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The World Wide Web: Evolution and Opportunity

Explore the evolution of websites and grasp the opportunities in online communication. Learn the common traps to avoid and maximize user experience. Discover the future trends and potential of the web landscape.

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The World Wide Web: Evolution and Opportunity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The World Wide Web: Evolution and Opportunity 1. Web site evolution - a general framework 2. The web@york Bob Gagné York University Executive Director - Information Technology bgagne@yorku.ca

  2. Web Evolution - a general framework Web Site Evolution Beginning - the mass communication model - transfer experience from print, radio, TV ... Information Creator Audience

  3. Web Evolution - a general framework The web is not like other communication mediums Print/TV/Radio - it’s broadcast so everyone has to see the same thing. Web - every user gets their own copy of the web page. Information Creator

  4. Web Evolution - a general framework The web goes both ways … transactions and transactive content Print/TV/Radio - broadcast Web - users can receive information but they can also send it. Information Creator

  5. Web Evolution - a general framework Users can talk to each other - really a web From information provider to community hub Information/ community hub

  6. Web Evolution - a general framework Some common traps in beginning - • Business Model: treating the Web as a marketing brochure and not as a fundamental shift in the way we do business in the network economy. • Project management: multiple developers without coordination. • Information architecture: structuring the site like the company’s own org chart instead of reflecting the user’s view of the service. • Page layout: using heavy graphics (that look good on a large monitor and load quickly on a direct network connection). • Content authoring: writers don’t realize the need to cut their copy in half for online readers. Nor do they modularize the text into multiple hypertext nodes. • Linking: banning external links in an attempt to imprison the user on your own site Jakob Neilsen - Author on Web Site Usability

  7. The WWW Opportunity Focusing on the Audience, Customers, Services - • “Customer Orientation” • driven by utility - Why do they visit? What do they want to do? • ultimately “the audience of one”. • what do we do for “customers”? • how could we do it on the web and make it better? • Constraints of time and place vanish. • Beyond services to experiences.

  8. The WWW Opportunity The Future web@york Lessons from the internet industry - portals and “home bases” Portals - Yahoo, Excite, Go.com, Lycos, Canada.com • pass you through to other destinations • based on searching and web directories • you go there to go somewhere else... Home Bases - My Netcenter, My Yahoo, PlanetAll • where you keep your “stuff” • start and return here between forays • lots of services, deep personalization

  9. www.snap.com

  10. www.amazon.com

  11. my.netcenter.com

  12. Northwestern Portal

  13. Northwestern Home

  14. The WWW Opportunity The Future web@york - • The “web campus” • home base for students, staff, faculty, alumni. • Personalized integrated services and features • on line learning, email, schedules, applications, personal sites. • parking stickers, bill payment, registration • how can we do what we do on the web and make it better? • Need an architecture and attention to usability and accessibility. • Internet=Intranet+Extranet

  15. my.ucla.edu

  16. www.mybytes.com

  17. ecollege.com

  18. Villanova/Campus Pipeline

  19. The WWW Opportunity The Future web@york - • Need for new approach - • too big to do by ourselves. • Leverage tools - publishing, authoring, application development. • A web platform with personalization and utilities built in. • Partnership opportunities abound. • E-commerce potential. • Coordinated approach

  20. www.yorku.ca …first steps

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