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K-12 TIES Team Hands-on science for kids Second Quarter Update

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K-12 TIES Team Hands-on science for kids Second Quarter Update

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Presentation Transcript

    1. K-12 TIES Team Hands-on science for kids Second Quarter Update Alenoush Aghazarian Arwa Kassamali Chang Tiffany Liu Elisabet Runarsdottir Jessica Kim Jon Bergmann Heimisson Meghdi Babakhanlou Sona Sarian Vince Kapur Steve Buckley Julie Humphrey Silvia Mah

    2. Community Clients & Services Clients: K-12 Teachers in various schools in the San Diego area. Services: Supply them with hands on activities and integrated lesson plans. Expose students to engineering at a young age. Interact and network with teachers and students by sharing personal and academic experiences.

    3. Current Project Second Quarter for K-12 Project Designing experiments to teach students about energy, it’s generation and daily usage. Solar energy Chemical energy Mechanical energy Hydro / electric energy Wind energy

    4. Progress from Last Quarter Team has grown from 6 to 9 members Rely on our experience visiting K-12 classrooms last quarter to design kid-friendly engineering activities. Plan for 2006: Winter: Design and refine integrated lesson plans Spring-Fall: Deliver lessons to clients

    5. Enriching the Classroom Environment Kids and teachers should learn that engineering can be made easy and fun in a classroom. Energy is a difficult to teach conceptually Exciting visual and hands-on demonstrations help children understand difficult concepts. Kids can learn to become engineers by simple experiments. Lighting lightbulbs with hamsters. Charge batteries with solarcells. Discover how much energy is in food.

    6. End/Questions

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