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INTERGEO QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCESS : A tool for teacher professional development?

INTERGEO QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCESS : A tool for teacher professional development?. Ana Paula Jahn ( UNIBAN, São Paulo, Brazil) Sophie Soury-Lavergne, Jana Trgalova ( EducTice, INRP, Lyon, France). Context. ICT integration. Insufficient : - lack of resource accurate description

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INTERGEO QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCESS : A tool for teacher professional development?

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  1. INTERGEO QUALITY ASSESSMENT PROCESS:A tool for teacher professional development? Ana Paula Jahn (UNIBAN, São Paulo, Brazil) Sophie Soury-Lavergne, Jana Trgalova (EducTice, INRP, Lyon, France)

  2. Context ICT integration • Insufficient : • - lack of resource accurate description • quality not guaranteed • difficulty of resource appropriation • (Robertson 2006) Short term Analysis of ready-made resources Lack of monitoring after the courses • Gap between institutional discourses and reality (Artigue 2000) • Case of dynamic geometry (Hendriks et al. 2008) • Rare and not relevant usage • Teacher professional development • Traditional teacher training courses • Sharing pedagogical resources (Internet) CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  3. Context Intergeo project • Obstacles to DGS integration in teaching practices DGS interoperability • Software-dependant exploitation of pedagogical resources • Difficulty to find relevant resources (lack of metadata) • Quality of available resources not guaranteed A platform with resources described accurately by international metadata Quality assessment process CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  4. Quality assessment process I2geo platform • Any platform user can contribute by: • depositing a resource • reviewing any available resource • Objectives of the quality process: • continual improvement of the resources (content and metadata description) • search engine takes account of results of quality reviews CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  5. Quality assessment process Quality process (Trgalova et al., 2009) WORKSHOP Thursday July 1st • Reviews using a questionnaire • Math content • Didactical aspect • Pedagogical aspect • DG added value • Ergonomic aspect • … CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  6. Impact on teacher professional development First experiment22 Brazilian teachers (Jahn et al. 2008) • Aims: • Identify what a quality resource is for the teachers • Test relevance and clarity of the questionnaire items • Method: • A priori analysis of a specifically designed resource in order to control its features • Multi-files resource, activity specific to DG, complex tools… • Use of an experimental version of the questionnaire • centred on some indicators (mathematical and instrumental quality, potentiality of dynamic geometry and didactical implementation) • open questions to bring forward teachers’ spontaneous answers and elements of the resource that may be helpful for its appropriation CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  7. Impact on teacher professional development Relevance of criteria and indicators proposed in the questionnaire Results of the first experiment • Quality criteria mentioned spontaneously: • elements allowing to understand pedagogical goals and the overall organization of activities proposed by the resource • description of complex tools and functionalities • possible students’ strategies • indications on the teacher’s role CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  8. Impact on teacher professional development • Questionnaire as a tool for teacher development: • to highlight strengths and weaknesses of a resource • to help more relevant exploitation of a resource Results of the first experiment • Items appreciated as a means to get a deeper insight into the resource – foster resource appropriation: • added value of DG • many different usages • role of the dragging CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  9. Impact on teacher professional development Second experiment6 French teachers (Baudoin 2009) • Aims: • Identify what a quality resource is for the teachers • Test relevance and clarity of the questionnaire items • Method: • Selection of three resources with a same math content, same school level, same DGS • A priori analysis of each resource by pairs of teachers • criteria for the choice of one of the resources to be used with their students • suggestions for possible improvement of the resources CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  10. Impact on teacher professional development Re-formulation of ambiguous items Different perceptions of quality resources => relevance of multi-criteria questionnaire Results of the second experiment • Contradictory opinions of the teacher pairs: • Ambiguous vocabulary and formulations of some items • User’s professional experience modify the way the user perceives the quality of a resource • Didactical knowledge, experience with ICT use in teaching • Criteria impacting the choice of a resource: • Validity of the mathematical content • Coherence between math activities and DG figures • DG added value CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  11. Impact on teacher professional development Third (long-term) experiment7 French teachers involved in the Intergeo project • Researchers and teachers collaborating on quality issues: • Paying attention to accessibility of questionnaire items to teachers • Contributing, reviewing, testing resources • Providing feedback on the platform and its tools • A “logbook”, methodological tool to monitor teachers’ work with the platform • Searching for resources – what terms, keywords? relevance of the search engine? • Exploiting relevant resources – what criteria for the choice of the ones to be reviewed? • Resource review using the questionnaire • Testing the reviewed resource in class • Resource review using the questionnaire after the test and suggesting modifications to improve the resource CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  12. Impact on teacher professional development Preliminary results • Evolution of teachers’ practices: • Using i2geo platform for everyday teaching • Looking first for available resources instead of building a new ones from scratch • I2geo: source of resources and/or inspiration • Resource reviews becoming more expert • Sharing resources and experience with colleagues • Reflecting on their practices CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  13. Conclusion • A questionnaire as a tool for resource designers: • Providing “guidelines” for building quality resources • Pointing out elements of a resource that can be improved • A questionnaire as a tool for development of teachers’ professional skills: • Framing the analysis of a resource for a better appropriation and adaptation to a particular class context • Fostering ICT integration CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

  14. References • Artigue, M. (2000), Instrumentation issues and the integration of computer technologies into secondary mathematics teaching. http://webdoc.gwdg.de/ebook/e/gdm/2000/artigue_2000.pdf • Hendriks, M. (2008), Status quo report on DGS usage. Intergeo project deliverable D5.1, January 2008. http://www.inter2geo.eu/files/i2g_status_quo_report_jan2008.pdf • Jahn, A.P., Trgalova, J., Soury-Lavergne, S. (2008), Analyse de ressources pédagogiques et amélioration de leur qualité : le cas de la géométrie dynamique. 2e SIPEMAT, Recife (Brésil), Juillet 2008. • Robertson, A. (2006), Introduction aux banques d’objets d’apprentissage en français au Canada. Rapport REFAD. http://www.refad.ca/recherche/intro_objets_apprentissage/intro_objets_apprentissage.html • Trgalová, J., Jahn, A. P., Soury-Lavergne, S. (2009), Quality process for dynamic geometry resources: the Intergeo project. CERME 6, January 28 – February 1 2009, Lyon (France). http://www.inrp.fr/publications/edition-electronique/cerme6/wg7-12-trgalovajahnssl.pdf CADGME, Hluboka nad Vltavou (CZ), 29 June - 1 July 2010

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