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Power in Crime and Punishment

Power in Crime and Punishment. Nina Mallery Morgan Gilbert. Murder of Alyona Ivannova and Lizafeta. unattractive “ eyes sparkling w/ malice ”

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Power in Crime and Punishment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Power in Crime and Punishment Nina Mallery Morgan Gilbert

  2. Murder of Alyona Ivannova and Lizafeta • unattractive “eyes sparkling w/ malice” • “The old woman was as always bareheaded. Her thin, light hair, streaked with grey, thickly smeared with grease, was plaited in a rat's tail and fastened by a broken horn comb which stood out on the nape of her neck” (80)- Indicates evil • Steals some goods but not many- only what he needed

  3. Gives money to Marmeladov’s family • Drunk, tattered clothes • Alternates hatred for justification • He was a man over fifty, bald and grizzled, of medium height, and stoutly built. His face, bloated from continual drinking, was of a yellow, even greenish, tinge, with swollen eyelids out of which keen reddish eyes gleamed like little chinks. But there was something very strange in him; there was a light in his eyes as though of intense feeling—perhaps there were even thought and intelligence, but at the same time there was a gleam of something like madness (10) • Power to do good- wants to believe he is good

  4. Sister’s engagement to Luzhin • “Almost from the first, while he read the letter, Raskolnikov's face was wet with tears; but when he finished it, his face was pale and distorted and a bitter, wrathful and malignant smile was on his lips” (41) • b. I won't have your sacrifice, Dounia, I won't have it, mother! It shall not be, so long as I am alive, it shall not, it shall not! I won't accept it!” (46)- protests that she will be forever indebted to fiancé- he does not want someone else to have power over her

  5. Illness • Unconscious response to stress of murder • Losing control of body • Power given to Razuhmin

  6. . Argues to free accused man- • Although against himself, his attempt do right thing- be good • Shows his loss of “power” over the police • Power to control the police investigation

  7. Confessions in the story throughout • Atempts to gain power • Disbelief leads to a conscious loss of power • Constant consideration of confession • Razuhimin eye contact • “I was ambitious to become another Napoleon that was why I killed her.”

  8. Final confession • Leads to Siberia • Police have power • punishment • Freedom • Visual loss of power • Final power over himself and life

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