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2014. Populism & Progressives part II: Reform . A. As the __problems__ of the Gilded Age worsened , reformers worked to __improve life__ in America B. These reformers worked in three areas 1. __farms___ (especially in __ Kansas __) 2. __ factories ____
2014 Populism & Progressives part II: Reform
A. As the __problems__of the Gilded Age worsened, reformers worked to __improve life__ in America B. These reformers worked in three areas 1. __farms___(especially in __Kansas__) 2. __factories____ 3. __government__ I. Reform during the Gilded Age
A. A __surplus__ of __wheat__ caused prices to drop (more _supply__ than __demand__) B. __Railroads__ charged small family farms higher prices to ship their __crops__ than they did to large __commercial farms__ C. Suppliers of __seed, tools, clothing, etc.__, charged high prices, partly because of __railroad__ rates. D. As a result, farmers incurred large __debts__ II. Problems faced by Kansas Farmers
A. The National __Grange__ 1. In __individual granges__, united to form the “National Grange.” 2. This was a __political__ organization that worked to influence the government. B. These farmers joined with labor unions to form the __Populist Party__ III. Farmers united to deal with these problems
A Populism comes from the Latin word “Populous,” which means “_people_.” Thus, the Populist Party is the __people’s party__ IV Populism
B. Populist goals: 1. Government takes over all __railroads to lower shipping costs__ 2. __8 hour work day__ 3. Base the value of the dollar on __silver__, not __gold__ a. This would increase the amount of __money__ in __circulation__ b. raising the __money supply__, would lower the __value of the dollar__. c. called “__inflation__” d. value of farmers’ debt would be __reduced__, value of crops __would increase__ IV Populism
C. Populist Politics 1. The Populists ran _William Jennings Bryan for __president__ in 1896 and 1900 (He lost to __William McKinley__) 2. The Populist Party did not last long, but exerted a strong influence in the creation of the “__ProgressiveMovement__” which worked within the existing parties Farm Reform Populism Progressives . Leads to Leads to IV Populism
Interstate Commerce Act: Early attempt at Business Regulation – a government act requiring railroads to charge fair rates to all Sherman Antitrust Act: Early attempt at business regulation - Law forcing companies to allow fair competition (eventually declared unconstitutional) Referendum: voters vote on a law instead of the legislature Primary: voters select their party’s candidate D. Populist and Progressive Reforms
Recall: a vote to remove a politician from office 16th Amendment: allows Congress to collect income tax 17th Amendment: Allows the people to elect their senator instead of the state legislature 19th Amendment: Gave Women the right to vote (suffrage) D. Populist and Progressive Reforms
A. A “civil servant” is non-elected government employee_ • B. Since the presidency of __Andrew Jackson__, civil service positions were given by __presidential appointment__. • . (This was called the __Spoils System__ and was considered a bonus for winning the election and was a way to reward _supporters) • C. This gave a great deal of __power__ to the president and led to __corruption__. • D. President __Rutherford B. Hayes__ (Republican) supported giving a “__Civil Service Exam__” to determine lower levels of civil servants. V The Spoils System
E. This effort was supported by the next president: __James A. Garfield__ (Rep.), but not by his Vice President: __Chester A. Arthur__ F. When Garfield was __assassinated__ on July 2, 1881 by an office seeker, Arthur became __president__ and changed his position G. Result: Spoils System thrown out and __Civil Service Exams__ are administered to this day. V The Spoils System
A. Muckrakers: journalists that work to expose problems in cities 1. Jacob Riis: photographer 2. Thomas Nast: cartoonist 3. Upton Sinclair: writer B. These do a great deal to make Americans aware of problems within the country VI. The Progressives
A. 1890’s: The Republican Party has a problem, what to do with __Theodore Roosevelt__ 1. Roosevelt was very __popular__ 2. Roosevelt was an __extremist__ that pushed reform limits further than the __Republicans__ wanted. 3. famous for “__trustbusting__” efforts a. break up “__bad__” trusts that __harm workers_ b. Keep “__good_” trusts that benefit the country 4. Roosevelt was the Governor of New York_– very powerful 5. To remove his power, the party leaders gave Roosevelt the most prestigious but least powerful job in U.S. politics: . __Vice President toWilliam McKinley VII. The Rise of Progressive Presidents
B. __1900__ (McKinley’s __2nd__ election), Roosevelt became Vice President. C. September 5, 1901, McKinley was __assassinated__ by an __anarchist__ named __Leon Czogolz__ D. Czogolz made Roosevelt __President__ E. Roosevelt is generally considered the first “__Progressive President__.” VII. The Rise of Progressive Presidents
A. As a supporter of conservation (preserving __natural resources__) he created the __National Park Service__. B. He also passed the Pure __Food__ and __Drug__ Act 1. Allows the government to ensure the quality of __food__ and __medicine__ 2. gave the government a great deal of __power__ over _businesses__ VIII. Roosevelt’s Reforms
A. Roosevelt was very __popular__ and was elected in __1904__. B. After Roosevelt’s term, he chooses his __Secretary__ of __War__ and best friend, __William H. Taft__ to succeed him as President. C. President Taft continued many Progressive __reforms__, but against the wishes of __Roosevelt__ and some __Republicans__, he raised tariffs to help businesses IX. Taft
A. After an argument, __Roosevelt__ decided to run for president against __Taft__ in __1912__. 1. __Republican Party__ backed Taft 2. Roosevelt formed a __new party__ a. The __Progressive__ party b. a.k.a. the “__Bull Moose__” party 3. Roosevelt __split__ the Republican Party 4. The Democrat candidate, __Woodrow Wilson__ won. X. 1912
A. Federal Reserve Act: Set up __Government Control__ of the __banking__ system, allows the government to issue __currency. B. 17th Amendment: __Senators__ elected by the people instead of __appointed__ by state legislatures C. Keating – Owen Child Labor Act: limits hours a child can work D. 19th amendment: Gave women the right to vote (suffrage) XI. Reforms during Wilson’s Administration (not all were Wilson’s idea)