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ZEUS Physics Overview at Argonne National Laboratory: Recent Results and Implications for the LHC

This visit by ZEUS spokesman Dr. R. Yoshida provides a sampling of recent physics results, including charged current cross-section, charm production in DIS, and exotic hadrons. The visit also discusses contact interactions and extra-dimensions limits, as well as the implications of HERA measurements for the LHC. The paper production at ZEUS has increased in recent years, with many highly cited papers.

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ZEUS Physics Overview at Argonne National Laboratory: Recent Results and Implications for the LHC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. R. Yoshida Argonne National Laboratory ZEUS spokesman DOE visit, 11 March 2004 ZEUS Physics Overview • A sampling of recent physics results • Charged current cross-section • Charm production in DIS • Exotic hadrons (glueballs and pentaquarks) • Contact interactions, extra-dimensions limits • HERA implications for the LHC : an example case • HERA-LHC workshop • Current status and conclusion Please see also my HEPAP talk http://doe-hep.hep.net/HEPAPYoshidaNov2002.pdf

  2. Pace of paper production has not slacked off—if anything increased in the recent years. Papers with 100+ citations (spires) ZEUS papers are consistently among the most cited papers. A sampling of recent papers 

  3. Argonne analysis

  4. Argonne analysis

  5. Exotic baryons at ZEUS Pentaquark candidate Glueball candidate Argonne analysis

  6. Contact interactions, extra-dimensions limits

  7. Implications of HERA for the LHC • Parton distributions relevant to all processed at LHC • Diffraction  HERA measurements may make quantitative prediction. Important as background for many processes, and also as signal (diffractive Higgs) • Underlying event, fragmentation  HERA ep environment allows for precise measurement of non-perturbative effects. Important to assess background. • Hard cross-sections precise jet cross-sections, heavy quark cross-sections. Important ingredient in sorting out new physics at the LHC • Many other issues … One example 

  8. Precise jet measurements are being made at ZEUS: • 1% energy scale • NLO QCD under good control An example: impact of ZEUS data on LHC physics DIS jets Precise measurement ofas

  9. Photoproduction of jets Jets can probe the gluon Because measurement and theory are under controlgives meaningful information in QCD analysis of proton PDF

  10. Inclusive DIS measurements: scaling violation gives access to gluon densities Including the jet data (using quantitative uncertainties) in the QCD fit of parton densities : xg Very Preliminary Very Preliminary

  11. Just as at the Tevatron, high Et jets at the LHC is one of the most important windows to new physics. Almost a decade ago, Tevatron high Et jets seemed to indicate some new physics. PDF uncertainties, unquantified Difficult systematics of jet measurement Note: ZEUS jet uncertainties are a few %

  12. Extra-dimension study for ATLAS Medium to high-x gluon distributions, Jet uncertainties -- important in extending physics reach.

  13. Organized by HERA/DESY and LHC/CERN, and sponsored by the labs. • The main workshop for LHC in 2004 • 1-year long. Aim for quantitative studies. • http://www.desy.de/~heralhc

  14. Goals of the workshop • To identify and prioritize those measurements to be made at HERA which have an impact on the physics reach of the LHC. • To encourage and stimulate transfer of knowledge between the HERA and LHC communities and establish an ongoing interaction. • To encourage and stimulate theory and phenomenological efforts related to the above goals. • To examine and improve theoretical and experimental tools related to the above goals. • To increase the quantitative understanding of the implication of HERA measurements on LHC physics.

  15. HERA has began to deliver luminosities approaching the required rate Goal: ~.7-1 fb-1 in 1000 days  Luminosity progress 1 fb-1 in 1000 days goal till summer04 Rate of lumi accumulation

  16. The ZEUS detector is working well. New MVD and STT Working well • Neutral Current DIS

  17. Conclusions • ZEUS is in the process of producing numerous important results from HERA I spanning topics ranging from pentaquarks to extra-dimensions. • The importance of HERA results to LHC is recognized by physicists at LHC and at HERAstrong support from CERN and DESY on the HERA-LHC workshop. • HERA is the only HEP collider in Europe until the LHC turn on. HERA is a source of young physicists with strong experiences in high-rate hadron-collider experimentation and QCD. • HERA and ZEUS are about to enter its most productive stage. Five fold increase in luminosity, new detectors (MVD, STT) and lepton beam polarization. • The next 3.5 years (end of HERA II mid-2007) is the culmination of an enormous efforts by all of the international members of the ZEUS collaboration.

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