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George Orwell wrote Animal Farm on various levels….

George Orwell wrote Animal Farm on various levels…. He wrote it as a... Fairy story Fable Political Satire. Fairy Story. Discussion What are some elements of a fairy story or fairy tale?. Common Elements of Fairy Tales. Begins with Once Upon a Time… Element of Magic

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George Orwell wrote Animal Farm on various levels….

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Presentation Transcript

  1. George Orwell wrote Animal Farmon various levels…. He wrote it as a... • Fairy story • Fable • Political Satire

  2. Fairy Story • Discussion • What are some elements of a fairy story or fairy tale?

  3. Common Elements of Fairy Tales • Begins with Once Upon a Time… • Element of Magic • Maiden in distress • Prince Charming • Sentimental interest • Happy Ending…

  4. Is Animal Farm a “Fairy Story?” • Begins with Once Upon a Time… • Element of Magic • Maiden in distress • Prince Charming • Sentimental interest • Happy Ending…

  5. Why Animal FarmISa Fairy Story • Takes place in a world beyond good and evil • People or animals suffer for reasons not related to their personality (Beautiful, ugly, rich) • Characters are fixed stereotypes (Represent a certain personality trait or flaw

  6. Fable Definition: A short tale that passed on by word of mouth that has animal characters with human qualities that teach readers a moral and/or lesson

  7. Example of a Fable The Kid and the Wolf A KID, returning without protection from the pasture, was pursued by a Wolf. Seeing he could not escape, he turned round, and said: "I know, friend Wolf, that I must be your prey, but before I die I would ask of you one favor you will play me a tune to which I may dance." The Wolf complied, and while he was piping and the Kid was dancing, some hounds hearing the sound ran up and began chasing the Wolf. Turning to the Kid, he said, "It is just what I deserve; for I, who am only a butcher, should not have turned piper to please you."

  8. What do you think the MORAL of this Fable is? Moral In time of dire need, clever thinking is key or… Outwit your enemy to save your skin.

  9. Animal Farm as a Fable • Characters are animals each with his/her own personality and human characteristics. • The animals think, meet, talk, act, fight, disobey, and obey…

  10. Allegory The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form.

  11. An Allegory is… • A form of extended metaphor • A story with two meanings • Literal meaning • Symbolic meaning

  12. The underlying meaning of an allegory has moral, social, religious,orpolitical significance • In an allegory, characters are often personifications of abstract ideas as charity, greed, or envy. • An allegory continues throughout the entire text

  13. Animal Farm as anAllegory • Animal Farm =History of Russia From 1917-1943 • Animalism = Communism • Characters =Russian Historical Figures http://www.history.com/media.do?action=clip&id=tdih_0416

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