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PROJECT MUSE muse.jhu/journals

PROJECT MUSE http://muse.jhu.edu/journals. Home page for Project Muse Journals. Search options. Explore the list of upcoming titles. E-mail alert options. Alphabetical list of journals. Select display format for your journals. List of upcoming journals with pending or cancelled journals.

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PROJECT MUSE muse.jhu/journals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PROJECT MUSEhttp://muse.jhu.edu/journals

  2. Home page for Project Muse Journals Search options Explore the list of upcoming titles E-mail alert options Alphabetical list of journals Select display format for your journals

  3. List of upcoming journals with pending or cancelled journals Click to browse the list by subjects Information about pending or cancelled journals List of upcoming journals

  4. E-mail alert options Create list of journals in your needed display format

  5. Different search options Click to get the list of journals provided to your library After clicking this screen will apear

  6. Simple search option Key words “world economy” in parentheses to get these in same order in the article’s titles Select the option, where you want to search your query After writing query click on search

  7. Results under the simple search Total number of results (records) Click here to save the marked records E-mail and export option Select the article by ticking

  8. Save marked results Number of saved results Export options for saved records Click to e-mail the marked records

  9. E-mail option Write down collector’s e-mail ID and message etc. After feeding all information click on ‘E-mail Results’

  10. Result in html format Click to get the same information in PDF

  11. Out put in PDF Print option Save option Use thumbnails for browse the pages directly

  12. Advance search option Entered keyword (s) Select the options where you want to search your query Boolean logic for advance search By using these options make your search more effective and concise

  13. Out put for previous query Number of results Click here to save the marked records E-mail and export option Select the article by ticking Click on the title to get the full text

  14. Full text in html format

  15. What’s New Option

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