioledegg- 84 kcal 1 green pepper- 37 kcal 3 cherry tomatoes-13 kcal Total- about 482 kcal

  10. Food Balance Wheel The Food Balance Wheel transmits orientations for a healthy diet: Complete- eat food from each group and drink water daily. (1,5 L per day) Balanced- eating more aliments belonging to the larger groups and smaller amount of those in the smaller groups Varied- eat different aliments within each group

  11. Food Balanced Wheel To maintain healthy weight is recommended to follow the Food Balance Wheel and practice physical activity regularly

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