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Unveiling Tetun Dili Slang: Origins, Usage, and Influence

Explore the intriguing world of Tetun Dili slang, its origins, usage patterns, and impact on language. Discover the diverse sources and structures of slang expressions in Tetun Dili. This study delves into the linguistic nuances of slang in the context of East Nusantara.

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Unveiling Tetun Dili Slang: Origins, Usage, and Influence

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  1. SlanginTetun Dili: Nee U! Díli InstituteofTechnology MatenekNodiSerbii Justino da Silva & Cesaltina Tilman TheSeventhEastNusantaraConference 14.05.2018

  2. Objectives • Identify slang expressions in TetunDili • Analyze the structure and source of the these expressions

  3. TetunDili • 88% are speakers ofTetun Dili (2015 Census) • Tetun Dili hasinfluencefromotherlanguages: • 57 % speakTetun Dili buthaveanothermothertongue. • Adultsaged 25 to 55 wereeducatedinIndonesian. • Satelite TV uses IndonesianwithEnglishwords. • Teenagers are beingeducatedinTetunandPortuguese.

  4. Whatisslang? • “ typicalofthe spoken, colloquial, informal aspectsofhumaninteraction • typicalwords are restrictedandmetaphorical • vague inmeaningand are notoriouslydifficult to define. • secretive” (Klerk 2006) "the poetry of everyday life” (Hayakawa 1941)

  5. Where does slang come from? Internationally (Klerk 2006): • Factoryworkers • Sailors • Miners • Mass social • Adolescents Tetunslang: • Youngpeople: speaking, Facebook, WhatsApp • Politicians: campaigning

  6. Why do people use slang? Internationally (Klerk 2006): • To playwithlanguage : for funforit, tobedifferent, tobecreative • To identifywith a group, to excludeothers

  7. Researchmethod • Listedslangexpressions (over 100) • For eachexpressionidentified: • Themeaning • Who uses it • Whendiditstartbeingused • Itsstructure • Sourcelanguage(s)

  8. Transformation • Playing with structure • Types in TetunDili: • Blending • Initials • Using letters to represent the name of the letter • Use numeral to represent sounds • Use numerals for the for associations with the shape

  9. Blending

  10. Initials

  11. Letters to representnameofletter

  12. Numeralstorepresentsounds

  13. Use numerals for associationswiththeshape

  14. Semantic • playing with meaning

  15. Bodypartexpressions

  16. Comparisons

  17. Metonym

  18. Other

  19. Other

  20. Conclusion: structure • NativeTetunstructures, e.g. bodypartexpressions, comparisons • Indonesianstructures, e.g. blending, usingnumbers to representthesound, usingnumerals for themeaningoftheshape • Indonesian, Portuguese and English structures, e.g. initials

  21. Conclusion: source languages Source languages in our database of 111 slang expressions

  22. A final example: urusan ‘business’

  23. References Burdová, V. (2009). Studentslang. Diploma Thesis. MasarykUniversityinBrno - Czech Republic. Batista, J. (2016). O uso da gíria em contraste com a língua formal. Deumert, A. (2006). EnglishLanguageLearners. SemanticChangetheInternet: andTextMassaging. MonashUniversityVictoria - Australia. ElseiverLtd. Klerk, V. (2006). English Language Learners. Slang, Sociology. Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa,Elsevier Ltd. Website http://www.statistics.gov.tl/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Wall-Chart-Poster-Landscape-Final-English-rev.pdf download 6/ download 02/2018 https://www.soportugues.com.br/secoes/estil/estil3.php download 11/04/2018

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