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According to Ayurvedic principles, the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy like paraesthesiae, pain and tingling sensation are indicating involvement of Vata Dosa. Whereas burning sensation is because of vitiation of Pitta Dosa. Hence drugs pacifying Vata and Pitta Dosas are useful in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy Ayurvedic Treatment and the Disease: An In-depth Guide A Brief Discussion about Peripheral Neuropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy Ayurvedic Treatment Whether you do believe it or not, but Peripheral Neuropathy is quite common. Nevertheless, if you are suffering from such an issue, then the peripheral neuropathy Ayurvedic treatment can be a good option. However, before we progress through it, let’s know more about the disease itself. Hence, it is all about a specific health condition, which occurs due to nerve damage in your hands and legs. The disease is, in fact, more prevalent among long-time patients of diabetes. However, sometimes, it may also be caused by shock-related fractures in the hands or legs.
According to a report, around 65% to 70% of diabetic people will ultimately develop the disease. However, the early Peripheral Neuropathy symptoms, such as pain or trembling, might not occur in a few cases. Peripheral Neuropathy: Risk Factors ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Bacterial or Viral Infection Tumors Diabetes Autoimmune Ailments Inherited Diseases Nerve-related Trauma Alcoholism and Poor Diet Choice What are the Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy? The subject's health condition can bring a whole lot of signs with it. Additionally, if you have developed the diabetic foot problems, then a new set of symptoms will appear alongside the already-existing ones as well. Nevertheless, they are quite treatable with peripheral neuropathy Ayurvedic treatment. ● Mild to Severe Pain Pain, especially in your hands and legs, is one of the most prominent symptoms of peripheral neuropathy with diabetes. Sometimes, the painful sensation might feel too sharp and unbearable.
Conversely, other times, it will seem like cramping or feel like something is grabbing your legs. According to doctors, this pain generally occurs during nighttime and becomes prominent in the season of winter. ● Deformity Due to frequent wobbling, sometimes, your feet may also start looking a little bit deformed. It usually happens due to a shift in weight. Naturally, both of your feet will carry the same amount of mass. However, in case of the condition, one of your legs won’t be able to bear your weight. It, in turn, will affect the other foot’s muscles and make both of them look deformed. You can reduce the severity or prevent this issue by going through specialized Peripheral Neuropathy Ayurvedic treatment. ● Loss of Balance Most patients of Peripheral Neuropathy tend to wobble while walking. Sometimes, they might also lose their balance due to loss of strength in their legs. Using orthopedic shoes can prove to be helpful in this aspect. On the other hand, almost 79% of people who were suffering from type-2 diabetes for over 10 years had developed the titular eye condition. ● Feeling of Numbness The feeling of Numbness usually occurs on your legs more than your hands. Sometimes, you may also not be able to feel your feet while walking. Additionally, your legs or fingers will start tingling or have a burning sensation. The Ayurvedic specialists can cure the issue of numbness.
● Sores Due to the prominence of diabetes, sometimes, painful sores, too, can occur on your feet and other sections of your legs. However, you probably won’t feel them due to your nerves’ loss of sensations. Nevertheless, in all honesty, sores are perfectly treatable through Peripheral Neuropathy Ayurvedic treatment and some medications. How Can We Help You Out in this Aspect? Whether you are suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy or Diabetic Feet problems, we can treat you right away. Through our Ayurvedic medications and proper aftercare, we can make you feel as good as new in no time. However, only our holistic peripheral neuropathy Ayurvedic treatment and medications aren’t going to help you out. Besides, you will also have to follow our instructions and control your diabetic condition as proficient as possible. Furthermore, we would ask you to do meditation to reduce your body stress as well. The journey from having nothing to gaining everything can be a little bit difficult. However, if you do have us by your side, then you will have no issues in recovering from Peripheral Neuropathy! For more details – Fill out the form or Call us/Mail us.