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Our 50 States: Minnesota

Our 50 States: Minnesota. Lindsey 03/20/08. Symbols of Minnesoda. The state bird is:Common Loon The state flower is:Pink and white ladys sliper The state tree is:Clear bole. Add a picture here. . Add a picture here. State Flag.

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Our 50 States: Minnesota

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Our 50 States:Minnesota Lindsey 03/20/08

  2. Symbols of Minnesoda • The state bird is:Common Loon • The state flower is:Pink and white ladyssliper • The state tree is:Clear bole Add a picture here. . Add a picture here.

  3. State Flag The north star states flag is charged with the current flag was adopet in 1957,although the state seal was modifiedin 1858 is when Minnesoda became a state. Add a picture here.

  4. State Nickname The offical nickname for Minnesoda is The North Star State.

  5. Statehood This state became a state on May 11, 1858

  6. Places to Visit Bike trails, canoing, fun fairs.

  7. Famous People Walter Abel, Marten Aren and Amy Adams.

  8. Thanks for visiting the great state of…Thank you for visiting the great state of Minnesota

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