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SUMMARY Indiana’s Proposed R ules for E ducator P reparation and A ccountability (REPA) Updated Oct. 21, 2009. • Requires Emphasis on Content-Knowledge . Proposed changes would revise the licensing requirements to emphasize teachers’ content knowledge.
SUMMARY Indiana’s Proposed Rules for Educator Preparation and Accountability (REPA) Updated Oct. 21, 2009. • Requires Emphasis on Content-Knowledge. Proposed changes would revise the licensing requirements to emphasize teachers’ content knowledge. o Elementary teachers(Pre-K to 6) must earn a baccalaureate degree consisting of an education major with a content-area minor OR a content-area major with an education minor. Education major must include no more than 30 credit hours in pedagogy. Education minor must include no more than 18 credit hours in pedagogy. o Secondary teachers(grades 5 to 12) must receive a baccalaureatedegree consisting of any applicable content-area major — as well as a minor in education. Comments: In increasing content requirements, pedagogy appears to be lessened, it is hard to argue the development of content knowledge, but not at the expense of pedagogy. Impact on our PD programs – filling in the gaps.
Opens Door to Non-Traditional Administrators. Proposed changes would allow school boards to hire administrators outside of the traditional education system. (Building Level, Superintendent, Director of career/technical Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Exceptional Needs) o A school’s governing body must apply for a waiver with the Department of Education. This waiver must also gain approval from the Advisory Board of the Division of Professional Standards. o If granted, these temporary administrator licenses would only be valid within the employing school district. (valid until termination or expiration of the holder’s contract) Comments: While creating opportunities for administrative leadership in hard to place communities: Schools might wish to consider effective school leadership research and the impact on student achievement. Having teaching and school experience should be valued. Impact on teacher and program evaluation? Impact Professional Development? Understanding child development, learning disabilities, socio-economic backgrounds and the connections to student learning and achievement.
Requires Testing of Every New Teacher Before Entering the Classroom. Proposed changes would require all teaching candidates to pass certain tests to demonstrate competence in content-area knowledge and pedagogy (including the PRAXIS II exams). o PRAXIS I tests would no longer be required for licensure. Instead, teaching applicants would be required to demonstrate basic skills before being admitted to schools of education. Comments: [To eliminate confusion] The IDOE has recently released information that the REPA proposal does not require teachers currently licensed to take a “re-licensing test” for continued teaching or license renewal. New Applicants will be required to pass such tests, but current teachers or license holders will not. Future teachers will be required to pass (Praxis II) exams for all content areas as a condition of initial licensure.
Changes Novice-Teacher Programs. Proposed changes would eliminate portfolio and mentor program for new teachers. Mentor programs would become a local option. Related changes would: o Create a simplified Beginning Teacher Residency Program (BTRP), in which a building-level administrator will be responsible for assessing a new teacher’s effectiveness and developing a plan for professional improvement. o Make NCATE measurement optional for school-of-education accreditation. Comments: Mentor teachers are optional 2 year program Overall places more requirements on the building principal: professional growth plan, assessment, conference requirements, etc. Near the end of November the IDOE will be making more information available on the BTRP.
Allows Current Teachers to use In-service Credits for License Renewal. Proposed changes would make tuition-based course requirements for teachers to renew their licenses optional as approved by the building level administrator. Educators would have the option to use in-service credits and professional development programs approved by a building-level administrator for renewal. This could save teachers as much as $1,400 every five years in tuition costs. o Only activities and courses directly related to student achievement will count toward renewal. Comments: Includes a professional growth plan (PGP) made up of professional growth experiences (PGE). Approved by the building level principal equal to no less than 90 hours. The IDOE is working towards providing a list of PD activities should be available near the end of November. Overall this places more requirements on the building principal: professional growth plan, approval, conference requirements, etc. Teachers will remain responsible for logging and keeping track of PD training – use a license renewal report submitted with renewal application. Impact on schools PD programs. Schools may become the entity to apply for license renewal – Consider the impact on teacher, school sites and the HR Department?
Simplifies Licensing Process for Out-of-State Teachers & Career Changers. Proposed changes would reduce licensing barriers for out-of-state teachers and other highly knowledgeable adults looking to enter the teaching profession. Related changes: o Out-of-State Candidates: Eliminates transcript analysis by higher education institutions. Requires these applicants to have three years of expertise in good standing to receive a proficient practitioner license. Otherwise, they will receive an initial practitioner license. o Changing Professions: A teaching candidate with a baccalaureate degree may obtain an Education minor and pass a content-knowledge test for licensure.
Gives Local Administrators Greater Role in Professional Development Decisions. To target teacher development to the school level, proposed changes would allow a building-level administrator (like a principal) to determine what type of training teachers need most to improve student achievement and renew teachers licenses. Comment: Professional Development – In a climate of shrinking PD funds, loss of PD time built into the school day, questions remain regarding what format(s) and when PD opportunities would be made available for license renewal.
Reduces Teacher Licensing Categories. Proposed changes would reduce the five school settings to three settings for licensure: Pre-K to 6, 5 to 12 and Pre-K to 12. o Eliminate outdated content areas. Example: bilingual/bicultural education (duplication). o Eliminate “reciprocal” license category.
Eases Restrictions on License Suspensions/Revocations. Proposed changes would allow IDOE to accept license surrenders for suspensions/revocations. This allows the Department to receive surrenders from license-holder who are facing criminal charges and allows the Department to provide a quicker response for license revocations.
When and how will educators be subject to these changes? • New rules would go into effect July 31, 2010. • Current teachers will convert their licenses to coincide with these new rules upon renewal. The only exception will be for a LIFE license issued under a prior licensing system. • New rules will be grandfathered so that students in schools of education graduating prior to 2011will not be affected by licensing changes.