1. Preventive Maintenance
2. Agenda
3. Maintenance Strategy
4. A maintenance strategy defines the rules for the sequence of planned maintenance work. It contains general scheduling information, and can therefore be assigned to as many maintenance task lists (PM task lists) and maintenance plans as required. The task lists and Maintenance plans are described in the further sections.
Advantages of Maintenance strategy
Reduce maintenance plan creation time
Update Scheduling information easily
The transaction for creating maintenance strategy is IP11.
Maintenance Strategy
5. Maintenance strategy
6. Maintenance strategy
7. Maintenance strategy
8. Task List
9. Task list describe the sequence of maintenance activities which are performed during the execution of maintenance tasks. Task lists standardize the activities as well as save time and effort while creating maintenance orders and maintenance plans. Task list also includes information on the tools required for carrying out an operation, the components required, and the work centers that will be performing the operations, whether the operations are being performed by internal or external agencies.
General maintenance task lists are task lists which are used for general maintenance tasks irrespective of the equipment or functional location. Creation of general maintenance task lists reduces the time & effort in creating specific equipment or functional location task lists for carrying out general maintenance tasks.
The transaction for creation of general task list is IA05.
Task List
10. Task List
11. Task List Measuring points created can be viewed from Equipment screens also.Measuring points created can be viewed from Equipment screens also.
12. Task List
13. Task List
14. Maintenance Plan
15. Maintenance Plan Maintenance plan is the description of the maintenance and inspection tasks to be performed on maintenance objects. The dates and scope of the tasks are also defined here.
The following types of maintenance plan are available:
Single cycle plans (time or performance-based)
Strategy plans (time or performance-based)
Multiple counter plans
The transaction for creating Strategy maintenance plan is IP42.
16. Maintenance Plan
17. Maintenance Plan
18. Maintenance Plan
19. Maintenance Plan
20. Scheduling
22. Scheduling
23. Scheduling
24. Maintenance Orders
25. While scheduling the maintenance plan system checks the maintenance cycle assigned to maintenance plan. Based on the scheduling parameters, maintenance order is created. Once the maintenance order is generated, the remaining steps are same for any sort of maintenance.
Maintenance Orders
26. Maintenance Orders
27. Maintenance Orders
28. Thank You