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DECT 原理与测试介绍. 测试开发网 http://www.testdevgroup.com. DECT 介绍. What is DECT? Wireless Cordless Telecommunication Standards DECT Technical Summary How does DECT work? DECT 相关名词缩写解释 DECT 测试项目 使用 CMD60 进行 DECT 测试. What is DECT?.
DECT 原理与测试介绍 测试开发网 http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT介绍 • What is DECT? • Wireless Cordless Telecommunication Standards • DECT Technical Summary • How does DECT work? • DECT相关名词缩写解释 • DECT测试项目 • 使用CMD60进行DECT测试 http://www.testdevgroup.com
What is DECT? DECT –Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications(数字增强无绳电话) 最初DECT为Digital European Cordless Telecommunications (欧洲数字无绳电话)的缩写,后来为了将DECT在更大范围内推广将European 改为 Enhanced. DECT是在CT2和CT3的基础上开发的无绳通信标准 DECT 标准最初发表于1992年 - ETS 300 175 and ETS 300 176 DECT最新标准为DECT6.0 DECT工作于1880MHz到1900MHz 频段使用GFSK调制方式. DECT支持的服务: PSTN,ISDN,Wireless PABX,etc. CT2第二代无绳电话通信标准 CT3第三代无绳电话通信标准 PSTN 公共交换电话 网 ISDN中文名称是综合业务数字网,通俗称为“一线通” PABX数字程控交换机 http://www.testdevgroup.com
Wireless Cordless Telecommunication Standard PACS-UA PACS variant A for the US unlicensed bands, related to PHS PACS-UB PACS variant B for the US unlicensed bands(WACS TDD) http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT Technical Summary http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT Technical Summary http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT Technical Summary http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT Technical Summary http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT Technical Summary http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT Technical Summary http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT Technical Summary http://www.testdevgroup.com
How does DECT work? http://www.testdevgroup.com
How does DECT work? http://www.testdevgroup.com
How does DECT work? http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT相关名词缩写解释 FP – Fixed Part 固定装置. 即为DECT Base Station。 PP – Protable Part 移动装置,手持设备。DECT Phone DECT Test Mode – 在DECT测试系统中FP必须在特殊的测试模式建立呼叫链接,在这种模式FP只接受测试消息,对于其他的信息一概忽略. GAP Mode – 在GAP Mode使用默认的信号处理方式处理消息,对于测试消息则一概忽略。 在默认情况DECT设备开机后即进入GAP Mode. Dummy Bearer – 是FP送给PP的同步信号.Dummy Bearer是在FP锁定PP后10ms发送到PP的,它包含同步和认证信息. Slot – Dummy Bearer 和 Traffic Bearer 的 Slot Number 的取值范围为 0 – 11,并且不可以相同.此外相邻的Slot(例如 5,6 或 11,0)只有在 Dummy Bearer 和 Traffic Bearer 的channel number 相同时容许。对于有些FP只能采用偶数的Slot,而有些则只能使用奇数的Slot。如果需要Traffic Slot可以更改。 RFPI – Radio Fixed Part Identity 是一个数值用来标识FP,只有PP设置的RFPI Number和FP的RFPI一致时才能建立会话连接。 PMID – Protable Part Mac Identity 是一个数值用来标识PP,大多数FP在测试模式时可以接受任何PMID,并且PMID可以在会话建立起来后被FP检测出来。 PARK – Protable Access Rights Key 是一个密码用来设定PP只与特定的几个FP建立会话链接。 IPUI – International Protable User Identity 是PP的一个数字标识,通过此标识FP可以和PP建立会话连接。当会话连接建立后FP会记录此标识。 NTP - Normal Transmit Power 平均传输功率。 http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT测试 DECT测试标准: ETSI CTR/TBR-6 Radio Equipment and System(RES);Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications(DECT);General terminal attachment requirements ETSI CTR 6 / TBR 6 General Terminal Attachment Requirements: Radio Aspects (base standard ETS 300 176 Ed 2) ETSI CTR 10 / TBR 10 General Terminal Attachment Requirements: Telephony Applications (base standard ETS 300 176 Ed 2) ETSI CTR 22 / TBR 22 General Terminal Attachment Requirements: Generic Access Profile (base standard ETS 300 494 and ETS 300 497 Ed 2 DECT测试仪器: Anritsu - MT8801B Radio Communication Analyzer R&S – CMD60/CMD65 Digital Radiocommunication Tester R&S – TS1220 DECT Protocol Tester R&S – PTW15 DECT Signalling Test Unit Agilent – 8923A DECT Test Set [Obsolete] Agilent – 8923B DECT Test Set [Obsolete] http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT测试项目 Accuracy and stability of RF carriers[TBR06-07] DECT 信道划分: Fc = F0 - c x 1.728 MHz F0 = 1 897.344 MHz, c = 0,1, ..., 9. Test Method The carrier frequencies as measured shall be within ± 50 kHz of the appropriate nominal DECT carrier frequency Fc. Frequency offset. It is obtained as the average of the demodulated signal over the B field for a selectable number of received bursts. Accuracy and stability of timing parameters[TBR06-08] http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT测试项目 Transmission burst[TBR06-9] Normal Transmitted Power (NTP)[TBR06-9.1.3] The NTP is the transmitted power averaged from the start of bit p0 of the physical packet to the end of the physical packet. Power-time template[TBR06-9.4] The first bit of the burst (P0) derived from the modulation signal (not displayed) is used as the time reference. Bit P0 is derived with an accuracy of approx. 1/12 bit, ie approx. 0.075 ms. http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT测试项目 RF carrier modulation [TBR06-11] Max ±B-Field Modulation[TBR06-11.3.2] The peak values of the modulation deviation measured over the B field that maximally and minimally deviate from the frequency offset. Frequency drift [TBR06-11.7] http://www.testdevgroup.com
DECT测试项目 Radio receiver reference BER and FER [TBR06- 13.2] Set RF transmission to a power level of 70 dBmV/m (-73 dBm) at the input of the EUT receiver. The EUT should working on Loopback mode. http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 CMD60主要技术指标: TX Frequency Accuracy ± 3 kHz TX Level Accuracy at RF IN/OUT <1.5 dB TX Level Accuracy RF OUT2 ± 5 dB Accuracy of Power Measurement at RF IN/OUT < 2.5 dB in the range +30 to -10 dBm < 3 dB in the range -10 to -50 dBm http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 Connect N socket RF IN/OUT of CMD60 with antenna connector of PP or FP. Alternatively, an antenna can be connected to the N socket for coupling via the air interface. Select your EUT type: PP or FP http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 设置参数: RFPI PMID TRAFFIC SLOT TRAFFIC CARRIER RF LEVEL MODE 如果当前测试频段不是标准的欧洲频段, 需要设置CARRIER # OFFSET确保测 试仪器和产品在相同的载波频率下. 若要测试南美频段则需安装K61扩展选件. http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 所有设置项目设置完成后按“SETUP CONNECT”建立链接. 若仪器和产品设置正常则会进入如下测试界面. 否则仪器会提示无法建立连接. 若无法建立连接需考虑以下几个方面: 1.参数设置是否正确,RF通路是否正常 2.产品是否工作于测试模式 3.产品是否工作于当前设置频段 http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 Power Template Test http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 RF MODULATION Test http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 Timing Jitter Test http://www.testdevgroup.com
使用CMD60进行DECT测试 BER Test http://www.testdevgroup.com