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Best Online Practices Among Faculty: Instructional and Community Building Strategies JoAnn Carter-Wells Cynthia Gautreau Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology California State University, Fullerton WASC ARC 2009. Presentation Outcomes.
Best Online Practices Among Faculty: Instructional and Community Building Strategies JoAnn Carter-Wells Cynthia Gautreau Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology California State University, Fullerton WASC ARC 2009
Presentation Outcomes • Disseminate the results of the self evaluation study investigating the online instructional practices among faculty. This study was conducted by an interdisciplinary team of 8 faculty members investigating the question, “How does online instructional practices among MSIDT faculty relate to the principles of androgogy?” • Critically reflect on the findings presented in the MSIDT case study regarding the research-based characteristics that support online instructional practices. • Inquire into the implications of these findings for distance learning practitioners.
Overview of Presentation • Overview, outcomes, and background of program JoAnn, 10 • Methods, Cynthia,10 • Quantitative Data Results, JoAnn,10 • Qualitative Data Results, Cynthia,7 • Summary of Findings, JoAnn,5 • Personal Response System Q & A,15
MSIDT Program MSIDT Program URL http://msidt.fullerton.edu MSIDT Program Web Site: http://msidt.fullerton.edu
MSIDT Program • Large, urban comprehensive BA & Master’s Degree institution (33,000 students/1,800 faculty) • 30 unit, fully WASC accredited program • Pilot program received top-level university support (AA,UEE, COE). • Cohort (K-16, business, industry, corporate professionals) attends 20 month consecutive program in 5 term segments • Core classes combine theory and practice in the design of technology to support learning. • Initiated by F2F “Boot Up Camp” providing program resources and training • F2F Mid-Point Symposium • Blackboard Course Management System • Unique design elements
Andragogy • Andragogy = the art and science of leading adult learning • Key principles of adult learners • Self directed • Life experiences provide a positive learning resource • Thrive in an independent and interdependent learning environment • Time management is a high priority among adult learners
Disseminating the Results • Quantitative and Qualitative Case Study Method(Merriam, 1988; Yin 1989, 2003; Stake 1995) • Literature Reviewrevealed the characteristics of online instructional practices among adult learners and the case study served as a “receptacle for putting theories to work.” • Web-based Survey ProtocolQuestions reflecting the research-based characteristics of online learning instruction and communities to determine the extent to which the characteristics of effective online communities discussed in the professional literature.
Literature on Adult Learning Online • Palloff & Pratt. (2003). The virtual student: A guide to working with online learners. • Bates &Poole. (2007). Effective teaching with technology in higher education. • Tolmie & Boyle. (2000). Factors influencing success of the online student. • Rogers, J. (2000). Communities of practice: A framework for fostering learning communities.
Guiding Research Questions • How does online instruction among MSIDT faculty relate to the principles of androgogy? • How often are faculty implementing the strategies central to adult learning? • What justifications do faculty provide for variations in their application of online teaching strategies?
Methods • Online Survey • Created using Zoomerang web based software • Survey was based on the Assessing Online Facilitation Checklist • All instructors (N = 8) were given one month to complete the survey. http://www.humboldt.edu/~aof/ • Data was analyzed and based on discrepancies and widely varied responses, an in-depth open ended survey was created • All instructors were given one hour to complete the survey at a monthly meeting.
Assessing Online Facilitation Rubric • http://www.humboldt.edu/~aof/ • Pedagogical: Guiding student learning with a focus on concepts, principles, and skills. • Social:Creating a welcoming online community in which learning is promoted. • Managerial:Handling organizational, procedural, and administrative tasks. • Technical:Assisting participants to become comfortable with the technologies used to deliver the course.
Results Developing Community Interactions Social Forums Build student interactions Model appropriate online use of humor Limit use of emoticons • Communicate with students online • Respond to each student • Open lines of communication
Results Active Learning Engage Students Provide Resources Provide detailed tutorial links Provide instructions on using the technology Assist students to increase their comfortable level with technology. • Provide a challenge for students • Communicate high expectations. • Communicate with students to maintain a positive rapport.
Use of Graphics • The majority (6 out of 7) incorporate graphics to explain important concepts. • Graphics used include tutorials, pictures from textbooks, screen captures (web pages and flash documents), flowcharts and graphs. • Three instructors said they create their own graphics. • Web resources, including Merlot, are also used by a few.
Use of Multimedia • Six instructors reported using multimedia resources regularly. • The instructional purposes • clarification of learning points, provision of examples and tutorials, and clarification of concepts. • Multimedia assignments • These requirements reflect the competencies required of the MSIDT program, including a Flash presentation and Learning Objects in Flash, Power Point presentations that include animations, video clips, graphic organizers, photos, graphics, and a website project using Dreamweaver.
All instructors provide students with learning choices, including the formation of groups, gives students a feeling of control and ownership over their own learning experiences improves motivation, engagement and commitment to the learning outcome allows adult learners to add life experiences and their own perspectives, including workplace experiences and web links, into their class assignments Students report in course evaluations and directly to the instructor that they enjoy having choices in their learning. Instructors reported that students seem to find their courses much more worthwhile, meaningful, and applicable to their professional as well as personal needs. Learning Choices
Two instructors noted that the process of allowing flexibility of student choices in their learning took timein the beginning, but once a system was created, time was reduced, and the result was very worthwhile, both for the students and for the instructor. Even though 4 out of 7 agreed that it causes more work for them as instructors, all felt that it was worth the time based on student outcomes. "When I allowed more diversity, I got products that were in some ways more difficult to grade equitably with products other students had done, but at the same time they were outstanding." Learning Choices (cont.)
Are you familiar with clickers? • Yes • No • Somewhat
What is your current position? • Community college administration • Community college faculty • 4 year university administration • 4 year university faculty • K-12 administration • K-12 faculty • Other
Have you taught or managed courses online? • Yes • No • In process
Are you familiar with adult learning theory? • Yes • No • Somewhat
Are you building in a community of practice into your online programs? Yes No Somewhat This is new information to me.
What else? • Are there any concerns that you are encountering in your online environment?
Emerging Areas • What additional components have you found that reflect best practices in your environment?