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ILIAS-NEXT. Raffaele Flaminio CNRS/LMA. Summary Reminder What is ILIAS-NEXT - The GW presence: GWnet - Status and possible plans. GW in FP7: strategy. Participation to FP7 discussed several times at the GWA executive board. Conclusions: 1) Design study (ET) 2) Network (GWnet)
ILIAS-NEXT Raffaele Flaminio CNRS/LMA • Summary • Reminder • What is ILIAS-NEXT • - The GW presence: GWnet • - Status and possible plans
GW in FP7: strategy • Participation to FP7 discussed several times at the GWA executive board. Conclusions: • 1) Design study (ET) • 2) Network (GWnet) • 3) No JRA’s (may disturb the design study proposal) • Letter of Interest for a gravitational wave network (Gwnet) sent to the ILIAS management in February 2006
LOI for GWnet • The European community involved in gravitational wave detection wishes to continue the effort towards integration by pursuing the networking activities started within ILIAS. • In addition to the objectives pursued so far, there is the wish to develop a more coordinated collaboration with the community of theoretical physicists that studies the processes of gravitational wave emission in astrophysical sources. • The GW community wishes that this networking activity could be pursued within a larger integrated infrastructure initiative including other fields of astro-particle physics interested in the same kind of astrophysical sources. • Moreover, the participation of the GW community in an integrated infrastructure initiative that will also include the European underground laboratories working in the field of Astroparticle Physics, will benefit the preparation of a future underground GW observatory.
After the LOI • When the LOI for GWnet was written the integration between the various proposals connected to Astroparticle Physics within FP7 was not established • Today the it appears that two different I3 will be proposed: ILIAS-NEXT and HEAPnet • As GW community we agreed to join the ILIAS-NEXT proposal • The ILIAS-NEXT proposal is being written since the fall of 2006 • The EU call for proposals for I3’s should come out on November the 15th
ILIAS-NEXT • - Focus on Astroparticle physics in Underground laboratories • “ILIAS-next is an Integrating Activity whose ambition is to represent at the highest level the Underground Science and Research in Europe.” • “These searches belong mainly to the domain of Astroparticle Physics, a fast developing branch of science which constitutes presently a hot competition field with US and Japan.” • - The principal objectives of ILIAS-next are: • to develop the service to users, the coordination and the operation of the existing European Underground Laboratories • to organize and structure the related scientific community and its science production • to prepare the excavation of new underground spaces for frontier research • - This project will develop key technologies related to Underground Laboratories: • control and diagnosis of very low levels of natural radioactivity • innovative techniques for the detection of ionizing, non ionizing and exotic radiation • advanced cryogenics and electronics for underground science • sophisticated numerical simulation tools • - In addition, ILIAS-next addresses interdisciplinary topics such as physics of the atmosphere and of the environment, as well as non-physics research like geology and hydrology. • - A rich educational outreach program is envisaged.
ILIAS-NEXT • The main science and research topics addressed are the following: • Neutrino Mass Scale and nature • Dark Matter • Low Energy Neutrinos • Gravitational Waves – “coordination will be provided for the European search for Gravitational Waves, with special care for a project for a future underground interferometer. Several technological developments common to other underground research topics will be pursued.” • Theoretical Astroparticle Physics • Interdisciplinary activities
ILIAS-NEXT • - 6 Networks (NW) • - 2 Trasnational Access (TA) • - 5 Joint Research Activities (JRAs) • driven by technology. In order to avoid duplications and to foster exchange of technologies between nearby communities, five JRAs were singled out with topics transversal to all the (underground) research areas. The purpose of JRAs in ILIAS-next is three-fold: • to increase the value of the underground laboratories fostering integration and complementarity and improving the related technologies • to promote substantial progress and to have impact on astroparticle science thanks to advanced technological developments • to extend typical underground technologies developed in the framework of astroparticle physics to other sectors of science
GWnet: the GW network Effort started in the fall of 2006, accelerated in Feb 2006 after GWA executive board Drafting group: G.Cagnoli, K. Danzmann, R. Flaminio, G. Losurdo, H. Grote, G. Guidi, I.K. Siong, K.Kokkotas, H. Lueck, M. Punturo, C. Bradaschia, E.Muller List of participants CNR (Roma, Trento), CNRS (APC, IAP, ESPCI Paris, LAL Orsay, LAPP Annecy, LMA Lyon, LKB Paris, OCA Nice), INFN (Ferrara, Frascati, Firenze, Genova, Gran Sasso, Napoli, Legnaro, Padova, Perugia, Pisa, RomaI, RomaII, Trento), EGO, SISSA, MPG (AEI Hannover and Potsdam, MPA Garching), University of Jena, University of Tübingen, University of Potsdam, Imperial College, University of Birmingham, Cardiff University, University of Glasgow, University of Southampton, Nikhef, University of Leiden, Universitat des Illes Baleares, University of Alicante, University of Valencia, University of Thessaloniki, University of Athens, University of Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Bialystok, Nikolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center
GWnet: content • Main objectives: • to exchange of information on subjects of common interests such as: • - operation and commissioning of existing detectors • - data analysis • - future detectors • to trigger and support outreach initiatives • to develop collaboration between the experimentalists and the theorists involved in gravitational wave related research on subjects such as: • - science case for future detectors • - properties of gravitational wave sources • to develop the exchange of information with other fields of astronomy (g-rays, high energy cosmic rays and neutrino astronomy), • to support the access of more people from more countries to the existing infrastructures by means of a visitor program
GWnet: content The network activity will be based on six working groups dedicated to the following topics: WP1 – Detectors commissioning, characterization and operation WP2 – Data analysis WP3 – Future detectors WP4 – Gravitational waves sources WP5 – Public outreach WP6 – Strategy and coordination For each work package we have defined: - Objectives - Tasks - Deliverables - Budget
Budget Total = 1275 k€
The status today • The ET design study has been approved • Some of the needs expressed in the GWnet proposal will be covered by the ET funds • The ILIAS-NEXT team has been asked to reduce the total request • - 16.6 M€ → 13.3 M€ • - GWnet: 1.275 M€ → 1 M€ • The ILIAS-NEXT coordinator is asking us • - to increase the link between GW and the rest of the proposal • join the JRA’s • join N2 (Deep Underground Science Laboratories : DLnet) • - to reduce number of WP in GWnet • - to define the beneficiaries (i.e. contractors) • The call for proposal will be opened next November 15th
A possible strategy 1) Drop WP3 “Future detectors” and transform WP1 “Detectors commissioning, characterization and operation” into “Detectors commissioning and upgrades” 2) Reduce the GWnet budget to the requested level
GWnet: new proposed budget Total = 1,025 M€
A possible strategy 1) Drop WP3 “Future detectors” and transform WP1 “Detectors commissioning, characterization and operation” into “Detectors commissioning and upgrades” 2) Reduce the GWnet budget to the requested level 3) Join the N2 network “Deep Underground Science Laboratories : DLnet” (0.8 M€). Link with WP1 “” of the ET design study.
A possible strategy 1) Drop WP3 “Future detectors” and transform WP1 “Detectors commissioning, characterization and operation” into “Detectors commissioning and upgrades” 2) Reduce the GWnet budget to the requested level 3) Join the N2 network “Deep Underground Science Laboratories : DLnet” (0.8 M€). Link with WP1 “” of the ET design study. 4) Join the JRA3 “Support technologies for undergroun operation” (1.4 M€) WP1 – Large cryogenics infrastructures Link with WP2 “” of the ET design study
ILIAS STREGA WP2: first prototype of a cryogenic payload for GW ITF The first full scale prototype will be produced during this year ILIAS Next: Full scale Cryogenic F-P Facility (CryoFPF) • Definition/Measurement of: • Material Properties (Substrates, Coatings, Wires) • Refrigeration techniques • (Test of hybrid refrigeration techniques?) • Low noise thermal links • Clean Assembling Procedures • Sensing/Actuation at low temperature • Control Strategies • Thermal noise measurement at low temperatures Strong overlap with rare decays experiments (e.g.CUORE)
Beneficiaries (contractors) These are the entities that sign the contract with EU, received money (and do the financial reports ….) 1) For meetings organization and travel reimbursement we count on EGO: - money will go there 2) What about fellowships (not so many ...)? - EGO, CNRS, INFN, MPIK will be contractors anyhow: this covers any need may appear in France, Italy and most German groups - What about the other institutions? One possibility is that any fellowship out of the above countries is directly supported by EGO (coPro according to Italian law). That means: a. EGO pays the fellow salary b. The hosting laboratory ensure insurance coverage
Conclusions • Content of GWnet defined • - Several differences/improvements respect to ILIAS GWA • Participation to ILIAS-NEXT as several advantages • - Continue effort of Integration with the Underground Laboratory community. Useful for the ETdesign study. • - Possibility to pay for a few fellowships (more if we join JRA’s) • - Possibility to support R&D activities (but need to join JRA’s) • More investment is needed to prepare the proposal
Detectors commissioning, characterization and operation WP1 – Detectors commissioning, characterization and operation Budget (preliminary): €150K Task coordinators (preliminary TBC): G. Losurdo, H. Grote The activity of WG1 in the ILIAS-GWA project has played a very positive role in establishing a real collaboration among the people involved in the commissioning of the two european interferometric detectors of GW: GEO600 and Virgo. Both detectors will undergo several phases of commissioning in the next years. Virgo: in 2009, the commissioning of the Virgo+ detector will be performed and, until the start of the construction of Advanced Virgo is scheduled, data taking periods will be alternated with commissioning phases. GEO600: in 2009 and beyond there will be subsequent upgrades. This work will comprise the usual noise investigations dealing with the identification of individual noise sources and developing plans how to reduce them. Therefore a continuing exchange of knowledge between the commissioning groups of Virgo and GEO is highly desirable and is expected to be as fruitful as it has been to date.
Data analysis • WP2 – Data analysis • Budget (preliminary): €150K • Task coordinators (preliminary TBC): G. Guidi, S.I. Heng • GW detectors improving their sensitivities • - increasing probability (and accuracy) of observations of target sources • - opening the possibility of observation of unexpected sources of GG • Theoretical studies improving precision of predictions • Crucial to upgrade the current DA methods and develop new strategies • But also: • - Comparison with radio/gamma-ray/X-ray astronomy observations • - Study of the scientific case for a 3rd generation interferometer
Future detectors • WP3 – Future detectors • Budget (preliminary): €150K • Task coordinators (preliminary TBC): H.Lueck, M.Punturo • Coordination of: • - upgrading the current detectors to the advanced state • - developing the technologies for future Gravitational Wave detectors. • The know-how needed for this evolution is disseminated in the European groups involved in this research field and the first aim of this working package is the facilitation of the knowledge sharing. • Need for a new facility hosting a 3rd generation of gravitational-wave detector that could open a new scientific discipline: gravitational wave astronomy. • WP3 will coordinate the experimental efforts that are progressing in Europe towards the realization of technologies needed for a 3rd generation GW detector. It should also support the design activity of this kind of detector.
Gravitational waves sources • WP4 - Gravitational waves sources • Budget (preliminary): €400K • Task coordinators (preliminary TBC): K.Kokkotas • Development of an extended cross-disciplinary project aiming at a deeper understanding of how gravitational waves are emitted by astronomical objects. • Carried out by a broad coalition of researchers from European countries in this subject area, and a set of advanced theoretical tools and techniques for them to use. • - Short term: focus efforts on the sources that are considered most likely to be detectable in the near future. • - Longer term: study sources which will be of importance for LISA.
Public Outreach • WP5 – Public OutreachBudget (preliminary): €125KTask coordinators (preliminary TBC): C. Bradaschia, E. Mueller • Aimed at the general public with a special focus on young people, motivating a newgeneration of Europeans to enter a career in science. • Place emphasis on encouraging girls and young women to undertake studies in science • Give the target groups an opportunity to become involved in a cutting-edge research project in the field of Einstein’s relativity. • Community and capacity building are important goals of public outreach in this field: • - students that have to decide about their PhD should get the chance to learn about thischallenging science in the footsteps of Albert Einstein • - industrial partners should get the chance to share and use expertise and technicaldevelopments achieved in fulfilling our mission in fundamental research.
Coordination WP6 – Coordination Budget (preliminary): €300K Task coordinators (preliminary TBC): K. Danzmann, R. Flaminio The objective of this work package is to ensure that the information about the work and the results obtained within GWnet is spread across the whole gravitational wave research community in Europe and into the other fields of the ILIAS-NEXT project. Moreover this work package will have the objective to develop the exchange of information with other fields of astronomy and astroparticle physics, not directly involved in ILIAS-NEXT, Contacts and common meeting will be established with researchers involved in radio astronomy, g-rays astronomy, high energy cosmic rays detection and neutrino astronomy.
The continuation of ILIAS is considered as something very probable • Depending on the result of our design study proposal this may remain the • only EU activity we have. • It is probably worth to keep it alive • But ILIAS is becoming more and more underground driven and competition is great • We need to have a strong program • Do we have the force to set it up?