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Stay updated with the latest news from Local Lodge 1781 including Kincare concerns, QC Program rate increase, meeting schedules, grievance committee updates, and more. Get involved, stay informed, and make your voice heard!
LOCAL LODGE 1781 1511 ROLLINS RD, BURLINGAME, CA LOCAL LODGE 1781 BULLETIN 2nd QTR. 2019 FROM THE LOCAL Kincare continues to be a major concern not only for all of us at United but across the airline industry and the members we represent. The District has received a response from United in regard to their letter that was sent to the company. We have over 80 grievances filed in SFO and we will be moving forward to the 2nd step hearings. Please see the back page for more information. The Quality Standards Program (QSP) rate of pay is fifty cents above the Minimum Compensation Ordinance (MCO). On July 1, 2019 the QSP will increase to $18.16 per hour. Please see chart on page 7 • MEETING CALENDAR • SHOP STEWARD MEETING • Wednesday, April 11, 2019 @ 1:30p, • Wednesday, May 8, 2019 @ 1:30p, Wednesday, June 12, 2019 @ 1:30p. • All shop stewards are encouraged to attend. • GENERAL MEETING • Wednesday, April 11, 2019 @ 4:00p, • Wednesday, May 8, 2019 @ 4:00p, Wednesday June 12, 2019 @ 4:00p. • All members are encouraged to attend. • Meetings are held at the Local Lodge 1511 Rollins Rd., Burlingame CA Grievance Committee Our work picture remains extremely busy at Local Lodge 1781. Thanks to all the members and officers who continue to uphold the International Association of Machinist and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) Code of Excellence, which is about pride in your work, welcoming new members, and doing things right the first time. We continue to process grievances and enforce the contracts for all the different departments that we represent. Along with getting a better contract for those departments that could not do it themselves. You have a voice at work and in the community. You have access to great resources through your union for training, education, political action, community services communications and much, much more. We have made great progress here at LL1781 and look forward to even bigger and better things to come for the membership. Thank you Chris Lusk LL1781 VP/Grievance Chair
FROM THE DISTRICT District 141 AGC Troy Rivera grievances report on all 3rd step and Arbitrations in my stations: 2019 Adolph Stutz Memorial Scholarship Each year, our District awards several of these scholarships to qualified and deserving members — or their children, grandchildren or spouses — who are pursuing a college education. The scholarship amounts usually range between $1,000 and $2,000. Go to www.iam141.org and click on news for more details. On issue in SFO stores we will continue to work on ETA issue like transparency. In addition, regarding ETA, we are looking to allow employees the ability to trade days with other employees without requiring supervisor approval. ETA is having problems with notifying employees via text messages. The employees are not receiving the messages until 2 to 3 days later. If this is happening to you, please make a copy of the text and forward it to your union rep. The ALM scab association is still misleading our members, we have over 30 employees who have sign a letter asking the DOL & ALM to return their card because they where mislead by these individuals and are not interested in leaving the IAM. We will continue to educate our members on the truth and also brief our members on upcoming issue system wide. In the next few weeks we will be handing out new IAM shirts to our members system wide showing the support for the IAM and the stores group. Fraternally Yours Troy Rivera Assistant General Chairperson In the first quarter of 2019 more grievances were filed then all of last year. Our contract has specific language covering sick leave. Additionally, the State of California has several laws to protect workers and their rights regarding sick leave. On December 31, 2018, the company application to those laws changed course, against the workers they employ, not only in California but all of United Airline stations that have protected Sick Leave Laws. All affected members were notified by email just hours before the Company made the change. So, members may ask “what is the union doing about it?” We set up a meeting with our Union Attorney to educate the stewards as they move the complaints into the grievance process. The IAM have had several meetings with the company seeking resolution. AGC Terry Stansbury, Troy Rivera and I signed a memo we sent to the company detailing our position and gave copies to the members. The current Kin Care issues are not resolved, so the complaints will be heard at grievance hearings this month. This is not the first time Kin Care has been under attack by the company. For many years, United Airlines fought Kincare in the courts but United finally lost. Then, two years ago the company told all the members in California that they must accrue Kin Care before they can use it. That stand-alone issue was resolved in our memberships favor, but this same issue has now surfaced in some locations outside of SFO. We will advise the members of the outcome as we go through the grievance process. In Solidarity, OluAjetomobi District Lodge-141 (AGC) IAMAW Assistant General Chairperson
SECURITY Hello to all. Security at the base will have 2 new hires starting on April 1 if all goes well. I would like to take the opportunity to extend a warm welcome to those officers and hope they find their new job with United to be exciting and prosperous. In this first quarter of the year I am happy to report that there are no outstanding first step grievances on file. We have one 2nd step that needs to be heard on the departments attendance policy regarding the tardy language. As far as 3rd steps, our AGC Troy Rivera was successful in winning a 3rd step grievance and the member was returned to work. I would like to thank shop stewards Omar Solano, Joel Vega and Ron Beshears for helping our members and making my job easier! In closing, I would like to remind everyone there is strength in numbers. Stay IAM strong and help organize the people around you. Together we can make a difference. Until next time. Fraternally yours, Kurt Rothenbuescher Security Committee Person STORES As a reminder, the movement of parts at the facility is our job. If you see anyone moving parts other than Storekeepers, please see a union rep as it is a violation of our contract. Grievances have been filed and storekeepers have been compensated for this violation. There is a problem in ETA regarding OT notifications. Text messages are being received 2 to 3 days after the awarding and also being received after the scheduled OT. If this has happened to you, contact your Shop Steward. Always check your attendance points in Help Hub. There have been a few mistakes made with the issuing of points and disciplinary letters. If this has happened to you contact your Shop Steward, they have been able to resolve issues regarding attendance points. We currently have 11 openings in Stores. In the last few months, we have had numerous retirements and anniversaries. Congratulations to all Fraternally Yours, Bill Ojakian SFO Stores Committee Person RAMP For the first quarter of 2019, we have had 21 hearings for attendance (IRM). The Company wants to set up another 30 hearings for attendance. If you need help understanding the Company’s Attendance Policy, MCO, Kin Care and FMLA please ask a Shop Steward. Kin Care – We have over 80 grievances for the illegal changes the Company has implemented to Kin Care. After weeks of delay by the Company, we have our first hearing this month concerning auto designation of Kin Care. Also we were in Sacramento lobbying State Senators and Assemblymen on the Kin Care issue. Every State representative we spoke had positive feed back. Lead Premium- There have been multiple grievances filed for Permanent Leads that are on the QSP rate $17.50 and not receiving the $1.75 Lead Premium. All grievances have been denied by the Company. We will start setting up second step hearing. Spring Bid- The Company has effective date of May 26th but no date yet on when the bid will take place. New Hires- The past three months the Company has hired just over 100 ramp employees with additional 170 still to come. The problem is we lose about 15 ramp employees a month through attrition. Andrew Davis Ramp Committeeman Maintenance Instructor Erik Stenberg and myself recently completed visiting all the Maintenance Instructor domiciles through out the system (Den-LL1886, EWR-LL914, ORD-LL1487, SFO-LL 1781 AND LL IAH 811). Erik and I are committed to visiting each station at least twice a year for the purpose of listening to and addressing any concerns of the Maintenance Instructors. The department has adopted a quarterly training scheduling process, which required a new vacation policy. We will be looking to improve the policy going forward. I would like to congratulate Mike Carbone on being elected Committeeman for the Maintenance Instructors in EWR along with our newly hired Instructor in EWR Sandy Rosa. Best wishes to Maintenance Instructors Doug Hermanson (SFO) and John Fraser (IAH) in their retirement. Fraternally yours, Frank Bussey System Committee Chair
IAM Northwest Region Employee Assistance Program Regional Representative: Roberto Mendez 650-874-1888 The Local Lodge 1781 Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are the frontline help that you may need and has the tools and services to help deal with important life issues that may arise at any time. The EAP is here to help you deal with many different issues. Sometimes these issues cannot be openly discussed due to confidentiality. Some of these issues include alcohol / drug dependence, divorce, elder care, homelessness, debt management, domestic violence, these some of the many things that our members deal with on a day-to-day basis. Here at Local Lodge 1781 the EAP has made a great impact in taking care of all the members issues. These issues are not only for you as a member but available to your family as well. One of the growing concerns is with the use of Marijuana and Alcohol, the state has proposed a bill that would impose a stricter legal limit on drivers that have been drinking, the legal limit for driving under the influence would go from .08 to .05, that means for members that celebrate, they would need to be more careful. If you know somebody that may need to talk with the Employee Assistance I can be contacted at (650)-444-6193 In Solidarity, Roberto Mendez (EAP) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES INSTRUCTORS The SFOTK EPI Team is continuing their fantastic work. Despite an increase of class size from 24 to 28 students with the start of the 2019 CQ Program, they maintain their high professional standards. In other news, 2 instructors transferred to DENTK and our famous Chuck Stump will be retiring this April after completing 40+ years with the company. Fraternally yours, Colette Ashby SFO EPI Committee person Representatives came to SFO in late February to meet with members to help them log on to the website, update beneficiary information and estimate monthly pension payments. Pictured Top left: Storekeeper John Dolphini with 52 years of service with Cori; Top right: Storekeeper Tim Soohoo with 44 years of service waits to speak with reps; Bottom: AGC OluAjetomobi with members of the ramp waiting to get their pension info
Brothers and Sisters, The Association leadership met with American Airlines executive management Wednesday, April 3rd in Washington, DC. The idea was to have an unfiltered discussion with company decision makers to, hopefully, break the logjam in negotiations. The lower level company negotiators had reached the end of their authority and steadfastly continued their concessionary demands that the Association give up healthcare options that already exist, accept inferior retirement provisions and allow our work to be outsourced. Your negotiators refuse to accept these concessionary demands. The higher level executives doubled down at the meeting by reinforcing all of the company concessionary demands. They unflinchingly argued that their proposals should be good enough for the Association workforce to accept. They glowed about the future rosy outlook for the company while simultaneously stating that the workforce should shrink and be happy about it. Consider this: over a 5-year period, American Airlines has authorized that $15 billion of company money be spent to buy back company stock. The cost of our contracts, with all of our proposals including work protections, would only be a fraction of that money. The leadership of this company is clearly driven by greed over consideration of the long term survival of its workforce. Sisters and Brothers, we are in the fight of our careers. The executive leadership of this company has made it perfectly clear that they will not play fair. The choice for every Association represented member is to either lay down and accept this or clearly and unambiguously let the company know you refuse. Your Association leadership has already let them know we are in for the fight. The rest is up to you. Fraternally, Your Association Negotiating Committees Hawaiian Airlines Sisters and Brothers: The joint Alaska Airlines Negotiating Committee opened negotiations with Alaska Airlines management March 12-14, 2019, in Seattle, Washington. Progress was made this week in closing our open issues. Most of our discussions, though, centered around Protecting our Work, which has been of the utmost importance to the hardworking, and award winning, COPS and RSSA employees at Alaska Airlines. Although headway was made surrounding Work Protection, anything short of an absolute secure future is unsatisfactory. We will continue to convey that without work protection, the membership does not have a secure future. We look forward to continuing our discussions on the topic Remember, no work = no careers. The next negotiations session is scheduled for April 16-17, 2019, in Seattle, Washington. Remember – United we stand, divided we beg. INFORMATIONAL PICKETING APRIL 17TH & 24TH from 10a – 2p OUTSIDE TERMINAL 2 APRIL 17 & 24 10a – 2p Terminal 2
WOMEN’S COMMITTEE The newly formed Local 1781 Women’s Committee hosted their kick off event on Saturday, March 23rd with a basic self defense class for members and their families. The Political Corner Our Local 1781 MNPL Reps and other leaders of our local Union from Material Distribution and Ramp Services attended the 2019 Labor's Joint Legislative Conference. Our Local works with many other Unions and organizations such as the California Labor Federation AFL-CIO, State Buildings & Construction Trades Council as well as our own San Mateo Labor Council to name a few. As part of the core mission on our legislative agenda this year, we took to the State Capitol in Sacramento to lobby our state Senators and Assembly members. On behalf of our local 1781 members we sat down with congress on the issues surrounding Article 6B of our Fleet Service Agreement and the Kin Care Labor Codes 233 and 234. We worked with and will continue to work with our local officials in Sacramento to introduce, write, amend and pass legislation on behalf of labor for our Brothers and Sisters. We are fortunate to have many members of congress who have a 100% voting record with labor. So, on behalf of your local 1781 Union Leadership and it’s Political branch MNPL efforts, we hope to be victorious in our mission and we thank you and encourage your support. If anyone is interested in being part of the Local Lodge Legislative Committee, please contact your committee person or myself. In Solidarity, Zac Smith MNPL Representative cazacazz@aol.com
CALIFORNIA REAL ID As you may or may not know, the federal compliant REAL ID, California Driver License or ID card is coming soon. Though not mandatory, you will have a much harder time boarding a domestic flight, visiting a secured government facility, or purchasing firearms/ammunition without one after October 1, 2020. If you want/need to get one, here are the simple steps to do so: drop into or make an appointment at your local DMV, bring your birth certificate or valid passport, your social security card, and a current utility bill with you name and address on it, and a nominal fee for the new card and you’re all set. Go to www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/realid for more info. MINIMUM COMPENSATION ORDINANCE The Minimum Compensation Ordinance (MCO) covers most City service contractors and tenants at the San Francisco International Airport. The law generally requires covered employers to provide to their covered employees: 1. No less than the MCO hourly wage in effect;2. 12 paid days off per year (or cash equivalent); and3. 10 days off without pay per year. For more info visit www.sfgov.org/olse/minimum-compensation-ordinance-mco 2019 UPCOMING EVENTS - UNION DAY AT THE BALLPARK - WOMENS COMM. EVENT - RETIREMENT SEMINAR - LOCAL 1781 GOLF TOURNAMENT Dates and times still TBD. If you have any ideas of events or would like to help out or participate with these events please contact President Tony Parker (650-281-8669) or Vice President Chris Lusk (970) 397-2302.
To: All SFO IAM Members - RE: UAL CA Kin Care Administrative Changes On December 1st, 2018, UAL initiated a series of administrative changes to the Kin Care Policy. There were three primary changes. First, UAL initiated a minimum usage provision that requires Kin Care to be taken in minimum increments of two hours. Second, UAL began auto-designating any sick time used, including that which is taken for yourself. Lastly, UAL’s communication to all employees stated that day trades are considered non-qualifying days that cannot be designated as Kin Care based on their assertion that they do not qualify for sick pay. The Union has taken several actions on the matter which you should know about. First, there were over 70 grievances filed regarding these issues. The grievances address the issue of day trades and suggests that, since our members have the contractual right to utilize their sick time on a trade day, they can also designate a sick day used on a trade day as Kin Care at their discretion. Several grievances also were filed for minimum increments and auto-designation. Here, the Union’s position is that the company cannot impose a minimum increment of sick time for designation as Kin Care when there is no such minimum increment requirement in our CBA regarding sick time usage. Additionally, the union does not agree that the auto-designation of any sick time used by our members as Kin Care conforms with California Labor Code Section 233 and thus this practice is also a violation of our CBA as well as a violation of State Law. The Union has also been in contact with our IAM legal Department on this matter and sent UAL a letter. In the letter it states the members rights to our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and how it is applied. Additionally, it goes onto say that United is applying the Kin Care Law differently in different stations even though our Contract is the same. Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve this matter on your behalf. IAM SFO Committee