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ORGAN LIMFOID. Dosen Imunoloigi Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Pancasila jakarta. organ l i mp f oid. Terdiri dari: Fun gsinya : Pertahanan tubuh Mengeliminasi sel abnormal (penyakt, tua, tumr) dan sel patogen. Lymph Nodes Spleen /limpa Thymus Tonsils. lymphoid organs.

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  1. ORGAN LIMFOID Dosen Imunoloigi Fakultas Farmasi, Universitas Pancasila jakarta

  2. organ limpfoid • Terdiri dari: • Fungsinya: • Pertahanan tubuh • Mengeliminasi sel abnormal (penyakt, tua, tumr) dan sel patogen Lymph Nodes Spleen/limpa Thymus Tonsils

  3. lymphoid organs Lymph Nodes/nodus limfatikus Pembengkakanlymph nodes disebabkanolejpenumpukan jumlah lymphocytes - Macrophages and lymphocytes attack microorganisms

  4. lymphoid organs Limpa • Tempat utkimmune surveillance danresponse • membuangmaterial debris, benda asing,toxins, bakteri, virus, sel drh merah yg telah tua • Mudah robek krn trauma mekanik

  5. lymphoid organs • Lokasi utk pematanganT lymphocytes • Mensekresi hormon(thymopoietindanthymosins) • - Berperan penting masa anak2 Thymus

  6. lymphoid organs Tonsils - Melokalisir dan membunuh bakteri

  7. SISTEM LIMFATIK • Terdiri dari • Saluran limfatik • 2) Jaringan limfoid dan organ limfoid

  8. Mengalir bersamaan sepanjang aliran sirkulasi darh Saluran lymphatic

  9. Saluran Lymphatic dimulai dari kapiler lymphatic lymphatic ducts lymphatic trunks lymphatic collecting vessels lymphatic capillary

  10. Saluran limfatik adalah Saluran yang buntu • permeable terhadap protein dan sel

  11. Fungsi utama - mengumpulkan kelebian partikel besar dan cairan jaringan lymph

  12. Special lymph capillaries --- Lacteals • - collect digested fats ( in chylomicrons)

  13. Valves/klep diperlukan utk mencegah arus balik

  14. Berhubungan/tersambung dengan vena

  15. SISTEM SIRKULASI DARAH DAN LIMFECardiovascularLymphaticDerived from mesoderm Derived from mesodermTransport System Transport SystemHas a pump (heart) No pumpArteries No equivalentVeins for return Lymph vessels for returnVeins have valves Lymph vessels have valvesCarries RC, WBC, plasma Carries WBC, plasma

  16. blockage of lymph drainage Lymphedema - swelling in tissues - due to tumor pressure, parasites, or surgery

  17. Elephantiasis – blockage by parasitic worms

  18. Peran saluran limfe dalam proses metastosis

  19. Pertahanan terhdp agen pathogen • 1) Nonspecific defenses - broadly effective, no prior exposure 1) external barriers 2) inflammation 3) fever • 2) Specific defense - results from prior exposure, protects against only a particular pathogen • immune system

  20. 1) External Barriers • Subepithelial areolar tissue • tissue gel: viscous barrier of hyaluronic acid • hyaluronidase: enzyme used by pathogens (snake bites and bacterial toxins • Skin • toughness of keratin • dry and nutrient-poor • defenses: peptides neutrophils attack microbes • lactic acid (acid mantle) is a component of perspiration

  21. 1) External Barriers • Mucous membranes • stickiness of mucus • lysozyme: enzyme destroys bacterial cell walls

  22. 2) Non Specific Immunity - Inflammation • Defensive response to tissue injury • limits spread of pathogens, then destroys them; removes debris, initiates tissue repair • suffix -itisdenotes inflammation of specific organs

  23. 2) Inflammation • Cardinal signs • redness (erythema) caused by hyperemia ( blood flow) • swelling (edema) caused by  capillary permeability and filtration • heat caused by hyperemia • pain caused by inflammatory chemicals and pressure on nerves

  24. Inflammatory chemicals - bradykinin, histamine, and leukotrienes - secreted by damaged cells, mast cells, basophils, lymphocytes, macrophages and platelets - stimulates vasodilation, increases capillary permeability, and induces pain. 2) Inflammation

  25. Pain/nyeri • Causes • Direct injury to nerve endings • Inflammatory chemicals • Tissue swelling • Brandykinin, Prostaglandins, and bacterial toxins can induce pain. • Brandykinin, produced from a plasma protien, is released from basophils and mast cells • Pain is an important signal to tissue repair, as it signals the body to rest and not further injury itself.

  26. 3) Fever/demam • Defense mechanism: can do more good than harm • promotes interferon activity • accelerating metabolic rate and tissue repair • inhibiting pathogen reproduction • Pyrogen (fever-producing agent): - secreted by macrophages (endogenous) and microorganisms (exogenous) - stimulates anterior hypothalamus to secrete prostaglandin E which resets body thermostat higher

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