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At The Rice School Habitat

An ABC book of Plants and Animals. At The Rice School Habitat. By Mrs. Gomez Class. An ABC Book of Plants and Animals At The Rice School Habitat

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At The Rice School Habitat

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  1. An ABC book of Plants and Animals At The Rice School Habitat By Mrs. Gomez Class

  2. An ABC Book of Plants and Animals At The Rice School Habitat This digital ABC Book was created by the 2004-05 third grade students in Mrs. Gomez class at The Rice School. The students observed, identified, and read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts about the living organisms in The Rice School Habitat. After completing their research, they created a verse by finding specific nouns, verbs and adjectives from their research to describe their organism. The slides were created with Microsoft PowerPoint.

  3. Aa is for Anole Lizard, The brown, clawed Anole Lizard, That rushes from leaf to leaf, to get away from it’s enemies, In the Rice School Habitat.

  4. Bb is for the Bullfrog, The bumpy-backed greenish yellow Bullfrog, That jumps into the pond,To catch fish, At the Rice School Habitat. WWW.introduced-species.CO.UK/ Species/amphibian...

  5. Cc is for the cicada, The black bodied striking red eyed cicada, That lays as many as 600 eggs in all, after mating, At The Rice School Habitat. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/2000/2137.html

  6. Dd is for duckweed, The green and solid Duckweed, That floats on the surface of the pond, Making it green, At The Rice School habitat.

  7. Ee is for the Elm www.depts.ttu.edu/.../ Cedar%20Elm%20tree.jpg The green and yellow elm tree, That spreads its roots 40 to 60 feet, To make the forest, At The Rice School Habitat.

  8. Ff is for the fire ant, The redish brownish fire ant, That fights and kills insects, To protect its colony, At the Rice School Habitat.

  9. Hh is for the hack berry tree, The tall and green hack berry tree, That gets taller and greener, Because it has all it needs, At the Rice School Habitat.

  10. is for the isoped roley poley, Ii yahooligans.yahoo.com/.../photo/9810.html The black slurpey isopod roley poley , That slinks onto leaves to sleep, At the Rice School Habitat.

  11. Jj is for the Jackrabbit, The black tipped, big eared Jackrabbit, That dashes from 0 to 45 miles per hour in an instant, To escape it’s prey, At the Rice School Habitat.

  12. Kk is for the green katydid The singing camouflaged katydid, That flies across town, To eat leaves from the plants, At the Rice School Habitat. WWW.interlog.com/ ~rainfrst/53.jpg 047-15-Katydid.jpg500 x 333 pixels - 25ktroyb.com/photo/gallery/ 047-15-Katydid.htm

  13. Ll is for Ladybug That The yellow spotted Ladybug glides nectar, from plant to plant, At the Rice School Habitat.

  14. Mm is for the Monarch butterfly, The fuzzy orange Monarch butterfly, That flies from leaf to leaf To find milkweed, At the Rice School Habitat www.enature .com

  15. Nn is for nymph dragonfly, The steel blue nymph dragonfly, That can fly 60 miles per hour, Eating insects, In the Rice School Habitat.

  16. Oo is for the Oak tree, The tall bushy Oak tree, That moves with the wind, Throwing leaves to the ground, At the Rice School Habitat.

  17. Pp is for pine tree, www.afrc.uamont.edu/ SFR/index-old.htm The needled pine tree, That gives the gray squirrel and woodpecker A home, At the rice school habitat.

  18. is for Mosquito Fish Qq Thebrownish Mosquito Fish, That swims through the pond dodging plants, At the Rice School.

  19. Rr is for the Rosemary The scaly barked Rosemary, That grows in the forest, To be big and strong, In the Rice School Habitat.

  20. Ss is for Sunflower, The yellow round Sunflower, That flourishes across the grass, To face towards the sun, At The Rice School Habitat.

  21. Tt is for turtle, Tt is for turtle, The red-eared slider turtle, That swims in the pond to get cray fish, At the Rice School Habitat.

  22. Uu Is for Urban Gardens Photo taken at The Rice School Habitat The green urban gardens, That attract the wildlife to make their homes, At The Rice School Habitat.

  23. Vv is for trumpet vine, Photo taken at the Rice School habitat The yellow bell-shaped trumpet vine, That climbs poles and trees, To show it’s flowers, In the Rice School Habitat.

  24. Ww is for the walking stick The small skinny walking stick, That crawls up the shrubs, To blend in when eating his berries, At the rice school

  25. is for the TeXas Banded Gecko, Xx The red skinny legged Texas Banded Gecko, That sneaks up on little insects, To eat them, In the Rice School Habitat.

  26. Yy is for the Yaupon berry www.sfws.auburn.edu/.../ intermediatequiz3.htm The greenish bluish Yaupon Berry, That grows baby plants, By dropping seeds, AT The RICE School Habitat.

  27. Zz is for the buzzing honey bee, z The yellow stripped buzzing honey bee, That buzzes from plant to plant, to get nectar, At the Rice School Habitat.

  28. Bibliography anole http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=7&searchText=anole&curPageNum=1&recnum=AR0061 bullfrog http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?sort=3&curGroupID=7&display=1&area=99&searchText=bullfrog&curPageNum=1&recnum=AR0026 cicada http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?sort=1&curGroupID=99&display=1&area=99&searchText=cicada&curPageNum=1&recnum=IS0034 duckweed http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?sort=1&curGroupID=99&display=1&area=99&searchText=duckweed&curPageNum=2&recnum=WF0641 cedar elm http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=10&searchText=cedar+elm+&curPageNum=1&recnum=TS0711 fire ants http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=4&searchText=fire+ants&curPageNum=1&recnum=IS0013 gray squirrel http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?sort=1&curGroupID=99&display=1&area=99&searchText=gray+squirrel&curPageNum=2&recnum=MA0118 hackberry tree http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=10&searchText=hackberry&curPageNum=1&recnum=TS0106 isopod http://insected.arizona.edu/isoinfo.htm jackrabbit http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=5&searchText=jackrabbit&curPageNum=2&recnum=MA0064 katydid http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?sort=1&curGroupID=99&display=1&area=99&searchText=katydid&curPageNum=4&recnum=IS0083

  29. ladybug http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=4&searchText=ladybug&curPageNum=1&recnum=IS0016 monarch butterfly http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=2&searchText=monarch&curPageNum=1&recnum=BU0014 Nymph dragonfly http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesSH.asp?curGroupID=4&shapeID=1016&curPageNum=7&recnum=IS0040 http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/insects/dragonfly/Dragonflyprintout.shtml Oak tree http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=10&searchText=oak+&curPageNum=21&recnum=TS0074 pine http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?sort=1&curGroupID=99&display=1&area=99&searchText=pine&curPageNum=6&recnum=BU0061 mosquito fish http://www.lawestvector.org/MosquitoFish.htm http://www.fishpondinfo.com/mosq.htm rosemary http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=11&searchText=rosemary&curPageNum=2&recnum=WF0647 sunflower http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=11&searchText=sunflower&curPageNum=5&recnum=WF0045 turtle http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?sort=1&curGroupID=99&display=1&area=99&searchText=red+eared+slider&curPageNum=1&recnum=AR0145 trumpet vine http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesLBJShape.asp?curGroupID=19&shapeID=7&range=1013&curPageNum=2&recnum=WF0074 walking stick http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesSH.asp?curGroupID=4&shapeID=1018&curPageNum=8&recnum=IS0315 TeXas banded gecko http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesGS.asp?curGroupID=7&searchText=gecko&curPageNum=1&recnum=AR0586 yaupon berry http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesLBJShape.asp?curGroupID=19&shapeID=5&range=1013&curPageNum=10&recnum=TS0228 buzzing bees http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesSH.asp?curGroupID=4&shapeID=1008&curPageNum=19&recnum=IS0154

  30. The Authors Anole Lizard – Orlando Bullfrog – Alexis Cicada – Shanyce Duckweed – Maya Cedar Elm – Byron Fire Ants – Brianna Gray Squirrel – Mrs. Gomez Hackberry Tree – Oscar Isopod – Julio Jackrabbit – Tamman Katydid – Kayla Ladybug – Eloise Monarch Butterfly – Ashley Nymph Dragonfly – Drayton Oak Tree – Wesley Pine Tree – Bryan MosQuito Fish – Erica Rosemary – Romeius Sunflower – Shaelon Turtle – Lorena Urban Garden – Mrs. Gomez Trumpet Vine – Jonathan Walking Stick – Mariana TeXas Banded Gecko – Ekom Yaupon Berry – Juliana BuZZing Bees - Arturo

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