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Bornholms Ferry Transport System

Bornholms Ferry Transport System. Henrik Eybye Nielsen, Trafic Council of Bornholm LESBOS INSULEUR 8Th of JULY 2012. Bornholm basic facts: 41.300 inhabitants Distance to mainland: 135 km Distance to Sweden: 37 km Distance to Germany : 88 km Size: 588 km2

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Bornholms Ferry Transport System

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  1. Bornholms Ferry Transport System Henrik Eybye Nielsen, Trafic Council of Bornholm LESBOS INSULEUR 8Th of JULY 2012

  2. Bornholm basic facts: 41.300 inhabitants Distance to mainland: 135 km Distance to Sweden: 37 km Distance to Germany : 88 km Size: 588 km2 1 Municipality with Regional tasks Main City Rønne: 15.000 inhabitants

  3. Ferry lines to and from Bornholm • PSO lines: Rønne- Ystad and Rønne- Køge(All year round) • Non PSO: Rønne-Sasnitz/Germany (Spring/Summer and early Autumn) • Non PSO: Nexø- Kolberg/Polen(Summer)

  4. PSO lines • 2nd tender period, start September 1st 2011 on a 6 years contract • Contract between Danish Transport Autorithy « Trafikstyrelsen » and the operator « Færgen » • Based on public tender, only one bid!

  5. Content of the contract: Rønne-Køge primarly fright, 1.500 lane meter pr day pr direction approx 100 trucks. Serviced by one ferry MS ”HAMMERODDE, from Bornholm afternoon and from Køge midnight back, 5,5 hours

  6. Content of contract: • Rønne-Ystad serviced only by 2 speed ferries, resepectively 1.400 passengers and aprox 400 cars and 1055 passengers and aprox 215 cars. , Crossing time: 1 hour 15 minuttes • Frequency: Low seson 3 daily crossings, high peak season 8 daily crossings, will increase during the contract period + pending on demand

  7. Content of contract: • Increase in oil price: 50 % to operator and 50% on passenger tickets • The operator has to pay fine by inregularity and by low score on customer satisfactoty • The operator is determing the sailing schedule in accordance with specific rulles in the contract • The prices is given in the contract as maximum prices for surden catagories, but the operator can use the price mechanism as a demanding factor or to increase the load factor • It is a net contract, operator keeps the income from tickets plus a annual « fee » from the Danish State as of 196 mio DKR/21,7 £ pr year pr 2011

  8. Content of contract: Prices (in Euro) to Sweden, 1 hour 20 minuttesCar with up to 5 passengers: 150 Euro/one wayCar with up to 5 passengers: 75 Euro/one way/discount

  9. Seen with a local eye ! • Trafic Council is a hearing organ, good and sound co-operation, with the Danish State, as « Good Neighbours » ! • It is sometimes difficult to change elments in the contracts due to :Other operators might have bid under lees demanding circumstances. • The ferry prices are to high comparing to transport on land • Positive that main office of operator is placed on Bornholm=Jobs ! • Need more compettion when tendering OR State Company again ?

  10. Thanks for Your attention Henrik.Eybye.Nielsen@brk.dk

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