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Daily- Dish

Daily- Dish. Dialogue New words Sentence pattern Exercise. Level:. Beginner. You will learn:. 这节课我们学习关于菜的知识。 In this lesson, we will talk about "Dish". picture. Dialogue. Wáng Lùlu: Jīntiān wǎnshang nǐ xiǎngchī shénme ? 王璐璐: 今天晚上你想吃什么?.

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Daily- Dish

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Daily- Dish Dialogue New words Sentence pattern Exercise Level: Beginner

  2. You will learn: 这节课我们学习关于菜的知识。 In this lesson, we will talk about "Dish". picture

  3. Dialogue . Wáng Lùlu: Jīntiān wǎnshang nǐ xiǎngchī shénme? 王璐璐: 今天晚上你想吃什么? What would you like to eat tonight? Lucas: Wǒ xiǎng chī niúròu. Lucas:我想吃牛肉。 I’d like to eat some beef.

  4. Dialogue Wáng Lùlu: Hǎo,wǎnshang wǒ zuò niúròu hé xīhóngshì chǎo jīdàn. Zhǔshí chī shénme? 王璐璐: 好,晚上我做牛肉和西红柿炒鸡蛋。主食吃什么? Ok. I will cook beef and tomato omelet . What about staple food?

  5. Dialogue Lucas: Mǐfàn. Lucas:米饭。 Steamed rice. Lucas: Niúròufēichánghǎochī, xīhóngshìchǎojīdànyǒudiǎnr xián le. Lucas:牛肉非常好吃,西红柿炒鸡蛋有点咸了。 Beef is very delicious ,but the tomato omelet is a little salty.

  6. 炒 xiǎng chǎo would like to 牛肉 niúròu beef stir-fry

  7. 鸡蛋 米饭 jīdàn mǐfàn egg 主食 zhǔshí staple food steamed rice

  8. 好吃 咸 hǎochī xián delicious 有点儿 yǒudiǎnr a little salty

  9. Dish Level: Supplementary words Beginner

  10. 猪肉 鸡肉 zhūròu jīròu pork 羊肉 yángròu mutton chicken

  11. 饺子 面包 miànbāo jiǎozi dumpling 面条 miàntiáo noodle bread

  12. 包子 苦 bāozi kǔ steamed stuffed bun 酸 suān sour bitter

  13. là hot, spicy

  14. xiǎng 1、想 Would Like to Usage:S+想(xiǎng) +V+O, means someone wants to do sth. e.g. Jīntiānwǎnshang wǒ xiǎng chī zhūròu hé niúròu. 今天晚上我想吃猪肉和牛肉。 I want to eat pork and beef tonight. Tài wǎn le, wǒxiǎngshuìjiào. 太晚了,我想睡觉。 It’s too late , and I want to go to sleep.

  15. Exercise: Wǒ xiǎng chī zhūròu. 我想吃猪肉。 Substitution kàndiànyǐng 看电影 (to watch movie) shuìjiào 睡觉 hēkāfēi 喝咖啡

  16. yǒu diǎnr 2、有点儿 A Little Usage: “有点儿(yǒu diǎnr)”+adj.,means“a little”. e.g. yǒu diǎnr suān yǒu diǎnr xián yǒu diǎnr kǔ 有点儿酸 有点儿咸 有点儿苦 a little sour a little salty a little bitter

  17. Exercise: Zhège cài yǒudiǎnr xián. 这个菜有点儿咸。 Substitution kǔ 苦 suān 酸 tián 甜 là 辣

  18. 回答问题: Answer the Questions Nǐ xǐhuan niúròu háishi jīròu? 1)你喜欢牛肉还是鸡肉? Nǐ xǐhuan shénme wèidao? 2)你喜欢什么味道(flavour)? Nǐ xiǎng chī shénme? 3)你想吃什么? The end

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