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Your Website Must Have These Pages - SEO Out of the Box

As per the top website SEO services in UAE, there are some pages that every website must have to draw traffic. Does your website have them all? Read on to find out!

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Your Website Must Have These Pages - SEO Out of the Box

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  1. Your Website Must Have These Pages When you are knee-deep into the digital marketing ecosystem, a website is your bread and butter. Having a well-designed website isn’t just important for more engagement, but it is also crucial for conversions. Undoubtedly every business is unique and every website should be different, however as per the top website SEO services in UAE, there are certain pages that every website must have to draw traffic and keep the audience hooked. Does your website have them all? Read on to find out! 1 Homepage Your website’s homepage is like your front door. It will be one of your most viewed pages so you have to convey the right message to establish your credibility as a legitimate business. Your homepage should clearly state a brief explanation of how you can help your potential customer through your offerings. 2 About Page The About Us section can help your visitors to answer some important questions such as your company’s history, who owns your business, your company’s vision and mission, and more. 3 Product/ services (if you offer any) If you offer any product or service, a product page comes in handy. Don’t cram everything onto one page. Create a layout responsive enough to help your customers make an informed decision. 4 Contact Page For both budding and established businesses, the contact us page serves as the lead driver of their website. Irrespective of whether you include a calendar scheduler, a contact form, a phone number, email id or any appointment booking app, a contact page is the most effective way to help your customers reach you out.

  2. 5 Testimonials Page The testimonials page contains reviews from your previous clients. Believe it or not, opinions coming from seemingly objective third parties can increase your brand credibility and be extremely persuasive. So, having a testimonials page on your site is a mandate. 6 Blog Section The fact that you are reading this blog now proves that blogging is a tried-and-true method to optimize any website for more traffic. Instead of loading up different product pages for each individual keyword, you can create a blog to increase your ranking, build authority and spread brand awareness. 7 Latest News In this section, you can post links to redirect your customers to the articles, advertisements, press releases, advertisements and many other accomplishments of the business. 8 Privacy Policy The privacy policy is a page containing how your website gathers, uses, manages and discloses customers’ data. 9 Sitemap Page Typically sitemaps come in the XML and HTML frameworks, and they act as an index of all the web pages that are included in your site. Your sitemap should be located at the footer throughout all of your webpages, where possible. Many plugins can aid you in building an HTML sitemap. 10 Site Not Found Page Also known as a 404 error page, this is a page that your visitors get directed to when a webpage has moved, expired or is no longer working. As a 404 error page represents a standard HTML framework, you can customize it any way you want. Just ensure to add a link back to your homepage, so your visitors can get back to your site easily. Ask the experts! As a website owner, you wouldn’t just be disseminating information and soliciting responses, you would also be needing conversions for your site. If you want to inculcate all the necessary web pages on your site, optimize your pages like a pro, and get more ROI, then it’s best that you go for the topwebsite SEO services in UAE. The professionals can help you create a responsive and dependable web framework that can keep your customer hooked. So, did you get started yet?

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