'Year goals' diaporamas de présentation

Year goals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Essential Parameters For Hiring Executive Search Firms

Essential Parameters For Hiring Executive Search Firms

Employees play a crucial role in the success and the growth of the business. But, as the growth of the business increases, it becomes hard to manage the consistent challenge of attracting as well as hiring the new employees who can play a crucial role in taking the business to new heights. Also, when the company is in the stage of growth, it becomes very difficult to invest the resources towards human resource department as most of the resources are diverted towards department such as product development, marketing and sales. This is where an executive search firm in India can be of help to you. So, be sure to look out for the below mentioned parameters: ? Personal Specifications The best executive search firms in India go a leap ahead and helps in finding an employee for your organisation who has all the personal specifications which you consider the employee must have to take the organisation a notch higher. ? Details of Attrition Rate You must look at the details of at least last 10 people who left your organisation and determine the reasons for the same. By taking a look at the reasons for the failure of people in your organisation can help in determining the personality types and work style you want for your organisation. ? Frame Ist Year Goals You hire any executive search agency for finding new hires for your firm, they will take some amount of time to get into the veins of your company and bring the best in platter for you. ? Compensation Package Good things come with a price tag; the same is applicable even for good talent. The firm must be realistic with regard to the compensation package to be offered to the candidate in order to get the right person quickly.

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