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Vocab. Introductions. Salve! Salvete ! Vale! Valete ! “ Mihi nomen est ____________.”. Quae est lingua Latina?. Handout Read the 1 st paragraph Write a one sentence summary doesn’t have to be complete Be ready to share :). Common AWESOME Words. Optime !!! Vah!
Introductions • Salve! Salvete! • Vale! Valete! • “Mihinomenest ____________.”
Quae est lingua Latina? • Handout • Read the 1st paragraph • Write a one sentence summary • doesn’t have to be complete • Be ready to share :)
Common AWESOME Words Optime!!! Vah! Bene Minime. Male Ita (vero)… Tace/te! *Numbers 1 – 10
Vocabulary Squares • pg. 18 • Example
The Latin Alphabet Which letters are “missing”? Hint: Singing the ABCs does help
Pronunciation • Most consonants (B, D, F, etc.) are pronounced as they are in English • One exception is “C”, which will always be said hard like a “K” • Ex: agricola (farmer) • Another is “G,” which will always be said hard • Ex: NEVER like “g” in the English word “gem”
Pronunciation • “I” may replace “J” or sound like “Y” • Ex: Troia (Trojan) • Ex: iam (now) • “U” and “V” are often interchangeable • Ex: vulnus (wound) = uulnus • “V” is said like “W” • Ex: Veni, Vidi, Vici = “Weni, Wedi, Weekee”
Noun Cases • Nominative: Subject • Tommy threw the ball. • Genitive: Possessive • He found Mary’s pen. • Dative: Indirect Object • Tommy threw the ball to Mary. • Accusative: Direct Object • Tommy threw the ball. • Ablative: Prepositions • Tommy walked under the ladder.
1st Conjugation (VERBS) • NOT 1st Declension (NOUNS) • voco, vocāre- “I call, to call” • Personal Endings: -o/m -mus -s -tis -t -nt • Formula: • Drop –re • Add personal endings • Exception: 1st person singular…
2nd Declension Masculine & Neuter
Introducing…..(Drumroll please…) 3rd Declension! Which genders are included in 1st? Which genders are included in 2nd? Which genders are included in 3rd?
Scrībite! Decline rēx, rēgis masculine, king 3rd declension
Scrībite! Decline corpus, corporis neuter, body (ooooh, creepy!) 3rd declension
Cerberus(Nostra prima fabula!...Our first story!) • Page 7: • I will read a sentence in Latin. • If you think you know how to translate it, raise your hand. • OMNES should be writing down the translation as we go along.
“mercātor” • pg. 24; translate together • Write out the translation on a piece of paper. • As we read, consider: • Where is the verb? • What word is in the Nominative? Accusative? • Where are the Ablatives?
“in forō” pg. 36 FABULA FORMARUM VIRGARUM!!!!
“pictor” – “painter” • pg. 37 • Translate on a sheet of paper • Keep in your “Translation” section
Calescite! Write down the Latin word/phrase that means: 1) Hello (to one person)- 2) Goodbye (to many people)- 3) My name is…-
Calescite! Part I: Place your homework on the top left corner of your desk. Part II: List the five noun cases and one word to describe each one of them. Ex: Nominative- Subject *Hint: Check out yesterday’s Calescite! Or your Grammar Notes.
Calescite! Decline fabula, fabulae(f. story)
On your own… Decline toga, togae(f. toga)
Calescite! Decline patria, patriae(f. fatherland)
Calescite! Decline via, viae(f. way, street, road)
Calescite! Present Tense – Latin & English laboro, laborāre- “I work, to work”
Calescite! Present Tense – Latin & English moneō, monēre- “I warn, to warn”
Calescite! Conjugate “ambulō, ambulāre” (I walk, to walk) in the Present Tense.
Calescite! 1. Decline inimīcus, inimīcī (enemy) 2. Decline oppidum, oppidī (town)
Calescite! Decline ancilla, ancillae(slave girl) {What DECLENSION and GENDER is it?}
Calescite! Conjugate “laudō, laudāre” (I praise, to praise) in the Present Tense.
Calescite! 1. Decline amicus, amicī, m. (friend) 2. Decline bellum, bellī, n. (war)
Calescite! • Write each sentence in Latin • Draw ONE line under the Nominative noun • Draw TWO lines under the Accusative noun • Translate into English Grumiōtriclīniumintrat. Metellapāvōnemgustat. pāvōMetellamdēlectat. pāvōCaeciliumnōndēlectat.
Calescite! Decline homō, hominis m., man 3rd Declension
Calescite! Present Tense – Latin & English clamō, clamāre- “I shout, to shout”
Calescite! Decline nomen, nominis n., name 3rd Declension
Homework : PraescriptumDomesticum • For each case, create one sample sentence in English. Underline the noun that fits the case. • Examples • Nominative: Subject • Dan ran to the store. • Genitive: Possessive • She stole Pam’s money.
Quiz Hodie! (Today!) • It will be a blank chart. I’ll give you the nominative singular and genitive singular endings. • You will ACE it if you are: • Able to “decline” a noun • This mean you must: • know the five cases and which order they are in on the chart • know the endings and how to attach them to a noun • remember where the macrons (long marks) are • know where Singular and Plural are on the chart
PraescriptumDomesticum • Conjugate “habeō, habēre” (I have, to have) in the Present Tense. • ***Include English!!! • Decline “filius, filiī” m. (son) • ***Include macrons!!! • Decline “bellum, bellī” n. (war) • ***Include macrons!!!
Test Review • Discuss • Questions?