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Student Achievement Conference

“Measuring Up”. Student Achievement Conference. Lockeland Design Center. What is the TCAP Test?. TCAP is a state mandated assessment that measures academic achievement in four subject areas: MATH READING/LANG ARTS SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE

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Student Achievement Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Measuring Up” Student Achievement Conference Lockeland Design Center

  2. What is the TCAP Test? TCAP is a state mandated assessment that measures academic achievement in four subject areas: • MATH • READING/LANG ARTS • SOCIAL STUDIES • SCIENCE All students in the state of Tennessee are expected to demonstrate proficiency within these four areas.

  3. How is Performance Measured? • TCAP is a Criterion Referenced Test (CRT) • This means that the test measures your ability to perform according to academic standards as opposed to the performance of other test takers. • The 3-8 Achievement Test assesses student performance on items directly aligned with the State Curriculum Content Standards. STAR- ADVANCED FULL CIRCLE- PROFICIENT PARTIAL CIRCLE- BASIC OPEN CIRCLE- NON PROFICIENT

  4. How does a school make Adequate Yearly Progress in 2011-2012? • 66% of the students must be proficient or advanced in Reading/Language Arts on TCAP (LDC 2010-2011 = 73% ↑) • 60% of the students must be proficient or advanced in Math on TCAP (LDC 2010-2011 = 61% ↑) • *67% of the students were proficient or advanced in Science last year (LDC must show a gain above 67%↑) • 93% attendance rate (LDC 2009-2010 = 96%)

  5. K-8 Targets for AYP

  6. What is DEA (Think Link)? • Discovery Education Assessment (DEA) is an assessment tool that is closely correlated to the TCAP. • It provides students and teachers with an accurate prediction of how well you will perform on the actual TCAP test. • The performance levels are as follows: AdvancedBasic ProficientBelow Basic

  7. What do the colors mean? ADVANCED Outstanding Performance! *Keep up the GREAT Work! PROFICIENT Good Performance ! *Good job! Keep it up! BASIC Hang in there… you are very close. Keep trying! BELOW BASIC Keep working hard . . . improvement is needed!

  8. AIM HIGH!!! You can and will achieve… We believe in YOU!!!

  9. Lockeland will celebrate … hard work on the TCAP!! • Popsicle Celebration! • No SSA Day! • Teacher Choice Day!!!!

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