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Jewish Ghetto’s

Jewish Ghetto’s. By: Ericka Anthony. A ghetto is a certain area where Jews are relocated to. The area is surrounded by soldiers , hard brick walls ,and tall fences with barbed wire. Hitler moved the Jews to the death or concentration camps because they were not his religion.

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Jewish Ghetto’s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jewish Ghetto’s By: Ericka Anthony

  2. A ghetto is a certain area where Jews are relocated to. • The area is surrounded by soldiers , hard brick walls ,and tall fences with barbed wire.

  3. Hitler moved the Jews to the death or concentration camps because they were not his religion.

  4. Hitler had relocated all the Jews here. They had been taken away from their family. One of the soldiers would hand a Jew if they had not obeyed orders. This is how the Jews had to sleep in the concentration camps.

  5. Work-Cited Page • Slide 2-http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERghetto.htmt • Slide 3-http://fcit.usf.edu/HOLOCAUST/timeline/ghettos.htm • Slide 4-military.rightpundits.com

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