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FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline

FirstEnergy All-Electric Case PUCO Case No. 10-0176-EL-ATA Presentation to: Citizens for Keeping the All-Electric Promise (CKAP) May 12, 2010. FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline.

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FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FirstEnergy All-Electric CasePUCO Case No. 10-0176-EL-ATAPresentation to: Citizens for Keeping the All-Electric Promise (CKAP)May 12, 2010

  2. FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline • For more than 20 years, FirstEnergy (FE) customers living in all-electric homes were given deeply discounted electricity rates on the generation and distribution portion of their bills. • In 2007, FE discontinued discounted rates for new all-electric customers but continued them for existing all-electric customers

  3. FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline • Jan 2009: Ohio Edison (OE) and Toledo Edison (TE) eliminated discounted rates for distribution charges and replaced with a smaller distribution credit. • May 2009: Discounted distribution charges eliminated for customers of Cleveland Electric Illuminating (CEI) and replaced with credits • June 2009: Discounted generation charges eliminated for customers of FE and replaced with credits

  4. FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline • FE proposed to eliminate generation credit effective May 2011; OCC opposed • January 2010: Thousands of CEI all-electric customers complained of sudden and dramatic increases to their bills • Feb 12: Gov. Strickland issues letter to PUCO asking them to work with FE to mitigate bill impacts • Feb. 17: House Consumer Affairs and Economic Protection Committee took public testimony from consumers and local officials about bill increases

  5. FirstEnergy all-electric case – timeline • Feb 18: Local town hall meetings were held. Hundreds of consumers complained of high bills and stated that they had been promised that discounted rates would be permanent • Feb 25: OCC requested that PUCO temporarily restore discounted rates for each all-electric customer in FirstEnergy territories and investigate customer allegations of promised permanent discounts

  6. FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline • March 3: The PUCO ordered FE to restore all-electric rates to Dec. 2008 levels and began a 90-day investigation aimed at a long-term solution • March 8: OCC asked PUCO to clarify which customers would receive discounts • March 31: OCC asked PUCO to require FE to file new rates temporarily restoring discounts for customers not covered by original order

  7. FirstEnergy all-electric case - timeline • April 9: Gov. Strickland asks that discounted rates include each all-electric customer • April 15: PUCO issues second order extending discounts through 2011 winter heating season • Discounts will be will be provided to all-electric customers who had previously received them, as well as those who purchased homes that previously qualified for them • Staff investigation deadline indefinitely extended

  8. FirstEnergy all-electric case • Next Steps…

  9. Contact Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel 1-877-742-5622 Web: www.pickocc.org

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