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Psychological effects of alcohol

Psychological effects of alcohol. John kiser. Need TO know. Psychological effects on the brain from alcohol are inevitable and irreversible. There are many need to know facts concerning the psychological effects of alcohol.

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Psychological effects of alcohol

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  1. Psychological effects of alcohol John kiser

  2. Need TO know • Psychological effects on the brain from alcohol are inevitable and irreversible. • There are many need to know facts concerning the psychological effects of alcohol. • Depression - Alcohol is a depressant. This means that once it begins circulating in the system, it will decrease the activity within the nervous system of your brain. • Anxiety – From a feeling of discontent to restlessness, there are numerous feelings of anxiety due to alcohol. • Personality Changes • Obsession – Lot of people think there is not a problem because they just drink a few drinks everyday, but stay in control of their actions.

  3. Need to Know Cont. • It is important to point out that the social and the psychological effects of alcohol dependency can be just as, if not more, painful and problematic as the physical effects of alcoholism. • Feeling useless • Sleep problems • Poor concentration • All three are relative to each other

  4. Nice to know • Which brain neurotransmitter receptors are affected by alcohol? The easy answer is "most of them", since ethanol affects most neurotransmitter systems. • Can we find genes that cause alcoholism? The answer is some genes passed down from parents can make offspring more susceptible to alcohol dependency. • A recent government study indicates that more than one in three people who have been alcohol dependent are now in recovery. • The alcohol went straight to my head" has some scientific validity. For reasons based upon absorption and distribution principles, alcohol levels after drinking are initially higher in the brain than in the blood.

  5. Necessary skills • Step 1: Commit to stop drinking • Step 2: Set goals and prepare for change • Step 3: Get support • Step 4: Explore treatment options • Step 5: Get sober safely • Step 6: Find new meaning in life • Step 7: Plan for triggers and cravings • Step 8: Don’t give up

  6. Necessary skills • Realizing that there are alternative fun things to entertain yourself with besides alcohol. • Having the motivation to take on ones fears and life’s troubles. • Don’t be in denial if you have an alcohol problem, instead be proactive. • Avoid high risk drinking situations • Live above the influence of peer pressure • Reasons why you shouldn't drink alcohol

  7. References • http://www.youtube.com • http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Psychological-Effects-Of-Alcohol&id=1179178 • http://www.utexas.edu/research/asrec/alcoholfacts.html

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