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Discover the remarkable story of a German officer saving a revered rabbi during the chaos of World War II. Follow the journey of rescue, danger, and faith amidst the horrors of the Holocaust. Explore the deep-rooted beliefs and actions of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and the Chabad movement during this tumultuous period. Uncover the complex interpretations and responses to the Holocaust in various religious perspectives. Join the conversation on the divine role, moral dilemmas, and human accountability in times of profound tragedy. Dive into history and faith with this gripping narrative of resilience and redemption.
Rescued From The Reich How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the LubavitcherRebbe “When Angels Wore Swastikas” By: Bryan Mark Rigg
How I Got Started • During My Study of “Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers”, I came across the story of a German officer rescuing a high ranking rabbi in the orthodox Jewish world. This story seemed impossible, but it sparked my interest.
Baal Shem Tov (Besht) 1698-1760: Founder of the Hasidic Movement
Lubavitcher Background • The Lubavitchers and Their Movement Founder of Chabad: Schneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812)
Invasion of Poland 1939 Stuka Dive Bomber Attacks Targets in Poland Hitler Declares War Against Poland 1 September 1939
Telegram from Robert Pell to American Embassy in Berlin October 1939 requesting help to rescue the RebbeTelegram sanctioned by Secretary of State Hull
The German Connection:Commander of the German Military Secret Service Admiral Wilhelm Canaris
Map of Poland 1939 Riga Berlin
Letter of the Rebbe about Library and Possessions • In December 1939 the Rebbe wrote to head of Chabad in the US pleading with him to rescue his library and personal possessions. • Approximately 120 boxes of books—40,000 plus volumes • About 3 boxes containing sacred documents of the Chabad movement • Jewelry and cutlery
The Rebbe’s call to Penitence and Prayer to Stop the Persecution of the Jews
Reasons for Holocaust According to the Rebbe • Non-observant Jewish leaders • Lack of prayer and Torah study • Kofrim(apostates) • Jews were not keeping Shabbos holy, not wearing teffilin, not marrying Jews, not eating kosher food and not obeying God. • God was angry and punishing the Jews.
Rebbe’s View of Holocaust • In 1941, the Rebbe said Jews who “refuse to return to living Judaism are forced to return to the cemetery!” HakreahVahdusha. • He explained in 1941 that the Nazi persecution was God’s punishment for Jews’ “transgressions” and the “evil” they had done. Likkutei Dibburim (LD). • He said God was punishing the Jews with Hitler’s extermination because many (especially American Jews) had not kept the Sabbath holy and had not observed the 613 laws. LD. • He said in 1941, “Do not be deluded into thinking we Jews can be helped only by mortals and politics. This is foolishness. We Jews will be helped by repentance, Torah and mitzvos.” LD.
Chabad says Rebbe’s View of Shoah is Grounded in the Torah • “…If you will not listen to me [God] and carry out all these commands [mitzvot], and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant….then I will set my face against you so that you will be defeated by your enemies; those who hate you will rule over you…And I will bring the sword upon you to avenge the breaking of the covenant.” Leviticus 26: 14-15, 17, 25.
Who Do You Believe When People Speak For God? • Rev. Jerry Falwell said the US was being punished with terrorism on 9-11 because of “pagans, feminists, abortionist and homosexuals.” His source: New Testament. • Osama bin Laden said that the West was being punished by Allah because of our threat to Islam. His source: Koran. • The SatmarerRebbe, Rabbi Teitelbaum said that God was punishing Jews with the Holocaust because of the Zionists. His source: Torah.
Did the Rebbe Commit Blasphemy? • Chancellor of Yeshiva University, Dr. Norman Lamm, claims that what RebbeSchneersohn committed blasphemy in slandering the Jews, especially reform and secular Jews, for the Holocaust. • Dr. Lamm notes that Moses was punished for slandering the Jews (Numbers 20:10) • Dr. Lamm also quotes the Midrash that God “does not approve of one who slanders Israel.”
Different Views of the Holocaust by the Rebbes • Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson said “To say that the Jews were punished for their sins with the Holocaust is a desecration of God’s name.”
Alternative Views of Disaster and God:God’s Failure? • “If God is omnipotent, he could have prevented the Holocaust. If he was unable to stop it, he is impotent and useless; if he could have stopped it and chose not to, he is a monster.” -- Karen Armstrong, former nun and author of History of God and Battle for God • If God actually ordered the Holocaust how should we interpret His actions?
Problems with Blaming Others for the Holocaust • Rabbi Harold Kushner said “The idea that God gives people what they deserve, that our misdeeds cause our misfortune, is a neat and attractive solution to the problem of evil at several levels, but it has a number of serious limitations. . . it teaches people to blame themselves. It creates guilt even where there is no basis for guilt. It makes people hate God, even as it makes them hate themselves. And most disturbing of all, it does not even fit the facts.”
The Rebbe’s Legacy • Chabad is the largest Hasidic community in the world • Over 3,800 emissary couples in 45 states and 61 foreign countries, and 2,766 institutions worldwide • The Rebbe’s view was to spread Orthodox Judaism throughout the world to all Jews. • The Rebbe indeed made the US a center for Jewish Life. Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson: Leader of Chabad from 1951-1994
Fates of Bloch and Canaris Bloch---Died in Battle 1945 outside Berlin 30 April 1945 Canaris—Nazis executed him 9 April 1945 for his activities against Hitler
Some Lessons of this Story • Complexity of history and morals • Complexity of choices in dangerous times • Complexity of looking at troubling times from comfortable chairs
What Are You Doing to Make Our World a Better Place? • When people die in the world what can we do? • When people die in the world what should we do? • When people die in the world should we care? If so, what kind of action should come with caring? • What have you done lately for your fellow man?
Questions Jews in Poland under Nazi rule