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Behavioral Descriptions. Instructors: Fu-Chiung Cheng ( 鄭福炯 ) Associate Professor Computer Science & Engineering Tatung University. Outline. Process Statements Assertion statements Sequential statement. Behavioral Description Basics.
Behavioral Descriptions Instructors: Fu-Chiung Cheng (鄭福炯) Associate Professor Computer Science & Engineering Tatung University
Outline • Process Statements • Assertion statements • Sequential statement
Behavioral Description Basics • Most hardware characteristics can be described by the methods and techniques presented in the previous chapters (I.e. Structural and Dataflow descriptions) • Hardware implementation can be also describe at behavioral level • VHDL • Process statements
Process Statement • A simple signal assignment in the statement part of an architecture is a process • A process is always active and executing concurrently with other processes within the same architecture. • A process is a concurrent statement, enclosing sequential statements • A process contains (see Fig 9.1 on page 332) • Declaration part • Statement part
Process Statement: declarative part • Declarative part contains only variables, file and constants (no signals) • Signal declared in the the declarative part of an architecture can be used inside a process • only means of communication between two processes • Initialization of objects declared in a process is done only once at the beginning of a simulation time • These objects are alive for the entire simulation time • Note that initialization of a subprogram are preformed each time the subprogram is called
Process Statement: statement part • The statement part of a process is • sequential (use only sequential constructs) • always active • Sequential statemetns • Selection and assignment statements • If, loop or case statements • Execution: (see Fig 9.2 on page 333) • executes in zero real and delta time • repeats itself forever • Unless a sequential body is suspended
Process Statement: statement part ARCHITECTURE sequentiality_demo OF partial_process IS BEGIN PROCESS BEGIN ... x <= a; y <= b; ... END PROCESS; END sequentiality_demo; • First: a is scheduled for x • Next: b is scheduled for y • x and y receive values at the • same time • Both assignments occur a • delta later • Zero time between both • scheduling
Process Statement: statement part ARCHITECTURE execution_time_demo OF partial_process IS BEGIN PROCESS BEGIN ... x <= a AFTER 10 NS; y <= b AFTER 6 NS; ... END PROCESS; END execution_time_demo; • First: a is scheduled for x • Next: b is scheduled for y • y receives b sooner than • x receiving a
Process Statement: statement part PROCESS BEGIN ... x <= '1'; IF x = '1' THEN Perform_action_1 ELSE Perform_action_2 END IF; ... END PROCESS; • Note that x is a signal • Assume x is initially '0' • Assignment of '1' to x • takes a delta time • Which Action will be taken? Ans: Action_2
Process Statement: statement part PROCESS variable x:BIT:=0; BEGIN ... x := '1'; IF x = '1' THEN Perform_action_1 ELSE Perform_action_2 END IF; ... END PROCESS; • Note that x is a variable • Assume x is initially '0' • Assignment of '1' to x • Which Action will be taken? Ans: Action_1
Sensitivity List • A process is always active and executes at all time if not suspended • Sensitivity list : a mechanism for suspending and subsequently conditional activating a process
Sensitivity List • Syntax: Process (sensitivity_list) -- declarative part Begin -- statement part end
Sensitivity List(example) ARCHITECTURE … ARCHITECTURE … BEGIN BEGIN … … a <= b; PROCESS (b) … … c <= d; a <= b; … END PROCESS; END …; … c <= d; … END …;
Process Statement: • Process is a concurrent statement • Signal assignment is a concurrent statement • Process sensitivity plays the role of RHS activation • Any signal assignment can be expressed by a process statement
Positive-edge-trigger D Flip-flop • See Fig 9.7 on page 336 • Asynchronous set signal • Set dff to one • Asynchronous reset signal • Clear dff to zero • Clock = 1 and clock’event • Dff = d;
ENTITY d_sr_flipflop IS GENERIC (sq_delay, rq_delay, cq_delay : TIME := 6 NS); PORT (d, set, rst, clk : IN BIT; q, qb : OUT BIT); END d_sr_flipflop; ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF d_sr_flipflop IS SIGNAL state : BIT := '0'; BEGIN dff: PROCESS (rst, set, clk) -- dff is sensitive to (rst, set, clk) BEGIN IF set = '1' THEN state <= '1' AFTER sq_delay; ELSIF rst = '1' THEN state <= '0' AFTER rq_delay; ELSIF clk = '1' AND clk'EVENT THEN state <= d AFTER cq_delay; END IF; END PROCESS dff; q <= state; qb <= NOT state; END behavioral;
ARCHITECTURE average_delay_behavioral OF d_sr_flipflop IS BEGIN dff: PROCESS (rst, set, clk) VARIABLE state : BIT := '0';-- use variable BEGIN -- eliminates the delta delay IF set = '1' THEN state := '1'; ELSIF rst = '1' THEN state := '0'; ELSIF clk = '1' AND clk'EVENT THEN state := d; END IF; q <= state AFTER (sq_delay + rq_delay + cq_delay) /3; qb <= NOT state AFTER (sq_delay + rq_delay + cq_delay) /3; END PROCESS dff; END average_delay_behavioral;
Positive-edge-trigger D Flip-flop using state-delay record • More readable TYPE bit_time IS RECORD state : BIT; delay : TIME; END RECORD; • Assignment to variables are done in zero time without the delta delay
ARCHITECTURE behavioral OF d_sr_flipflop IS BEGIN dff: PROCESS (rst, set, clk) TYPE bit_time IS RECORD state : BIT; delay : TIME; END RECORD; VARIABLE sd : bit_time := ('0', 0 NS); BEGIN IF set = '1' THEN sd := ('1', sq_delay); ELSIF rst = '1' THEN sd := ('0', rq_delay); ELSIF clk = '1' AND clk'EVENT THEN sd := (d, cq_delay); END IF; q <= sd.state AFTER sd.delay; qb <= NOT sd.state AFTER sd.delay; END PROCESS dff; END behavioral;
Postponed process • Non-postponed processes are activated at each delta time if the signals in the sensitivity list is changed. • Postponed processes activate a process statement only one per real-time • Syntax: • Concurrent1 : POSTPONED a<=b and C or d; • See Fig 9.13 on page 342
Behavioral flow control constructs • Flow control constructs: if, loop, exit, next long_runing : LOOP . . . IF x = 25 THEN EXIT; -- exit when x = 25; END IF; . . . END LOOP long_runing; • NEXT loop_label WHEN condition; • EXIT WHEN condition;