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Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

RFA Convention. Green Options for Trucking. Without Trucks South Africa Stops. Programme Highlights. Agenda. Climate Crisis Facts Green House Gasses Where are we as a Planet Measurement of CO 2 e Emission Scopes Impact on Trucking So What Can Be Done. Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

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Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RFAConvention Green Options for Trucking Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  2. Programme Highlights Agenda • Climate Crisis Facts • Green House Gasses • Where are we as a Planet • Measurement of CO2e • Emission Scopes • Impact on Trucking • So What Can Be Done Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  3. Climate Crisis Facts Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  4. Greenhouse effect – a necessity for life

  5. Growth in CO2 emissions output

  6. Rising surface temperature

  7. No doubt that they are interlinked issues

  8. Melting of the polar ice caps

  9. Melting of arctic sea ice

  10. Less polar ice and arctic sea ice means…

  11. Intensified storm activity

  12. Green House Gasses Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  13. The Kyoto Protocol • The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), aimed at combating global warming. The UNFCCC is an international environmental treaty with the goal of achieving "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system." • The Protocol was initially adoptedon 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan and entered into forceon 16 February 2005. As of October 2009, 184 states have signed and ratified the protocol.

  14. The IPCC has identified 6 greenhouse gases Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific intergovernmental bodyfirst established in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and later endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 43/53

  15. Green House Gasses

  16. Where are we as a planet Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  17. We are rapidly reaching a tipping point! Human Activity  Global Warming Global Warming  Climate Change Accelerated warming though secondary impacts & feedback loops If the weather engine that drives our ecosystems collapses we reach tipping point

  18. We don’t think we do! Cost NO YES We think We Do! Skeptic? – Take a Risk Management Approach! Take Action? Do Humans Compound Climate Change? NO Cost Unrecoverable Global Economic Depression Global Catastrophes : PoliticalEnvironmentalEconomicPublic HealthSocial

  19. Measurement of CO2e Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  20. CO2e What is a carbon footprint – definition A carbon footprint is defined as: • The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2e).

  21. Calculating CO2e CO2 Equivalent (CO2e) is the concentration of CO2 that would cause the same level of radioactive forcing as a given type and concentration of greenhouse gas Values for CH4 and N2O are presented as CO2 equivalents (CO2e) using Global Warming Potential (GWP) factors*, consistent with reporting under the Kyoto Protocol and the second assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

  22. Combustion produces emissions • CO – carbon monoxide • CO2 – carbon dioxide • CH4 – methane • N2O – nitrous oxide Petrol Engine Measured in Kg Equivalent CO2 (CO2e) emitted per liter of fuel combusted 1 liter of petrol combusted = 2.3 Kg CO2 e

  23. CO2e for common fuels in common measures *

  24. Emission Scopes Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  25. Understanding Scope in emissions reporting WRI (World Resource Institute) reporting guidelines classify business activities that generate emissions according to a “Scope” association as follows: • Scope 1 emissions are those directly occurring from sources that are owned or controlled by the business, including on-site stationary combustion of fossil fuels; mobile combustion of fossil fuels by company owned / controlled vehicles and “fugitive” emissions. Fugitive emissions result from intentional or unintentional release of GHG’s (e.g. leakage of HFCs from refrigeration and / or air conditioning equipment) The World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental think tank founded in 1982 based in Washington, D.C.

  26. Understanding Scope in emissions reporting • Scope 2 emissionsare indirectemissions generated in the production of electricity consumed by the business • Scope 3 emissionsare all the otherindirectemissions that are generated as a consequence of the activities of the business, but occur from sources not owned or controlled by the company (e.g. commuting, air travel, waste disposal, water usage, etc)

  27. Emissions Scopes: GHG Protocol Courtesy of Barloworld Logistics

  28. Measure – Emissions footprint analysis • Energy use assessments* – based on energy consumption data (electricity, LPG, Diesel, Petrol) • GHG audits** – based on GHG protocol • * Scope 1 and 2 emissions factors only • ** Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions factors

  29. New standard in Scope 3 calculations: GHG Protocol Courtesy of Barloworld Logistics

  30. Impact on Trucking Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  31. RESEARCH REPORT TOTHE ROAD FREIGHT ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The National Treasury of the Republic of South Africa has recognized that South Africa, as one of the top twenty CO2emitters in the world, will need to take positive steps to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, whilst still ensuring economic growth, increased employment and poverty reduction. As part of this process the National Treasury released a discussion paper for public comment in December 2010 on the carbon tax option to reduce greenhouse gases.

  32. … This document is a response to the Road Freight Association’s requirement to investigate the impact of carbon taxes on the freight logistics sector and determine some of the potential effects of this on consumers. …The effect as a percentage of GDP in 2009 terms. At a carbon tax rate of R75 per ton the carbon tax is likely to be in the region of 1,4% of GDP and at a rate of R250 per ton it would comprise approximately 4,6% of GDP.

  33. Calculation of Applicable Carbon Tax Based on Fuel Consumption Courtesy of Jim Campbell

  34. The two main economic policy instruments available for putting a price on carbon and curbing GHG emissions are carbon taxation and emissions tradingschemes. The carbon tax seeks to reduce emissions through the price mechanism directly, while emissions trading schemes establishes targets for specific levels of emissions through the trade in allowances.

  35. Average Increases for Petrol and Diesel at 2009 average Gauteng prices

  36. Industry group CO2 emissions and tax based on the various tax scenarios as a percentage of transport cost

  37. So What Can Be Done Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  38. “Clean” Diesel Fuel South African Availability • ULS grade diesel = 2,3% of total annual diesel sales • the cost to the South African oil refining industry to upgrade … , is estimated to be between R20 billion and R40 billion the full cost to be carried by the oil industry without any major returns in adjusted fuel price margins. Courtesy of Jim Campbell

  39. Fuel Additives • An after market product added to fuel claimed to enhance the performance of the fuel and so improve the consumption • Which are the solutions that deliver the nett financial benefit??? • Fuel management solutions are available, the approach is holistic and requires a management focus

  40. Alternative Fuel and or Energy Sources • Liquefied Petroleum Gas • Diesel/LPG mixtures • 100% bio-mass based fuel and Bio diesel mixtures, • Pure methane, Compressed natural gas (CNG) Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) • Methane /diesel mixtures • Hybrid power units, a combination of fossil fuel and electrical power. • Pure electrical using on-board electrical storage. • Hydrogen fuel cells Courtesy of Jim Campbell

  41. Diesel/LPG mixtures For an initial installed cost of around R100 000, there will be savings in CO2 emissions of up to 15%, and based on the current price of LPG for automotive use, an anticipated reduction in combined fuel costs of between 25 – 30% compared to an engine fuelled by diesel only. Courtesy of Jim Campbell

  42. Hydrogen Fuelled Busses There are a number of busses currently operating in Europe and the US with hydrogen fuel, carried in storage vessels located on the roof of the vehicle in compressed gas form at pressures of up to 34 mega Pascals (5000 psi). As with electrically powered buses and the restricted area of operation, and the space required for the hydrogen storage vessels, this power source is not currently suitable for medium and long distance vehicles. Courtesy of Jim Campbell

  43. Improving transport efficiency • Improved Vehicle Routing • Vehicle technology and efficiency • vehicles combinations aerodynamics can account for up to 50% of fuel consumption (especially at cruising/trunking speeds) • equip the vehicle and trailer/s with fairings to ease the flow of air around the vehicle • Performance Based Standards (PBS) Vehicles • From a Paper by Paul Nordengen • The overall benefit in terms of the environment is to allow greater loads to be carried, in greater safety to other road users, for a given engine capacity and power, with a minimal increase in fuel consumption and without additional damage to the road infrastructure Courtesy of Jim Campbell

  44. What ever we do, we can’t do NOTHING Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  45. Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

  46. Thank You Without Trucks South Africa Stops.

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