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CONJUGATIONS!. What we can DO! . Conjugating. - con·ju·gate ( kŏn'jə-gāt ') v . con·ju·gat·ed , con·ju·gat·ing , con·ju·gates To inflect (a verb) in its forms for distinctions such asnumber, person, voice, mood, and tense .
Conjugating • -con·ju·gate (kŏn'jə-gāt') v. con·ju·gat·ed, con·ju·gat·ing, con·ju·gatesTo inflect (a verb) in its forms for distinctions such asnumber, person, voice, mood, and tense. • The concept of verb conjugation is the same as in English — only the details are far more complicated. • Verb conjugation refers to the process of changing a verb form to provide information about the action being performed. • The form of the verb can gives us some idea aboutWHOis performing the action,WHENthe action is being performed, and theRELATIONof the verb to other parts of the sentence. • Insimplerwords… change a verb to match the subject!
Infinitives • What is an infinitive? • It is the basic form of the verb, by itself conveying no information about the verb action. (aka UNCONJUGATED) • Example: • To talk is in the infinitive form. • Spanish infinitives are the same; they convey no information about the verb action. (aka UNCONJUGATED) • Infinitives in Spanish always end in…? • -ar, -er, or -ir. • Example: • The verb for "to talk" is hablar.
Conjugating present-tense indicative verbs • In English, an "-s" is added at the end to indicate that a verb is being used in the third-person, present-tense singular form. • I talk, you talk, he talks, she talks,we talk, they talk. • In Spanish, various endings are attached to verbs to indicate who is speaking for first-, second-, and third-person forms in singular and plural. • For regular verbs, the -ar, -er or -ir at the end is replaced with the appropriate ending.
Los Pronombres Personales (Subject Pronouns) • Singular • yo • tú • él / ella / Ud. • Plural • nosotros • vosotros • ellos / ellas / Uds.
Every verb has 2 parts: Hablar = habl- Practicar = practi- Estudiar = estudi- Trabajar = trabaj- Cocinar = cocin- STEM + ENDING Mirar = mir- Escuchar = escuch- Jugar = jug- Presentar = present- Comprar = compr-
To form the present tense: STEM + Verb ending -o -as -a Nosotros Vosotros Ellos/ellas/ uds. -amos -áis -an Yo Tú Él/ ella / ud.
habl habl habl o as a habl habl habl amos áis an Porejemplo…: hablar habl ar
estudi estudi estudi o as a estudi estudi estudi amos áis an estudiar Porejemplo…: estudi ar
Pues, ¿quées el presente… exactamente?
Present-tense verbs in Spanish can have several English equivalents. • Each simple expression in Spanish may convey three different ideas in English: (yo) Estudio español. • I study Spanish. • I do study Spanish. • I am studying Spanish. simple statement emphasis action in progress
¿Cuáles son las formas de…? Practicar - to practice Cantar - to sing Estudiar - to help Trabajar - to work
¿Cómo se dice? • I speak • We study • They cook (cocinar) • Elena dances (bailar) • You sing (cantar) • Yo hablo • Nosotros estudiamos • Ellos cocinan • Elena baila • Tú cantas
¿Cuál es la forma correcta? mi padre trabaja unos amigos trabajan trabajar
¿Cuál es la forma correcta? tú cocinas ella cocina cocinar
¿Cuál es la forma correcta? Elena y José bailan Enrique Iglesias y yo bailamos bailar
¿Cuál es la forma correcta? mis amigos compran Ramón y tú (think Spain) compráis comprar
¿Cuál es la forma correcta? la clase canta las estudiantes cantan cantar
¿Cuál es la forma correcta? los profesores de inglés tocan Ud. toca tocar
¿Cómo se dice en español? • She’s buying a green book. • They (those girls) need some new pens. • We work a lot in history class. • You are studying math. Ella compra un libro verde. Ellasnecesitanunosbolígrafosnuevos. (Nosotros) trabajamos mucho en la clase de historia. Tú estudias la matemáticas.