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How to get your clubs involved with Youth Exchange. Get early buy in from future district governors Make sure you get to present to EVERYBODY at the district assembly Make sure you’re part of the program for district conference. District Assembly.
Get early buy in from future district governors • Make sure you get to present to EVERYBODY at the district assembly • Make sure you’re part of the program for district conference
District Assembly • The goal: Get all president-elects to fill out the commitment form and sign up for Youth Exchange for NEXT year (the year after their presidency) • The strategy: Make it fun, use students to sell the program, and then clinch with why it’s good for the clubs and ask them to fill out the form • Have students distribute and collect the commitment forms
Commitment form • Yes, my club will participate in the Youth Exchange Program in 2011-2012! • Club: ___________________________________ • After I have finished my year as president, I plan to have our club (check one or more): • _______ Host an inbound long-term student • _______ Sponsor an outbound long or short term student • _______ Host a Youth Exchange weekend • President Elect: ___________________________ • Signature: ___________________________ Circleville April 17, 2010
District Assembly student presentations • Martin Rutrle presentation (inbound) • Hai-Wei Peng presentation (inbound) • Aaron Lefler presentation (outbound) • WL presentation
District Assembly WL presentation • RI President-elect Ray Klinginsmith • Tell about www.rotaryyouthexchange6690.org • Explain long term and short term program • This year: Outbounds: 13 LT and 13 ST Inbounds: 13 LT and 13 ST • Explain how the clubs can participate
District Assembly WL presentation continued… Explain why YE so important: • Brings energy to the club and its members • PR: latest RI gallop survey: Second to Polio Plus, the most well known Rotary program • Building Communities – Bridging Continents • Priority program from RI Ask all president-elects to fill out the form. Have the students collect them
District Conference • The goal: Get Rotarians, spouses, and district leaders to fall in love with youth exchange and the YE students. Make them feel how this would make their clubs more fun • The strategy for the presentation: Make it fun, use to students and their talents to sell the program, and show how YE helps your local club • The bonus: RI convention style flag presentation at the dinner, and students at each table mingling with Rotarians and guests
District Conference presentation: Intro: WL. • Explain programs. • New Generations is now the 5th avenue of service. YE is the simple choice. • Building Communities – Bridging Continents
Instructions for the students • Inbounds: • Who you are: __________________________ • Were you are from___________________________ • Name of hosting club __________________________________ • One important way you have changed through your exchange (Not language, and different for each student). ________________________________________ • Outbounds: • Who you are: __________________________ • Were you are going___________________________ • Name of sponsoring club __________________________________ • One important thing you want to get out of the exchange (Not language, and different for each student). ________________________________________
Dustin Cheng - juggling • ST Outbounds introductions • Nora Tien - rapping • LT Outbounds introductions
Martin Rutrle and Nora Tien – dance competition • LT Inbounds introductions • Hai-Wei Peng – singing • WL: Thank you to clubs, presidents, districts, host families, and YE committee members
Dinner at District Conference • RI Convention style presentation of all flags • Students mingling with Rotarians and guests