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Cultures Around the World View of Infants

Cultures Around the World View of Infants. Infant means a newborn baby. Today, I will give you hints as to what to write down in your notes. The big hint is to write down everything in red letters. --When does (human) life begin?. The main question for today is.

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Cultures Around the World View of Infants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CulturesAround the World View of Infants Infant means a newborn baby

  2. Today, I will give you hints as to what to write down in your notes. The big hint is to write down everything in red letters

  3. --When does (human) life begin? The main question for today is YES, you need to have the above question written in your notes. ( :

  4. First, write down the question and always begin thinking about possible answers as we go through the lesson and discussion and life.

  5. Second, on a separate page in your notes write down “Questions for Later Discussion.” On this page write down all questions that I say I want you to think about for later discussion.

  6. Third, make a separate page of “My Questions.” On this page write down questions that you come up with that you want to think about and find answers. Try to think of “BIG QUESTIONS”

  7. So, you should have three pages in your notes now One page should look like…

  8. Cultures Around the World View of Infants --When does (human) life begin?

  9. Also, you will need to think about possible answers to this question as we go through today’s presentation and discussion.

  10. Another page should look like…

  11. Questions for Later Discussion

  12. Yet another page should look like…

  13. My Questions

  14. The question “When does human life begin?” and similar questions will come up several times throughout the year. So you will need to be able to quickly review the notes you take today for later presentations and discussions.

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