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Victorian Era Games. By Mason AND TREY. History of Victorian Games.
Victorian Era Games By Mason AND TREY
History of Victorian Games Some board games that children played during the Victorian era were already centuries old. Examples of some of these popular board games included Checkers, Chess, and Backgammon. Many of these games were introduced in the 1800s. They taught children about geography, science, or history. Some popular games, such as "Charades", "Blind man's Bluff", and "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", are still played today.
Who Played Games Girls of the Victorian Era played games such as Graces, a game where you tossed wooden throwing rings onto catching sticks. Victorian boys played games such as Bandy, Shinny, and Curling, which all resembled modern day hockey.
TIDDLY WINKS Some people may have heard of the game Tiddly Winks, but few people really know how this game was played. Players used a disk called a "shooter" to flip smaller disks, called "winks", into a cup that sat in the middle of the playing area. The point of the game was to be the first player to get all of their "winks" into the cup. During the Victorian era, the game was actually taken quite seriously, and players practiced intensely during their spare time.
MARBLES The most common marble game played was called "Ring Taw". It's the same game that children play today. A circle is made from string, or drawn on the ground with chalk, or in the dirt. The marbles that were placed inside the circle were called, “nibs". The players sat outside the ring, and took a turn flicking a large marble, called "the shooter", into the circle. The goal was to knock other marbles out of the circle, and each player got to keep the marbles that They knocked out. The winner was the player with the most marbles
HOOPS AND STICKS One of the most common outdoor games for both boys and girls during the Victorian era is hoops and sticks. This game has been around for thousands of years. It is known to have been played by children during the ancient Egyptian times. The child would move a hoop of wood by hitting it with a stick to keep it rolling along as the child ran alongside.
What Do You Want To Play??? Change Seats Lookabout A circle of chairs is formed around the room One person stand in the middle of the chairs The people in the chairs switch seats until the player in the middle steals one of their seats. Everyone leaves the room except one person and they find one thing to hide. When everybody comes back in they have to find what they hid. If you spot the item, you sit down. The last one to sit down loses.