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Morrocco’s Green Plan For a sustainable and equitable progress of a plural agriculture . Royaume du Maroc. Mohamed AIT KADI Président of the General Council of Agricultural Development, MAPM, Morocco. Agriculture Matters. Moroccan Agriculture at a Crossroads. Huge opportunities.
Morrocco’s Green Plan For a sustainable and equitable progress of a plural agriculture Royaume du Maroc Mohamed AIT KADI Président of the General Council of Agricultural Development, MAPM, Morocco
Moroccan Agriculture at a Crossroads Huge opportunities …But major obstacles Very strong growth in domestic demand Vulnerability of Smallholder Sector Land tenure problems Strong growth in overall demand for Mediterranean-type products Overexploitation of water resources Recognized comparative advantages in fruits & vegetables Inadequate policy & regulatory frameworks Bilateral & Regional Trade Agreements Lack of adequate extension services and insufficient support to capability building
13% Generating a Virtuous Cycle
Agriculture a positive driver of socio-economic development & environmental sustainability Pillar I Robust commercial Agriculture Pillar II Smallholder farming as a business Holistic/transactional Approach Cross cutting Reforms + Enabling Environment Land tenure Water Trade Domestic Market Doing business Value Chains Administration
Pillar I: Aggressively develop a high value/high productivity agricultural sector Implementing advanced production & developing value- add facilities through holistic value chain interventions 700 – 900 investment projects across the country Attract private investors while protecting social interests Investment : 110-150 Md DH 10 years
« OFFRE MAROC » for Investors A WIN WIN Partnership in the context of Aggregation Commitments made by the State Framework of Incentives Commitments made by aggregators E1 V1 Innovative framework of incentives (targeted subsidies, special tax regimes) Commitment to generate growth and investments (upstream & downstream) Investments, sales& value added, jobs, know-how • Strategic aggregation program based on contracts with clearly defined conditions for each value chain V2 Preferential land leasing V3 Preferential access to financing E2 Commtment to support aggregated farmers upstream Access to inputs and technology Uptake garanties… V4 • Support of aggregation over the long- term: • Promotion • Dispute resolution/arbitration V5 E3 • Preferential access to trade associated benefits • Exports & logistics • Branding & Quality management • Agrotec – R&D Commitment to fairness Policy of fair and attractive remuneration to farmers
Agriculture a positive driver of socio-economic development & environmental sustainability Pillar I Robust commercial Agriculture Pillar II Smallholder farming as a business Holistic/transactional Approach Cross cutting Reforms + Enabling Environment Land tenure Water Trade Domestic Market Doing business Value Chains Administration
300-400 projects Catalyst for development of Oasis & Mountains Reconversion Projects Intensification Projects Diversification Projects Proactive marketing to Domestic and International Investors Investment : 15-20 Md DH 10 years Strengthening capacities of social institutions for proper project implementation on the ground Pillar II: Smallholder farming as a business Lifting greatest number of farmers out of poverty 12
Les ensembles agro écologiques du Maroc Montagnes rifaines à système agro-sylvo-pastoral fragile(Contexte de fragilité induisant d’importantes formes de dégradation.). Montagnes humides (De larges surfaces reçoivent plus de 400 mm de pluie. La forêt recouvre une bonne partie de la surface. ) Montagnes arides(De larges surfaces reçoivent moins de 400 mm.) Plaines et collines avec plus de 400 mm (Sols souvent favorables et risques limités de dégradation.) Plaines, plateaux et collines semi arides avec moins de 400 mm ( Activité agricole importante - bour intermédiaire ou défavorable – associée à l’élevage et îlots de PMH). Plaines, plateaux et collines semi-arides mais avec implantations fortes de Grande Hydraulique (Agriculture avec moins de 400 mm + grande hydraulique ou à potentiel d’irrigation élevé. Plaines et plateaux steppiques, arides ou subarides, à activité pastorale principale(Associée à des mises en culture aléatoires et quelques surfaces en PMH). Régions présahariennes et sahariennes à large développement des oasis. Régions présahariennes et sahariennes à faible développement des oasis
DÉFINITION DES UNITÉS TERRITORIALES AGRICOLES (UTA) Plaine Bour/Pompage privé DIR Plaine Grande Hydraulique (Dir) Moyenne Montagne Haute Montagne